Yue and Hikaru...

"Everyday?" Yue looked at Hikaru in confusion.

Hikaru shrugged and said: "How about it? No? Nevermind… forget it…"

Hearing that, Yue was startled: "No… that's not what I meant. What I mean is… are you… are you going to come here every day?"

"That's right. If you don't mind, I will come here every day." Hikaru smiled and said.

"You…you are not a resident of this place, right?" Yue asked.

"Um… actually…" Suddenly, Hikaru's eyes turned sad and sharp: "I came here to see a friend."

"Heh?! Your friend?"

"Um…" Hikaru nodded: "However, when I arrived here, I discovered that everyone… had died."

After he finished speaking, he suddenly glanced at Yue: "Yue, you and that young man named Rayze are the only two people still alive in this building."

"Heh?! Were… were they all killed by zombies?" Yue was scared, she held the shawl on her shoulders with both hands to calm herself.