I feel a bit cold

As Laylah left the building she felt a bit at ease after killing Chovic.

"Hm… my thoughts seem to be changing." Laylah muttered as she walked: "Before, I felt that only bad people killed people."

"But now, I feel that killing bad guys is my job."

"My thoughts are changing, could it be… am I escaping from what the enigma in Hikaru's words wrote down?"

"It seems… This is really my personality. If I hadn't met Hikaru, maybe I would still be a police officer acting for justice."

"If that's the case… I wouldn't see Alisse again."

"Sigh, okay. Laylah, you don't need to think too much. You have been thinking for more than 25 years, now, you just need to rely on others."

Laylah thought to herself. At this moment, she suddenly remembered Hikaru's image and the feeling of being protected by him.

"It seems… being protected by others is an extremely warm and safe feeling."