On the battlefield moments before Chàros wakes up.

"Is this all you're really capable of?" Grotha said looking at Adriel Pathetically.


Adriel was breathing heavily while Grotha was nowhere near exhausted.

"Show me what you can do. I know the god that grants you this power isn't some random gods. He's the cosmos of destruction itself. A single punch from you can erase this whole planet like nothing so do it. If you're worried about your home planet then don't worry. My buddy here will restore everything back every moment it gets obliterated." Grotha said.

"You really had to drag me in, huh." Xifos muttered.

"I hope you keep your words." Adriel took a deep breath and his spiritual force could be seen as he breathed. "Hah!" He threw a punch.

"Oops." Almost got me there Grotha said as he dodged the punch and backed off.

The force of the punch travels through space and destroys the moon.


The moon was restored back to normal as if nothing had happened to it. Adriel saw it but focused on Grotha.

"Wow. I have to say I'm impressed but I know you could do better." Grotha flew down and extended his arm trying to hit Adriel."Let me see you tackle this attack."

Adriel jumped up from Terra which left a small crater.




Adriel aimed at his opponents fist and both their punch collided which sent shock waves across the world that literally obliterated Terra from existence.

Ray and Aias came to support but their destructive punch erased Terra from existence  although both his father and Ray survived. They can't live without oxygen so Adriel had to help them.


"Woah!" Grotha didn't expect Adriel to pull back.

Adriel pulled back his punch and grabbed Grotha's hand and threw him away rushing towards his father and Ray.

Adriel picked them up and shared his spiritual power to his father because Ray could also breathe in space but he can't fly.

"If you want me to fight at full power then you must use that restoration art as quickly as possible."Adriel used his spiritual power to talk to them.

"If you're gonna entertain us it's not a problem." Grotha said. "Xifos, you heard him."

"This is why I hate the muscle brain." Xifos muttered and lifted his hands as he flew far away.

Suddenly the whole planet is back. Terra is back to its original condition before the shifters invasion.

"Thank you." Adriel said.

"Adriel, drop us off on top of that mountain. We'll use Jednota from there." Ray suggested.

"I guess I don't have much of a choice, do I."

"..." Ray nodded.

"Be Careful. They're just playing with you." Aias said.

"Thanks dad. That's why I'll be needing both ur help." Adriel said and left for the fight.

"I'll do my best." Ray said.

After Adriel left, Ray and Aias  began to sit down drawing a pattern that seems to symbolise the support of life.

"arkae, antabah, anhini, sharaf, tadhiat wamilkiatin. 'ana 'athiq bikuli ma eindi fik..." Both Ray and Aias started chanting together.

As they finished chanting, a bright yellow light shone from both of them and then rushed towards Adriel.

"Looks like they're ready." Adriel said as he felt the spiritual power surging inside him.

"I take it you're ready." Grotha said making sure Adriel doesn't make excuses.


"You can bring it on." Adriel said confidently as he did a daring pose in front of Grotha.

"I like you." Grotha said. "Well then..."

Grotha went for a kick aimed at Adriel's neck. Adriel blocked it with his left hand and spun to throw a kick with his right leg.

Grotha grabbed Adriel's leg and threw him away.

"Seems like you're not lying about your restoration power." Adriel was impressed.

"Why would we?" Grotha said. " He can even do it faster." Gortha flew super fast and punched Adriel.

Adriel was caught with surprise and lost his momentum and was sent flying away from the solar system. The solar system was erased from existence and brought back before even a human could notice it.

They kept this up at a speed faster than light for more than ten minutes which felt like eternal for those moving at light speed.