"We're really gonna see what an S-ranked mission is like,huh. I'm so excited!" Chris said.

"Yeah! We will be the first adventurer below A-ranked to be given an S-ranked mission." Draken said.

I'm not sure what's to be excited about when your chance of survival rate is 0%.

After the negotiation, I was given my traveller's plate and Chris was given a paper to sign, probably a contract. The whole day was an off where I decided to visit Adriel's parent. By night I came back and told Panora that I'll be busy.

The next day which is today... It was early in the morning where we head out to carry our Mission.

"You know Chris, this isn't something you can handle." I said." It's not too late to go back."

"Chàros, thank you for your concern but Draken and I will do our best to support you. We'll do our best to stay safe, also I believe in you." He said.

Believe in me?

"..." I stop trying to warn them and get inside the horse carriage.

We were travelling for the past three hours in a horse carriage.

Our mission is titled Disaster of Mystic Terror. It was advertised across each and every country but no one has accepted it because it was a call for help from the most powerful hybrid. The human dragon mostly known as Dragon-born like Draken here but Draken does not have the ability to fully transform to perfect human while his whole race can, so technically he's an irregular and is the weakest among them and that's why he's the only one to be seen hanging out with humans.

"How long did you say this is gonna take again?" I asked the coachman. Who was quite old looking.

"You're going to Mystic Terror, right?" He asked me.

"..." I nodded.

"Well about that sire, I'm not sure but the nearest kingdom is gonna take us the whole day." The coachman said.

I went back inside the carriage and sat across both of them. They seems to be chatting happily and I must have interrupted their mood as they suddenly stopped smiling.

"How fast can you go?" I asked.


"What do you mean exactly?" Draken was a bit hesitant to ask.

"How fast can you run?" I asked in a more simpler way.

"You couldn't possibly mean... Nononono." Chris instantly refused the idea as he caught on it.

I can understand him reacting that way but I'm not exactly asking him as he's a mage, not that I expect a decent speed from a person who took forever to cast a spell.

"I can run at about the speed of sound at max. I'm not sure if that's up to your expectations. My race were super fast compared to me though. I once met them." He said.

"I see... I'm not saying you're slow but that's not enough speed and you wouldn't possibly last the whole journey there. They were expecting our arrival by tomorrow and even if we can force ourselves to be there, there's not much of a point if we're too tired to move. Well it is what it is. I'm sure there'll be a way." I said and decided to let them talk as I went to sit near the coachman.

"By the way, Draken. What do you mean you met them once?" Chris asked.


Draken started explaining his life throughout. By the time he finished we're already at our destination.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." Chris said.

Unfortunately according to his statement, Draken was found as a baby dragon by a human who raised him, after fourteen years of his life. Draken was a fully grown dragon and at that time his own kind came to take him. His mother and father didn't want to give him away as they raised him like their own child and Draken loved them as well so he stood with them. But the higher up of the dragon weren't so kind that they forced their hands on Draken. Draken tried his best to fight back because he doesn't want to be with them as he loved the humans too much. He was willingly following them when they threaten to kill his parents if he's not going to comply. So he went along but when his mother went after him with tears, right before his very eyes, the dragonborn killed her.

This makes the husband lose control and rage out even though he knew he have no chance of winning he attacked the dragon born. After seeing both his parents he's trying to protect died. Draken went a special stage of evolution for a moment and wiped everyone who came to take him. He quickly tried to nurse his parents but it was too late. His mother was barely hanging on and what she said has made him lived this far.He love his human parents so much that he followed their words and decided to live the most of his life that they gave him. The word is " You should decide how you want to live not others and I hope you are happy in whatever path you take." That was the last word of his mother.

"Thank you." I said as I paid him four Orion gold coin.

"This is too much." The Oldman said.

"It's okay, just take it. A man has to fulfill his family needs."

Although he was a bit hesitant to take it I gave it to him anyway.

We left the carriage and from what I heard from the Coachman this is the closest kingdom but The kingdom of slave or whatever it is called should be the nearest.

Is no one aware of its existence? But clearly that fat guy is not from there.