Chapter 169: I don't even know.

"I'll tell you the reason why Uriel came down to Earth, and that's to retrieve the seeds back. The seeds are the objects that Amaryllis retrieved from Hell, the vessels of emotions," Mykel said as he looked at them.

Amaryllis put all the seeds on the table so everyone could see them again. They looked at them and those didn't look anything like seeds, they were more of a vessel than a seed.

"Those seeds have a main function and that's to create a soul or spirit," Mykel paused as he looked at the objects and grabbed one of them. "This thing allows you to create a life, or you can say that this thing is the egg," Mykel looked at Odin, Hera, and Loki.

The three of them were shocked and then looked at the seeds in disbelief. They were speechless and questioned how the Primordials, their ancestors, and their existence came from those things in front of them.