Chapter 245: Old lovers.

Lucifer and all the demon army arrived at the garden, and he was surprised that nobody came to fight them. He thought The Lord would bring the Angels back to life after what happened on Earth, but he didn't expect it to be that easy.

"No matter how I look at it, this is just too suspicious," Lilith said and looked at the giant tree where the Archangels used to gather. "What do you think? Should we wait and see or just go straight to meet him?" Lilith looked at Lucifer with his calm expression, staring at the sky.

"He has no reason to bring them back to life anymore. Someone is by his side right now," Lucifer answered.

"Who?" Satan asked.

"Mara. That woman is right by his side right now, and she's more powerful than the last time we saw her," Lucifer answered as he pulled out a sword from thin air. "It would be trouble some for me to fight both of them at the same time, so you all deal with her," Lucifer said.