Mykel and the others looked at the universe with no master in it, and it was so peaceful and calming. Although they wanted to enjoy it a bit more, they had something important to do and that was to fight Aevia from their timeline. But, when they were about to go, Mykel stopped them because he realized it wasn't their decision to kill her or not.
At first, everyone was confused as to why Mykel stopped them until he explained the consequences of killing Aevia. The reason was simple and it was because if they killed Aevia, the Mykel from Lyneth's timeline wouldn't exist. He told them that Aevia needed to stay alive until their other selves could exist and become the ones that would fight Aevia.
"So our job here is done then?" Aurea asked with her eyebrows raised.
"Yes, and I believe it's time for us to join them," Mykel nodded in agreement. "We just need to wait for Lyneth to send us there since she's the only one who can do it," he added.