The Game

[Welcome to the Body Swap Game]

[Here are some notes:]

[This product can only be used for body swaps with beings of the same kind]

[The other party may kick you out of their body if their emotions become out of control]

[You can prohibit the other party from entering your body and entrust the body to the system]

[Due to anti-addiction policies, you can only play for eight hours a day]

[Due to unavoidable bugs, you may swap bodies with creatures of different kinds, including but not limited to cats, fish, cockroaches, etc. Please don't panic and wait for the eight hours to pass]

[After a successful swap, you will receive bonuses given by the system]

[The Developers may release some test tasks, which you can choose to accept]

[Enjoy your game]

Looking at the text in front of him Xia Yu propped his hand on the counter, the rough touch of the counter told him that this was real and not a dream.

After crossing over for 18 years, have I finally activated the system?

Perhaps the system may be late, but it will never be absent?

Compared to those who awakened the system after a hundred years, he should be considered fortunate.

"What is your function?" he asked quietly.

There was no text appearing.

"Open Sesame?"

Still no response.

"Abra Kadabra?"

Everything was normal.

"Start the game?"

As soon as these words fell, new texts appeared in front of Xia Yu.

[Please select the object to be swapped]

[Random selection/Free selection]

Random should be a system-arranged one, and free should be one chosen by oneself.

Xia Yu clicked on the free selection.

[Please look directly at the target's body and confirm]

Xia Yu's gaze swept around in the shop and randomly selected a man.

[The product does not support this body temporarily]

He decided to just use Random selection.

[Single Player Mode/Double Player Mode]

Single player or double player?

As mentioned earlier, single player is entering the other person's body on one's own, while one's own body is entrusted to the system. Double player is when the other person also enters your body, right?

It's better not to try it now in broad daylight. If something goes wrong, the police won't be easy to deal with.

Since he was still working he supressed his excitement and curiosity, Xia Yu took the mineral water from the person's hand and scanned the barcode.

"Ten yuan, thank you."

Taking the ten yuan banknote handed over by the customer, Xia Yu put it in the cash register.

Right now, he was working part-time at a convenience store.

In his previous life, at the age of eighteen, he was drowning in the sea of questions in his senior year of high school. He didn't have to do any part-time jobs or even household chores.

But in this life, he is no longer the only child of a well-off family, but the eldest son of a single-parent poor family.

If it weren't for receiving this strange body exchange game today, his transmigration would have been a loosing deal.

However, this is still a modern society. Relying on the unreliable part-time work of his father, there is no problem with survival. Xia Yu only took up a part-time job to buy some items other than those needed for survival.

In this world, it is perfectly normal for students to work part-time.

Taking the popsicle from the customer's hand again, Xia Yu skillfully scanned the code: "One yuan, thank you."

At 5:30 in the evening, when his shift was over, Xia Yu went to the changing room, took off his uniform, and headed home.

His home is located in an old community, an 80-square-meter apartment.

Walking through the narrow corridor, Xia Yu took out his key and opened the door.

Sitting on the sofa, Father Xia Dongyang looked up at him and continued to look at his phone.

Without greeting him, Xia Yu glanced at his sister in the kitchen and headed for the bedroom.

"I've eaten outside, I'm a bit tired today, so I'm going to sleep first." After saying that, Xia Yu closed the door and locked it.

Lying in bed, he took a breath, and now it was time to explore this body swap game.

He turned on the phone's camera, aimed it at himself, placed it by the bed, and muttered, "Start game."

[Please choose the swap target]

[Random selection/Free selection]

"Random selection." Xia Yu didn't have any particular opposite-sex he wanted to swap bodies with, and a free selection required looking directly at the other's body, which was troublesome.

[Single-player mode/Double-player mode]

"Single-player mode." Xia Yu could not imagine what a woman would do in his body.


[Matching completed]

[Before the game, please confirm the following terms:]

[The game duration is 8 hours, and you cannot quit in the middle]

[This product is dedicated to entertainment and mutual assistance, please follow the relevant rules during the game, and do not act recklessly]

[If you cause strong resentment from the other party, you will be kicked out of their body and no longer allowed to enter]

[If you trigger a prohibited event, even if the other party does not resent it, you will be kicked out by the system]

[The prohibited events include...]


After browsing the info, Xia Yu said, "Confirm."

Immediately, his vision went black.

When he opened his eyes again, Xia Yu saw a scene that looked like the top of a tent.

Sitting up, he confirmed that this was not a tent, but a large bed surrounded by light gauze.

This bed already occupied more than half of Xia Yu's room area.

Pulling aside the white gauze curtain, Xia Yu saw the location he was in. This was a European-style room with a balcony, taking up more than half the area of his home.

It seemed like he had exchanged places with someone extraordinary.

Getting up and out of bed, he came before a mirror and looked at the reflection inside.

That was a girl with black hair draped over her shoulders, wearing a pink nightgown.

The girl was probably around the same age as him, beautiful in appearance, slender in body, and a delicate beauty style.

Reaching out, Xia Yu touched his cheeks, confirming that this body was now under his control.

This was unbelievable.

[Body exchange has been completed.]

[Generating bonus based on the other party's body...]

[Bonus generation complete.]

[Obtained bonus:]

[Music Enhancement lv1]

[]Painting Enhancement lv1]

[Flower Arrangement Enhancement lv1]

[Wishing you a fun game.]

Bonus? Xia Yu was in deep thought as the characters slowly disappeared in front of him.

Originally, he was thinking about what benefits he could gain from the body exchange, whether it was getting high-interest loans by controlling the body's owner or selling their kidney.

Now it seemed that the bonuses were the real purpose?

To let an innocent ordinary person do either of the above felt somewhat unbearable to Xia Yu.

"What's the use of bonuses?" Xia Yu tried to communicate with the game system, but the system still ignored him.

He could only explore it himself, starting with trying these bonuses.

Walking towards the nearest desk, Xia Yu pulled out a wooden chair and sat down.

The wooden chair was heavy, not made of fake wood with waste paper sandwiched in between, but genuine solid wood.

Sitting on the chair, he glanced at the layout of the table.

The tabletop was very neat, with only a photo in the corner and a desk lamp.

Xia Yu picked up the photo.

In the photo, there was a little girl from kindergarten with two adults. The girl should be the younger version of the body he was in, and the two adults should be her parents.

The background of the photo was in a maple forest, with the ground densely covered with fiery red maple leaves. The girl was pouting her lips, pinching a maple leaf while standing beside a maple tree. Her mother was squatting down, with her arm around her shoulder, seemingly comforting her. Her father, expressionless, stood behind the two of them.

This was a photo with a story.

Placing down the photo, he opened the drawer and found the paper and pen he needed.

The paper was very smooth, and the pen was very delicate. As Xia Yu marveled at them, a timid female voice rang out in his mind.

"Um, who are you?"