The Cat

In the morning, Xia Yu returned to his body, sat up, and muttered softly, "Skill panel."

The next moment, a small panel appeared in front of him.

On the panel, there were two skills:

Painting lv1, Music lv1

Lv1 is probably the entry level, and to apply for a job, at least lv3 or lv4 is required.

According to An Siyao's estimation, it would only take up to one month.

Coming to the desk, Xia Yu looked at his homework, and the system that had taken over his body completed it superbly.

With this, it might be possible to become a dark horse during the college entrance examination.

However, body swapping was the key, and body hosting was just a minor trick. Even if he became the national top scholar, it would be useless without the corresponding strength.

Xia Yu didn't like a life like a castle in the air; being down-to-earth could give people peace of mind.

Returning to the bed, he opened his mobile phone and began to search for the rich people in the first district.

An Siyao's family was not ordinarily wealthy, and her father's name might be in the ranking list.

As for how to distinguish which one was her father, just look at the surname. An was not a common surname like Ma or Liu.

Sweeping through the rich list, Xia Yu locked onto a target.

He was the richest man in the first district, a real estate tycoon named An Tianfeng.

Rubbing his chin, Xia Yu searched online for An Tianfeng's information.

Most of the information was about An Tianfeng's business activities. Fortunately, there were encyclopedia-like websites in this world, and Xia Yu found information about the man's family there.

In the data, there was only one wife and one son.

Did he find the wrong person?

But on the rich list, there were no other An surnames.

Well, searching for this was just to satisfy his curiosity, and it didn't serve any practical purpose.

Exiting the webpage, Xia Yu casually opened a mahjong game.

It wasn't that he didn't want to play other games, but the mobile game development of this world was lacking, although PC single-player games and online games were quite prosperous.

Today was Saturday, with no classes during the day, Xia Yu went out to eat breakfast made by Yuxue, and then returned to his room, doing nothing.

At around nine o'clock, Yuxue knocked on his door.

The girl who came in said to Xia Yu, "Brother, lend me the ancient text translation book."

Xia Yu was slightly stunned. Nowadays, who checks books for homework when they can use mobile phones? Then he remembered that his sister didn't have a mobile phone.

Taking the ancient text translation off the bookshelf, Xia Yu handed it to Yuxue.

After the girl left, Xia Yu fell into deep thought.

It was already the first day of the lunar month, and unlike the previous life on Earth, primary school students in this world had already started using mobile phones, so the girl should have one too.

However, it was wishful thinking to expect her frugal father to buy one; even Xia Yu's mobile phone was bought by working part-time in his first year of high school.

Upon opening the message, Xia Yu glanced at the savings in his bank card.

During his three years in high school, he had saved up 6,000 yuan altogether, originally planning to accumulate 7,000 to 8,000 yuan to buy a laptop that could run AAA games.

Which was more important, games or his sister?

If he chose games, his sister would only be without a phone, while if he chose his sister, the games themselves would be gone.

After weighing the pros and cons, Xia Yu sighed.

At noon, after eating lunch, he arrived at the convenience store where he worked part-time and began his shift.

He had to work the entire afternoon on Saturdays, but not on Sundays.

Working as a cashier was a relatively easy job, but it was far from as easy as in his previous life, where payments could be completed with a single swipe of Alipay, virtually not requiring the use of hands. However, mobile payment had not yet emerged in this world, and people had no choice but to use paper currency.

Transactions with paper money were extremely prone to counterfeit currency. However, Xia Yu had experienced life without mobile payment in his previous life and was well familiar with these counterfeit currency schemes, never making a single mistake.

The sun slowly moved from the center of the sky to the west, and under the lazy orange glow, the pedestrians rushing by on the street seemed to slow down considerably.

Xia Yu's shift was over, and the person taking over his shift was a college girl from next door. Her appearance was ordinary, but she had a decent figure.

"Feng Lin said he has something to do tomorrow, can you cover his shift?" The girl asked Xia Yu.

"I have something to do," Xia Yu casually replied.

This surprised the girl, as Xia Yu had never refused to cover someone's shift before.

It was because Xia Yu, who had gained the body swapping game, didn't care about the money anymore. The fact that he continued to work at the convenience store was already considered very steady.

"Okay, then I'll let him know," the girl hesitated and asked again, "is there something wrong? Maybe I can help."

The girl had a bit of a crush on Xia Yu, finding him slightly handsome and not as immature as his peers.

"Thank you, but I just don't need the money right now," Xia Yu expressed his gratitude to the girl's concern and proceeded to the changing room.

In this world, let alone convenience store cashiers, even pastry shop cashiers had specialized uniforms.

Xia Yu felt that apart from providing more material for adult films, these uniforms had practically no other use.

All he could say was: they were particular.

Changing into his own clothes, Xia Yu went to the mobile phone store and chose a discounted white mobile phone for over 1,900 yuan.

Without Alipay, and with online shopping being very immature, buying a mobile phone in a physical store became the only viable option.

Returning to his neighborhood, Xia Yu saw Xia Dongyang downstairs. He was sitting by the flower bed not far from the stairs, frowning and smoking anxiously.

Xia Dongyang was probably facing some problems, worrying about how to solve them, and not wanting Xia Yu and his sister to see it.

However, this was not out of concern for the kids, but rather due to his own low self-esteem.

It was like how some people were reluctant to step on lawns, not because they cared about the plants, but because they were afraid of getting their shoes dirty.

Xia Yu didn't bother with him. He had to admit, he was quite impressed with his father's struggling abilities. The man had gotten into trouble with a group of gangsters, owed a bunch of gambling debts, and somehow managed to settle everything.

Avoiding the man, Xia Yu entered the building and returned home.

There was no sign of Yuxue in the living room. When he opened the door to her room, there was no one there either. She had probably gone out to buy groceries.

Placing the mobile phone on the girl's desk, Xia Yu returned to his own bedroom.

He lay down on the bed and entered the game.

[Please choose a character:]

[1. An Siyao]

[2. Empty]

There were two character slots in the game: An Siyao occupied one, and the other one was available. Moreover, if An Siyao was deleted, the slot would be freed up.

Despite this, two slots seemed to be not enough, and he hoped that new slots could be opened later.

By choosing the first slot, Xia Yu's vision went black, and when he opened his eyes again, he saw a huge garbage can.

It was indeed enormous, about five or six times his height.

What was going on?

[An unknown bug has occurred, gamers, please stay calm and wait for eight hours of game time to pass.]

A bug?

Xia Yu lowered his head and looked at his own hand.

It was the paw of a black cat.

Standing in front of the glass window of a store, he saw a black cat.

Had he turned into a cat? This game was too unreliable, encountering a bug on only the third run.

[Body swap achieved.]

[Generating bonus based on the other party's body...]

[Bonus generation completed.]

[Acquired bonuses: Night Vision Lv1, Intimidation Lv1, Agility Lv1.]

[Wishing you a pleasant game.]

Intimidation? Agility?

These seemed to be decent skills.