I've Decided, It's You

"What happened last night?" An Siyao misunderstood, "I took a bath, and I will take one in the morning too!"

"No, I didn't mean your body smells." The girl didn't mention it, but Xia Yu noticed when he sniffed. The girl had a fragrance of shower gel on her body.

He changed his words: "Actually, there is still a smell."

"From now on, I'll take a bath at five o'clock!" An Siyao was a little flustered.

"Don't worry, it's a very pleasant smell." Lifting his arm, Xia Yu smelled it carefully.

Being sniffed by a guy in front of her, An Siyao felt extremely embarrassed.

The girl screamed, "Don't do weird things!"

After calming her down, Xia Yu thought about her sleeping problems.

For such a cute girl, Xia Yu couldn't simply treat her as a tool for brushing his skills.

"I'll come once every other day." Xia Yu said.

An Siyao didn't answer right away. After a minute, Xia Yu heard her voice, with a hint of a sob:

"Are you not interested in me anymore?"


After explaining that he was just worried about her sleep, Xia Yu and the girl agreed that he would come twice every three days and let her rest well on the remaining day.

The last five minutes passed, and Xia Yu returned to his own body. Sitting up, he started to think about whether there was a problem with the way he interacted with An Siyao.

I was just using someone else's body, so why does it feel like I have an extra clingy little sister?

Well, it's a good thing anyway.

Getting out of bed, Xia Yu looked at the moon outside the window. He had agreed with An Siyao to let her rest today, so his body-swapping partner for today was empty.

So, should I find a random girl to play with?

Forget it, now is not the time for fun. I should switch bodies with the black cat, brush up my agility level, and become a qualified pianist as soon as possible to earn money!

Opening the skill panel and looking at Music Lv2, Xia Yu knew that day was not far away.

He picked up a novel from the shelf.

Writing novels is also a way to make money. The fees for submissions come quickly, and long novels can make a lot of money when they become popular.

Unfortunately, his first possession was An Siyao, not a girl with writing talent.

Although there is nothing wrong with playing the piano, writing novels, a job that can make money from home, is more convenient.

But the piano also has advantages that novels can't compare to - it's cool!

Sitting at the piano, the fingers played a beautiful tune, graceful, noble, and exuding an aristocratic aura. If this song was played at a school party, there would be a pile of love letters received that night.

After finishing the daydream, Xia Yu turned on the light and started reading a novel. The level 1 night vision was like being in a dark and rainy day, things could be seen clearly, but it was still difficult to read.

At 7:30, after washing up and finishing breakfast, Xia Yu and Yuxue left home together and went to school. Today was Friday, and they would have a break in the evening.

Upon arriving at class, Xia Yu handed his homework to Guizi Xiaoxiao, who was waiting by the door. "Can't you copy homework at night? I can just take a picture and send it to you," Xia Yu said. "No, copying homework at home doesn't give me the same thrill as at school," Guizi Xiaoxiao shook his head.

Xia Yu was left speechless. "The proposals for cultural festival activities are due this afternoon, Xia Yu, have you written yours?" Guizi Xiaoxiao asked again. The cultural festival was as important as the sports meeting, with the sports meeting focused on athletics, while the cultural festival was a time for student-organized events. People from outside the school would come to watch.

Xia Yu had completely forgotten about this matter. "I bet you haven't written anything. So, how about joining our team?" Guizi Xiaoxiao handed Xia Yu a stack of photocopies. Xia Yu took the stack of papers and glanced at them briefly. It was a plan for a maid cafe that detailed everything from which coffee to use to how much to charge. The plan even covered the skirts the maids would wear, where to borrow them, and who would wear them. The plan was very well thought out.

At the bottom, there were six signatures. Guizi Xiaoxiao handed Xia Yu a pen and looked at him expectantly, "No matter where you come from, just sign this, and we'll be good brothers of different fathers and mothers!" "I refuse," Xia Yu put down the proposal and returned to his seat.

Not long after he sat down, three girls came to his table. The girls jostled each other, and finally, a tall girl put a proposal on his table, "Xia Yu, can we ask for your support in our plan?" Xia Yu glanced at the proposal – a male butler cafe. Well, women were no different from those guys.

"Sorry, I already have my own plan." Xia Yu politely declined their request. "Sorry to disturb you," said the three girls, very disappointed. Although Xia Yu was only a little handsome, that was enough for him to be considered the most popular boy in a class of forty students. If they got his support, the chances of their male butler proposal being accepted would be much higher.

After the three left, some more people came over, wanting Xia Yu to support their various strange plans, such as break-up experiences, wall-dong experiences, and flower rope competitions, among others.

All of these schemes were rejected, and Xia Yu casually wrote one down.

At noon, the class leader began to collect the plans and came to Xia Yu. She curiously looked at the paper handed in by Xia Yu.

- After-school tutoring class.

Are you a demon?


The day's lessons passed quickly, and Xia Yu returned home, closed the door, and entered the body of the black cat.

Getting used to the twenty-centimeter-high line of sight, he opened the door and went out.

Home was not a suitable place for practicing agility, so he went to the nearby park.

The streetlights in the park were dim, and apart from couples, no one would stay here.

Running around in the park for a while, Xia Yu went on slides and low horizontal bars for children, strengthening his practice. At midnight, when it was quiet, he felt a little bored and left the park, wandering around the city.

Many people have seen the night of Ziling, but no one has seen it from a height of twenty centimeters.

Even walking along familiar paths, Xia Yu felt very strange due to the angle of view.

If he were an artistic cat, he could recite a poem at this moment.

Entering a convenience store, Xia Yu bought a ham sausage with a coin he took out, under the astonished gaze of the clerk.

After finishing his late-night snack, he wandered around for a while, and at one-fifty in the morning, he returned home.

Opening the bathroom door, he needed to use the toilet.

Between cat litter and the toilet, he chose the toilet.

Fortunately, he was already familiar with jumping; otherwise, getting on the toilet would be a difficult task.

Just as he was about to relieve himself, a figure burst in.

It was Yuxue, who had gotten up to use the bathroom.


The person and the cat stared at each other for five seconds, then Yuxue grabbed him.

"Sure enough, you're not an ordinary cat!" the girl said.

Has he been exposed? Xia Yu felt a little flustered.

Holding Xia Yu up, Yuxue excitedly said, "I've decided it's you! Join me in the national competition!"
