I Became an Urban Legend

Feng Yumo and Feng Yujia, the two sisters, have been feeling a bit down lately.

In the morning, when they came to the school, they would usually greet all the classmates they knew by name on the way, but they didn't today.

In the hearts of the two sisters, they were both thinking about the same person, that person was An Siyao.

A few days ago, when An Siyao's charm had captivated them, they had been trying to get closer to her to gain more happiness, but they hadn't succeeded.

It seemed as if that day was an exception, and An Siyao had returned to her usual self in the following days.

However, the sisters' approach over these days had managed to clear up some misunderstandings, and they realized that An Siyao's usual gentle and sweet appearance was not an act, but her true nature.

This surprised them greatly, as they hadn't expected such a person to exist in modern society.

However, gentleness wasn't the happiness they were seeking, they wanted the same feeling as that day, which An Siyao couldn't give them.

Was that day just an illusion?

The two sisters were extremely disappointed.

Entering the courtyard, they came across An Siyao as usual, but now their hearts held no expectations, and they merely greeted her with a normal good morning.

"Good morning," Xia Yuyuan responded energetically.

The sisters paused, as they expected An Siyao to say "good morning" in a much softer tone than this.

They exchanged glances, confirming each other's feelings, and then stared at Xia Yuyuan.

"What's wrong?" Xia Yuyuan asked, somewhat puzzled.

If it was An Siyao, she would have taken a step back at this moment, doubting whether there was something strange about her, instead of asking with such confidence.

Had the An Siyao from that day returned?

Feng Yumo, the younger sister, was the first to come to her senses, reaching out and grabbing Xia Yuyuan's hand.

She had held many girls' hands before, and their hands were always soft, holding someone else's hand as if holding their own.

But the hand she was holding now was different, it was firm and warm, making her face heat up a little.

This was the feeling they wanted!

Although Xia Yuyuan was puzzled, he still held Feng Yumo's hand in return, as he often saw girls holding hands, which seemed like a normal gesture.

As he strode forward, Feng Yumo had to quicken her pace to keep up with his steps, which made her feel even more excited.

Feng Yujia, standing to the side, gritted her teeth as she watched their clasped hands. Although Xia Yuyuan had two hands, he had to hold his schoolbag with the other hand, which left no room for her hand as well. Three people holding hands would be too embarrassing.

The younger sister was so inconsiderate, not giving her older sister any chance at all!

Dissatisfied with her sister, Feng Yujia gave up on this battleground and attempted to start a new action.

She asked Xia Yu, "Would you like to have lunch together at noon?"

"Okay," Xia Yu agreed.

"Then I'll come to find you after class," Feng Yujia said excitedly.

"I'm coming too!" Feng Yumo added.

"Yumo, you just started school here, it's better for you to bond with your classmates," Feng Yujia tried to distract her sister to prevent a repeat of the hand-holding incident.

"Sister, what about you? Your close friends have been waiting for you every day," Feng Yumo fought back.

Xia Yu was not a dull person, and he sensed the competitive undertone in the sisters' conversation.

He sighed: An Siyao is really popular.

Upon reaching the third floor, Xia Yu parted ways with the sisters and entered the classroom.

The curriculum in this noble school wasn't very different; it just used teaching materials that were more logical and simpler.

After class, the girls gossiped. Today's hot topic was an urban legend that had just emerged.

A girl described vividly, "If you hear someone calling you from downstairs in the evening, don't respond. It's a wandering ghost. If you answer, it'll possess you! But don't panic if you're possessed, these ghosts are just vengeful spirits. Let it play games for half a day, and it'll leave."

Xia Yu: "???"

This felt strangely familiar.

At noon, Xia Yu was taken away by the two Feng sisters.

The three of them went to the canteen, picked up their food, and sat down at an empty table.

"This is delicious," Feng Yujia shared some carved tofu from her plate with Xia Yu.

"This small squid is also delicious," Feng Yumo did the same, giving Xia Yu a portion.

Xia Yu felt an inexplicable sense of being fed.

However, he is now using An Siyao's body. They are feeding An Siyao, what does this have to do with me, Xia Yu?

With a clear conscience, Xia Yu enjoyed the food and felt great satisfaction.

Appetite is one of the most primal desires, pursuing good food is human nature.

Xia Yu ate happily, while the Feng sisters were also happy to share their food, creating a harmonious atmosphere.

However, at this moment, an unwelcome guest arrived.

It was a young man in his twenties or thirties.

"Yumo, I was just looking for you to discuss the cultural festival," the young man was Feng Yumo's class teacher.

While this school was indeed an elite female academy, there were still male teachers in the faculty.

The young man, carrying a tray, naturally sat down with the trio.

Xia Yu and the three of them were at a table for four, with Feng Yujia sitting next to Xia Yu and Feng Yumo sitting across from him. The empty seat was next to Feng Yumo.

After sitting down, the young man seemed to have just noticed Xia Yu: "I didn't expect to see you here, Siyao."

Xia Yu frowned. A male beast in a group of girls was very noticeable, so he had noticed the young man earlier. The young man had circled around and observed before coming over, not a chance encounter. Moreover, his way of omitting the surname and directly addressing by the name made Xia Yu dislike him.

At the same time, he could also sense that the Feng sisters, Yujia and Yumo, didn't like him either.

"Who is he?" Xia Yu asked.

Feng Yumo thought Xia Yu was asking her and explained, "This is our music teacher."

"We met last year at your mother's birthday party. I can't believe Siyao didn't remember me," the young man began to introduce himself.

However, Xia Yu didn't listen. He wasn't asking Feng Yumo just now, but An Siyao.

"A music teacher who is said to have returned from District 2," An Siyao tried to recall more information, "I think his father is a subordinate of my father."

So it turns out he's just the son of a senior worker.

Xia Yu's contempt rose in his heart. Although he himself was not even a high-level worker, he was now using An Siyao's body, and with An Siyao's identity, there was no problem with looking down on the young man.

"Your mother's birthday is coming up again this year. I hope to see your beautiful figure at the banquet, Siyao," the young man said with a smile.

Xia Yu didn't respond or even look at the young man. He quietly peeled a pigeon egg, which was a kind of egg from a pigeon Xia Yu had never heard of before. The eggshell retained heat, so only freshly peeled ones were delicious.

The young man smiled and waited for Xia Yu's answer. He didn't expect Xia Yu to completely ignore him, making the young man increasingly awkward, and the table suddenly quieted down.

The three people looked at Xia Yu.

Even in the face of their gazes, Xia Yu's hands were still very steady, and he slowly finished peeling the eggshell.

After stuffing the egg into Feng Yumo's mouth, Xia Yu glanced at the young man, "Siyao is not a name you can call."

Feng Yumo's brain suddenly crashed, and the joy of being fed overwhelmed the displeasure brought by the young man.

However, the young man who came at her didn't back off.