Youxiang Left Behind

At Xia Yu's house, it was 10:30 in the evening.

Yuxue shifted her gaze away from the TV screen and glanced at her phone.

It was already 10:40 PM, and her brother still hadn't returned.

She lay down, her back facing the TV, and hugged her pillow. The warmth of the pillow chased away the chill of the night.

On the TV, the host's enthusiastic rap performance echoed through the empty house.

After a while, the phone rang suddenly. Yuxue immediately sat up and picked up the phone.

"Brother! ... You're not coming back tonight? ... Staying at the teacher's house?"

After hanging up the phone, Yuxue fell into deep thought.

Considering the perfume scent she had smelled on his coat earlier, her brother must have found a woman outside!

Yuxue calmly analyzed the situation.

Oh no, would she be left out then?

He didn't come back tonight, wouldn't come back all day tomorrow, and would not want her the day after that!

Hugging the pillow, Yuxue calmed herself down and began a new round of analysis.

Her brother had money and wasn't a weak little white face, so the likelihood of him being kept by a wealthy woman was very low.

After a minute of contemplation, Yuxue picked up her phone and made a call.

"Hey, Lili, didn't you mention before that you have a sister?"


On the other side, Xia Yu had no idea that Yuxue was already trying to set him up. He had returned to the villa with Kong Hanyue and Zhong Yun Ze.

"Let's go, continue learning the guzheng!" Pulling his hand, Kong Hanyue walked a few steps and then stopped.

"No, it's rare that you're not going home tonight. Let's take a bath first." She pushed Xia Yu towards the bathroom.

After taking a shower, Xia Yu understood Kong Hanyue's intentions.

The clothes she had prepared for him were a set of blue traditional Chinese garments.

Dressed in the traditional garments, Xia Yu entered the guzheng room, where Kong Hanyue had also changed into a similar outfit and was waiting for him.

"No wonder you're my son, you look so handsome when you put it on." Kong Hanyue happily looked at Xia Yu.

Standing on the side, Zhong Yun Ze heard this and quietly changed into a traditional costume as well. He then loitered around Kong Hanyue.

"Zeze, you are great too!"

After receiving Kong Hanyue's praise, Zhong Yun Ze obediently sat down to the side.

Are young people nowadays all so childish? Xia Yu sighed.

However, this had nothing to do with him.

Under Kong Hanyue's guidance, he began to learn a new piece.

The piece was called "Three Styles", one with a battlefield-style melody, reminiscent of ancient battlefields.

As it was a new piece, Xia Yu was not proficient in playing it. Halfway through the performance, Zhong Yun Ze stood up, a smile on his face, and left the guzheng room.

When Zhong Yun Ze found out from Kong Hanyue that Xia Yu would also be participating in the musical instrument competition, he panicked for a moment. Now, after seeing Xia Yu's true skill level, he felt relieved.

Indeed, he was the most beautiful child in his mother's eyes.

Satisfied, he changed back into his casual clothes, got on his bike, and went for a ride.

His bike was not like ordinary bikes that could only be ridden on roads. It was capable of off-roading, able to go up hills, cross water, and almost do anything.

However, there was no wild area nearby to fully utilize the bike's capabilities.

Riding alone was also a bit boring, so he thought he should bring Xia Yu along next time.

It's a pity that he himself hadn't reached 18 yet, and couldn't take the driving test. He had heard that driving an off-road vehicle was even more exciting.

After driving around the neighborhood a few times and having a one-sided race with a taxi, Zhong Yunze returned home.

At this time, Xia Yu had already finished learning the third move and was studying the 40th move.

After listening for a while, Zhong Yunze determined that Xia Yu's skill was very poor and completely no match for him.

"Don't be sad, the guzheng is difficult." He consoled Xia Yu. "I've studied it for a while too, but I couldn't continue after learning the Tears of the Moon."

Kong Hanyue, who was at an angle that Zhong Yunze couldn't see, smiled mischievously and winked at Xia Yu, telling him not to explain.

Xia Yu didn't want to explain either, he would just give Zhong Yunze a surprise during the competition.

"Alright, let's go to bed. It's almost midnight."

Under Kong Hanyue's urging, Xia Yu and Zhong Yunze entered their respective rooms to rest.

The next morning at 8 o'clock, Xia Yu woke up and Zhong Yunze had already gone out to race cars with a few friends.

After having breakfast, he continued to study guzheng with Kong Hanyue for the entire morning, and didn't return home until 3 o'clock in the afternoon.

He thought that after such a long absence, and with Snow wanting to stick to him for a while, but the girl was curled up on the sofa chatting with someone and had no intention of coming over.

His younger sister had also grown up, huh?

Xia Yu was somewhat disappointed because he wanted Snow and Kong Hanyue to remain the same.

He had already studied guzheng for five hours today, so he didn't need to go to Kong Hanyue's place tonight.

Last night and this morning's continuous practice had also left Xia Yu's arms and fingers very sore.

I've worked hard today too, so I'll treat myself to a good meal at An Siyao's place!

After a brief moment of darkness, the space in front of Xia Yu changed.

He saw the sisters Feng Yujia and Feng Yumo, as well as the snacks and black tea.

Are they having afternoon tea?

Looking around at the surroundings, Xia Yu picked up a snack.

His movements caught the eyes of the Feng sisters, and they brightened.

They exchanged glances, filled with surprise:

Our favorite An Siyao has appeared!

The two sisters picked up the snacks and black tea and began feeding Xia Yu.

Taking a bite of the snack from Feng Yujia, and then a sip of the black tea from Feng Yumo, Xia Yu was satisfied.

"Are you really not going to participate in the study tour?" Feng Yujia asked.

A study trip was an activity where a group of students traveled together to different places.

It was similar to the spring outing Xia Yu had in kindergarten in his previous life.

The timing of each school's study tour was different. Xia Yu had already had a study trip when he was in the first year of high school, while Dongzhixiang Academy started in the third year.

In his mind, An Siyao explained weakly to Xia Yu why she didn't want to go: "We need to take a plane..."

The girl still remembered the lie Xia Yu told her about dying in a plane crash.

"If you want to go, I'll go," the girl added.

However, her tone made it clear that she didn't want to go.

Since the girl didn't want to go, Xia Yu didn't want to force her, even though he wanted to see what delicious food the 11th District had to offer.

"I won't go," Xia Yu answered.

"Then we won't go either, let's find a place to have fun together at that time!" Feng Yujia and Feng Yumo looked at Xia Yu with anticipation.

They weren't particularly interested in Area 11; they just wanted to be with Xia Yu.

After An Siyao agreed, Xia Yu also consented.

The two sisters started a new topic.

"That delinquent girl from the second grade angered the principal quite a bit," Feng Yujia said.

"Mmm, I heard about it too. She beat someone up in the restroom and tore their clothes. The school still hasn't found her," Feng Yumo had also heard about the incident.

"It seems like they'll have to call the parents," Feng Yujia said gleefully.

As an aristocratic girls' academy, Dong's Town School didn't immediately turn to the parents like other schools did when something happened. They would only involve the parents if the teachers couldn't resolve the issue themselves.

At the same time, informing the parents meant that the situation was very serious. If it escalated to the next step, it would result in expulsion.

Xia Yu didn't take the matter to heart, considering it just a casual topic for conversation.

Author's Note (Not relevant to the story):

Xu Youxiang (counting on fingers): ... She didn't come the day before yesterday, didn't come yesterday, didn't come today either.