Moon's Cry

Continuing the game, with fifteen minutes left, he and Xu Youxiang chatted.

"How much does that cabinet full of clothes cost?" Xia Yu was curious about how Xu Youxiang could have sold herself for a hundred thousand dollars.

"It's not worth much, it's all cheap fabric made by myself." Xu Youxiang said.

She actually has this kind of talent?

Thinking of Xu Youxiang's bonus in dressing and makeup, Xia Yu's doubts disappeared.

If it weren't for her leg being useless, Xu Youxiang could have become the most beautiful female programmer.

What a pity.

Reaching out, Xia Yu regretfully pinched his thigh, feeling the weak sensation from his leg.

He didn't know when he would get a new chance for a body screening, and by then, he would choose medical skills, see if he could help Xu Youxiang heal her leg, and then ask her to work for himself.

With Xu Youxiang's programming talent, even if she's not as gifted as An Siyao, she must be at the top.

He pinched his leg again.

"Take your hand away! Pervert!" Xu Youxiang scolded.

"No, this is your hand." Xia Yu replied.

Stunned by his answer for two seconds, Xu Youxiang started scolding again.

However, Xu Youxiang kept her scolding moderate, avoiding any personal attacks.

Eight hours passed, and he returned to his own body.

It was 4 o'clock in the afternoon, time for work.

After playing the Pope's Dancing Girl, Xia Yu suddenly felt like playing a song to praise the sun, but before playing it, he changed the tune to The Gallery of the Vanquished Son.

Now he pretended to be an ordinary lv3 player, and the song Praise the Sun was not his to play.

In this way, even if An Siyao felt his playing was a bit familiar, she would be somewhat doubtful because of the difference in skill levels.

After all, the piano is not the guzheng, and having a personal style is a very normal thing.

As soon as he showed his superiority in the guzheng over the piano, the other party's doubts would be dispelled.

After playing the piano, he picked up the violin.

At 5:30, when it was time to get off work, Xia Yu approached the young store manager.

"What, you can also play the guzheng?" The young store manager held his forehead.

"Yes, my guzheng level is even stronger than the piano." In fact, Xia Yu's guzheng repertoire was not as powerful as the piano yet, but it would be soon.

The reason why he mentioned the guzheng was so that he could practice it during work hours.

Although he couldn't play unskilled songs, playing skilled songs was also a kind of practice.

Up to now, Xia Yu's fingers were still somewhat unfamiliar with the guzheng's playing, and it was very important to adapt quickly.

"Playing three instruments a day won't work," the young store manager scratched his head, and had an idea, "This way, piano on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays; guzheng on Tuesdays and Saturdays; violin on Thursdays. We'll see which instrument gets the most feedback, and then adjust the days accordingly."

"What about the guzheng..."

"I'll prepare it, what brand of guzheng do you usually use?"

Different brands of guzheng have different tones.

"Flower School guzheng, it might be a bit hard to find." Xia Yu said.

"Flower School?!" Surprised for a moment, the young store manager patted his chest, "Don't worry, these are not an issue."

Having achieved his goal, Xia Yu left the coffee house and took the subway to Kong Hanyue's home.

Today is Monday, and Zhong Yunze has gone back to school.

After pressing the doorbell, Kong Hanyue opened the door for him.

Today, Kong Hanyue did not hug him intimately but showed a sullen expression.

"What's wrong?" Xia Yu closed the door and asked.

With his question, Kong Hanyue felt a surge of sadness in her heart, and she hugged Xia Yu's body, saying, "Xinxin got into trouble at school and is about to be expelled!"

It seemed a bit familiar?

Patting Kong Hanyue's back, Xia Yu helped her sit down on the sofa and asked what had happened.

"Xinxin fought with a classmate in the restroom, even stripped the classmate's clothing, and ran away when the teacher went to find her. The school warned that they would observe her for a while, and if things didn't improve, they would expel her!"

Fighting in the restroom? Stripping someone's clothing? Expulsion?

After thinking about it, Xia Yu's expression became strange. Wasn't this what he heard when he was with An Siyao yesterday, as relayed by the Feng sisters?

"Does Zhong Yunxin study at Dongzhixiang?"

"How did you know about this? Has this matter already been spread outside the school?" Kong Hanyue panicked.

Without explaining to Kong Hanyue, Xia Yu first asked the question on his mind: "Is Zhong Yunxin good to you?"

According to Xia Yu's understanding, Zhong Yunxin was a bad girl, and she must have caused a lot of headaches for Kong Hanyue.

Why would she care so much about Zhong Yunxin, who wasn't her biological daughter, considering even her own biological daughter's troublemaking would annoy her?

"His will stated that if Xinxin became a bad girl, or if Zeze couldn't enter Donggong University, the share of the company meant for my retirement would be gone!"


It was true.

Kong Hanyue was on the verge of tears: "I called Xinxin, and she scolded me!"

Hugging Xia Yu's arm, she choked up and said, "What should we do now?"

Before marrying Xia Dongyang, Kong Hanyue had no concept of money. The only lesson she learned from her failed marriage was that money was essential.

Now, she was facing a financial crisis.

Although she would only get the shares when she turned fifty, her current monthly income came from the dividends of those shares. If the shares were taken away, her source of income would disappear.

"I'll find a solution for you, don't worry." Xia Yu thought of An Siyao.

Since Zhong Yunxin was at Dongzhixiang Academy, he could use An Siyao to intervene.

However, An Siyao's intervention needed a good reason, or else it would easily be exposed.

If that didn't work, he would possess Zhong Yunxin's body and discipline the girl.

If he were to possess Zhong Yunxin's body, he would have to go to Dongzhixiang Academy, meet Zhong Yunxin, and use the Free Choice. Entering the academy wasn't easy, Zhong Yunxin wouldn't agree to see him quietly, and there was a significant risk involved.

It would be better to find a way to use An Siyao's body to solve this matter.

"Really? Can you really solve it?" Kong Hanyue hugged Xia Yu's neck and looked at him expectantly.

"As long as Zhong Yunxin isn't expelled within these five days, it can be resolved." Xia Yu looked into Kong Hanyue's eyes and said, "When have I ever lied to you?"

Thinking of Xia Yu's previous accomplishments, Kong Hanyue felt relieved. Although she couldn't figure out how Xia Yu could solve the problem, his promises had always been kept since they were young.

"I'll help you solve this matter, but don't let anyone else know," Xia Yu said again.

He trusted Kong Hanyue's ability to keep a secret.

When they were young, he found the place where Xia Dongyang hid his money and told Kong Hanyue. The two of them often took money to improve their lives, relying on the fact that Xia Dongyang never bothered to count his money. Once, Xia Yu was not home, and Kong Hanyue took the money on her own. When Xia Dongyang found out, she cried, but in the end, she did not reveal Xia Yu's involvement.

"As long as you don't drop out of school, that's fine," Kong Hanyue said, worried that Xia Yu would be too restrained and unable to take action.

"I know," he replied.