Losing Face

After eating the udon noodles made by Yan Wei, Xia Yu returned to his room with satisfaction and looked forward to the snacks Yan Wei mentioned.

At eight o'clock sharp, he arrived at An Siyao's place.

Opening his eyes, he saw the familiar driver.

The public school holiday in Zilin City had no impact on Yao Guang City, especially considering Dong Zhi Xiang Girls' Academy was a private school.

Come to think of it, it was inevitable for Zhong Yunxin to study in Dong Zhi Xiang, as it was the most famous girls' academy in the area.

The last time he saw Zhong Yunxin was ten years ago, and he wondered how the girl had grown up since then.

Upon arriving at the school gate, Xia Yu got out of the car, where Feng Yujia and Feng Yumo, the two sisters, were waiting for him.

Watching the two sisters surrounding their young lady, the driver sighed.

He then looked at the Dong Zhi Xiang's signboard.

Before, he had dreamed of sending his daughter to study here.

Fortunately, he has no daughter.

The driver suspected from the relationship between the Feng sisters and their young lady that Dong Zhi Xiang might not be as pure as it seemed!

He was not as open-minded as the upper-class people. If his daughter brought home another girl, he would go insane.

Sighing, he started the engine.

On the other side, Xia Yu was discussing with the Feng sisters while considering his plan.

There was a large bulletin board at the entrance of the teaching building, where various notices were posted, including Zhong Yunxin's punishment. They would definitely be posted here.

When the time comes, he only needs to show a little interest, and the Feng sisters would tell him everything.

Then he found one or two angles to approach the situation.

When they were still some distance away from the entrance, Xia Yu heard a scream.

The three of them immediately rushed to the entrance.

The screams were from nearby students who were looking in the direction of the bulletin board.

Next to the bulletin board, Xia Yu saw a girl with red hair, dressed in a leather jacket and pants.

The girl had silver headphones around her neck and earrings in her ears.

Such appearance in Dong Zhi Xiang, a gathering of young ladies, was like a sop in a symphony.

Glancing at the girl's face, Xia Yu recognized her as Zhong Yunxin.

The announcements on the bulletin board were fixed with magnets. Zhong Yunxin tore down all the announcements, threw them aside, and then tore her punishment notice into pieces.

After doing all this, Zhong Yunxin clapped her hands and swaggered towards the exit.

Xia Yu and the sisters were at the door. In order for Zhong Yunxin to get out, she had to pass through them.

Before Xia Yu could take action, Feng Yujia stepped forward and stopped her.

"What are you doing!" Feng Yujia was full of momentum.

Although she appeared timid when facing the young teacher, it was because the other party was a teacher, while Zhong Yunxin was just a second-year student.

Her momentum scared Zhong Yunxin a little. If it were an ordinary person, they would have backed down after being scared, but as a rebellious girl, Zhong Yunxin became even more confrontational.

"None of your business!" Zhong Yunxin held her head high.

"I am the president of the student council. Do you think I have no authority?" Feng Yujia asserted herself in front of Xia Yu, "Put these announcements back, and then come with me to the student council office!"

Feng Yujia felt that she must appear quite dignified at this moment, but to her surprise, Zhong Yunxin pushed her, causing her to fall to the ground.

"What, do you feel like you're awesome just because you're the president? Go back and kiss your teacher's ass!" Zhong Yunxin gloated.

Feng Yujia sat on the ground, feeling an immense sense of grievance. She hadn't expected Zhong Yunxin to actually use force against her.

There were many students around, and it wouldn't take long for the news of her being overpowered by Zhong Yunxin to spread throughout the school.

What would her classmates and teachers think of her? A student council president, and she was actually bullied by an ordinary girl one grade below her!

If she fought back immediately, she might be able to save face, but as the daughter of a wealthy family, when had she ever fought with anyone?

In her world, gathering a few friends to make some verbal threats was already an atrocious act.

Tears welled up in her eyes.

"With just this ability." Glancing at Feng Yujia with the demeanor of a victor, Zhong Yunxin moved to leave, but another figure blocked her way.

"Get lost!" Zhong Yunxin reached out to push Xia Yu, who was standing in front of her.

Xia Yu grabbed her hand, forcefully pulling her off balance and tripping her, causing her to fall to the ground.

He didn't hold back his strength, and the sound of Zhong Yunxin hitting the ground was loud.

Unable to get up, Zhong Yunxin looked at Xia Yu reluctantly.

Ignoring her for the moment, Xia Yu went over to Feng Yujia and helped her up.

With Xia Yu's support, Feng Yujia felt even more aggrieved. Though Zhong Yunxin had been beaten, it had nothing to do with her, and the rumors would still focus on her.

At this moment, Xia Yu whispered in Feng Yujia's ear.

Feng Yujia's face turned red. Physical comfort was a great way to console someone, but was it appropriate in front of so many people?

"Say 'take her away'." Xia Yu finished and moved his face away.

Feng Yujia realized what Xia Yu meant after a small moment of disappointment.

She straightened up, put on a cold, ruthless expression, and looked down at Zhong Yunxin on the ground.

"Take her away." Feng Yujia dropped the sentence coldly and turned to walk towards the student council office.

Xia Yu picked up Zhong Yunxin, disciplined the struggling girl a bit to calm her down, and pushed her towards the student council office.

Feng Yu, shivering on one side, immediately followed.

After they left, the surrounding students began to whisper.

"An Siyao is so amazing!"

"Feng Yujia is also very impressive, that 'take her away' was so cool!"

"An Siyao is still more amazing, she subdued Zhong Yunxin in an instant."

"An Siyao always looks so gentle, she never bullies anyone. If it weren't for this time, we wouldn't even know she's so strong!"

"It's so nice to be with An Siyao and Feng Yujia, it feels so safe."

"I heard there's a fan club for An Siyao in the school."


In addition to the students who lingered at the scene, a few more followed Xia Yu and the others until they entered the student council office and closed the door before they reluctantly left.

In the student council room, Xia Yu pushed Zhong Yunxin onto a chair.

He had no expression, not looking at the struggling Zhong Yunxin but at Feng Yujia.

"How to deal with this?" Xia Yu asked softly.

Unfortunately, Feng Yujia couldn't grasp the message in Xia Yu's words- that they should scare Zhong Yunxin together. Even if she understood, she couldn't pretend well.

"Hand her over to the teacher?" Feng Yujia asked.

"You think I'm afraid of the teacher?" Zhong Yunxin smiled.

Xia Yu grabbed her shoulder, exerting pressure.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch! What are you trying to do? I'm going to tell the teacher!" Zhong Yunxin struggled.

"You will still tell the teacher?" Xia Yu stared at Zhong Yunxin's eyes.

Zhong Yunxin turned her head away, not responding.

The classmates she had encountered before couldn't beat her, but now facing someone with strong martial prowess who dared to take action, she had no way to cope.

"Unfortunately, even if you tell the teacher, the teacher won't believe you," Xia Yu's fingers applied more pressure, "we have three good girls here who can attest, while you can only prove yourself as a delinquent. It's obvious whom the teacher would believe."

"In other words, even if I beat you here and then tell the teacher that you fell by yourself, the teacher would believe me." Xia Yu looked at Zhong Yunxin with a smile, "Do you want to try?"

From the pain in her shoulder, Zhong Yunxin knew that Xia Yu's words were not bluffing. She looked at Xia Yu in disbelief.

I'm the one who should be threatening these young ladies. Why is it the other way around?