What's It to Me, Xia Yu?

After finishing breakfast, Xia Yu entered An Siyao's body again, preparing to slack off for the day.

However, he chose a bad time today.

Looking at the test paper handed out by the teacher, Xia Yu fell into deep thought.

What is this? Who am I? Why are the questions from Dongzhixiang so difficult!

After thinking for a while, he picked up his pencil and wrote on the blank part of the test paper:

You do your own test

An Siyao then spoke up, giving Xia Yu the answers one by one, and he filled them in.

By the end of the class, the teacher collected the test papers, and Xia Yu sighed at his own cleverness.

If he had done it himself, he would surely have made a fool of himself.

In his previous life, he was just an ordinary college student, his high school knowledge long returned to the teacher, and Dongzhixiang was a high-class noble school with a high level of difficulty in the curriculum.

In this world, the first district where Chinese people gathered was already the top, there was no such thing as going abroad for gold plating, so these noble children also had to compete for domestic universities.

Thinking about this, Xia Yu felt puzzled. He had been in An Siyao's body for so long, but he had never seen the girl studying outside of her home, so how could her grades be so good?

There was no part in her talent related to learning.

It took Xia Yu a morning to understand the answer.

He flipped through An Siyao's textbook.

This textbook was not a general textbook used by ordinary schools but a self-compiled one by Dongzhixiang.

In theory, general textbooks should be better, as they can mobilize more talents than private school textbooks.

However, the professors who compiled the general textbooks were not necessarily selected based on their teaching abilities due to various reasons.

Dongzhixiang had no such various reasons, and their textbooks were compiled by the best professors they could find, the result of a thorough screening process from multiple versions.

Dongzhixiang's textbooks were clearer and more concise, and the layout was also different from the general textbooks, aiming for a gradual progress.

Coupled with the high level of teachers at Dongzhixiang, the difference was more than significant.

For a moment, Xia Yu felt like he was holding a top-secret manual.

However, shortly after, he lost interest.

He could directly go to Hua University, without needing any secret manual.

Putting down the textbook, Xia Yu thought of Yuxue again.

By the time Yuxue reaches high school, he should almost have the ability to bring this girl to Dongzhixiang.

As he contemplated, two girls came to his face.

They were the two girls who often brought him pudding.

"Yao Yao, can you be a little colder?" After giving the pudding to Xia Yu, the two girls said.

Although he didn't know what they wanted to do, seeing the pudding's sake, Xia Yu put on a straight face.

"That's it." The two girls held each other's hands, very happy.


Are you guys kidding?

Not understanding what the two girls were excited about, Xia Yu opened the pudding and started eating.

In a short while, three more girls came to Xia Yu's side, asking him to perform cold expressions.

After dealing with these three people, Xia Yu asked An Siyao while eating the newly acquired chocolate, "What's wrong with them?"

"They probably think that you look good when you're cold," An Siyao said uncertainly.

A group of masochists?

Never mind, it has nothing to do with me.

After a peaceful day of classes, it was around four in the afternoon when Xia Yu lay in bed, ready to return to his own body.

"Xu Youxiang is in the neighboring city, I'm planning to meet her tomorrow." An Siyao reported to Xia Yu.

"You can decide for yourself, that girl has a terrible temper, you need to be mentally prepared." Xia Yu said.

"Okay." An Siyao replied.

After eight hours of gaming, Xia Yu returned to his own body.

He then worked until five thirty, and went to Kong Hanyue's house to learn to play the guzheng.

It wasn't until ten thirty, when he returned home, that he had some time to himself.

What a busy day.

He pulled a book from the bookshelf and began to read. At eleven o'clock, his phone rang with a notification.

It was from Gui Zixiao, who had sent him a message.

Gui Zixiao: How's it going with you and Yan Wei?

Xia Yu: I just want to make money

Gui Zixiao: #Shocked, you actually want to lay a hand on money!

Xia Yu: Get lost!

Gui Zixiao: Seriously, it's not a big deal to talk about it, and it's not like you'll be the one at a disadvantage.

Xia Yu: Why do you care so much about me? What's your ulterior motive?

Gui Zixiao: ...What can I possibly have in mind? Anyway, I messaged you because it seems that there's a guy from the neighboring class bothering Yan Wei. Since she's your sister, you should at least help her out.

Was the guy from the neighboring class the one he met at the milk tea shop last time?

That guy didn't get beaten up by his parents? Or did Yan Wei not tell them?

He would ask her tomorrow.

Yawning, Xia Yu put his phone away and went to sleep.

On the other side, Gui Zixiao contacted Yan Wei.

Gui Zixiao: I feel a bit cheated. I went through so much trouble to hook you guys up, and all you have to do is watch.

Yan Wei: Then you don't have to do it.

Gui Zixiao: No, don't worry! I'm just saying!

Gui Zixiao: Did you find out when my mom is going to stop playing?

Yan Wei: My mom said she's going to play mahjong with her all night long.

Gui Zixiao: Okay, I'll go out to surf the net then. If anything changes, remember to let me know.

Yan Wei: You're still a nuisance like this. I have to be careful while I sleep. How about I introduce you to Tian Tian, and we'll call it even.

Gui Zixiao: No way, women are not as fun as games!

Gui Zixiao: By the way, I told Xia Yu about that guy who's still bothering you.

Yan Wei: Why did you bring that up?!

Gui Zixiao: Relax, it's just like when I told you that Xia Yu likes delicious food, you can trust me on this. That's all, I'm going to surf the net now.

After putting down her phone, Yan Wei was still a bit worried. She was afraid that Xia Yu would think that she wasn't a good person because she was being bothered by a trashy guy.

However, after thinking about their date tomorrow night, she became cheerful again.

Lying in bed, she made plans.

Using her exceptional cooking skills to entice Xia Yu's appetite, using her sister to win over Xia Yu's sister, and using Gui Zixiao's mother to control Xia Yu's close friend. It's just that Xia Yu didn't have any other close people to rely on.

Cheer up, Wei Wei!

After giving herself a pep talk, Yan Wei lay in bed and fell asleep.


On Saturday night, Xia Yu, Yuxue, and the Yan sisters arrived outside the KTV.

"Let's go in first, they'll be here soon." Yan Wei said.

The four of them entered the KTV first, and followed the guidance of the waiter to find an empty private room.

Yuxue and Yan Li started to select songs as if they were used to it, while Xia Yu and Yan Wei sat on the side watching.

Yuxue's musical talent was not much different from Xia Yu's. Although the songs she sang sounded not bad at first, careful discernment revealed many issues.

Wait, how did I notice these issues?

Xia Yu was startled in his heart and focused on the Music LV3 skill.

Singing is also part of music.

The scope of this skill is too broad, covering the entire music field... Unfortunately, he didn't want to be a star, he just wanted to make money.

After Yuxue and Yan Li finished singing one song, two girls from the same class came together, and after one of the girls finished singing, the last one remaining was a boy - Yan Wei's friend's boyfriend.

He didn't come alone; there was also another boy behind him.

It was not the foolish guy from the milk tea shop, but a tall and thin boy with glasses, who was carrying a guitar case on his back.

After the guitar boy entered, Xia Yu noticed that Yan Wei was somewhat unhappy.