Won't Marry

Upon entering the room, Aunt looked at Xu Youxiang lying on the bed.

"Xu Youxiang, your aunt has something to tell you." She sat on the edge of the bed and said to Xia Yu, "I found a 20-year-old young man for you. His family owns a dehydration factory in the countryside, and their circumstances are pretty good."

Even Xia Yu didn't know how to respond at that moment.

"Although his education level is a bit low, I've seen the guy, and he's a honest person. His father said he's even been blackmailed by a girl before."

To be blackmailed by a girl meant he was more than just a honest person!

"He has a chubby face and big ears, quite handsome."

Do you describe handsome guys with chubby faces and big ears in your family?

"Initially, the boy's parents didn't agree, but when the boy saw your photo, he took a liking to you right away. You can rest assured that after marriage, you two will live away from home and they won't bother you."

Upon hearing this, Xia Yu was taken aback, feeling that this aunt had considered everything quite thoroughly.

"I'm talking to you both now, and you mustn't tell anyone." Aunt whispered, "The boy looks a little foolish and obedient, so you can be at ease to control him."

Initially, Xia Yu thought this was a scene of selling her niece, but now it seemed that her aunt truly thought Xu Youxiang hit the jackpot and couldn't wait to arrange things for her.

Having a factory, being honest, and favoring Xu Youxiang would generally make him a good candidate.

However, Xia Yu had planned to bring Xu Youxiang into his own company. How could he possibly let a dehydration factory guy take her away?

"Find a way to reject him." Xu Youxiang's voice echoed in Xia Yu's mind, and she didn't like the idea either.

As a student of Hua University, Xu Youxiang and a guy who hadn't attended college had a huge generation gap. She prefers smart and handsome guys who can have a verbal play with her. That blackmailed young man was not appealing to her at all.

Aside from being younger than her, there was nothing about the man that Xu Youxiang liked.

When the aunt had finished introducing the other party and wanted Xia Yu to add him on social media, Xia Yu shook his head and refused.


"Hey, he's a good young man! If you don't want to connect on social media, at least meet him?"


"How can you not listen to advice? Do you want to get married or not?"


"If you don't get married, what will you do? Your parents can support you for a while, but can they support you for life?" The aunt started to get anxious.

Xia Yu's brain was spinning fast, trying to find a good excuse. However, marriage pressure is one of life's greatest challenges, and it's not easy to solve.

"Listen, just meet him. If it doesn't work out, we'll find someone else. But you won't find anyone better than him." The aunt started persuading again.

"Actually, I like women."

"...What did you say?" Not only the aunt but also Xu Youxiang's parents were shocked.

"I already have a girlfriend, and her family is rich. They can support me." Xia Yu found it a bit amusing.

He knew this excuse wouldn't work, but he just thought of a joke from his previous life and wanted to play around with it.

As long as Xu Youxiang's parents or the aunt got a little agitated, Xia Yu would take back that statement.

However, the three of them fell silent, not saying a word.

Father Xu and Mother Xu could be considered as showing parental tolerance, but why didn't Auntie say anything?

I just wanted to make a joke!

Xia Yu started to panic.

He looked at Father Xu and Mother Xu, whose gazes were complicated and unclear, but their expressions were not angry, but rather calm.

Probably they were not prepared to marry their daughter off at all, thinking that marrying her off would most likely lead her to be bullied, so why bother with marriage.

Since they didn't want to find a man for their daughter, it seemed they didn't mind her being with a woman.

Xia Yu looked at Auntie, who lowered her head, her expression invisible.

The three were silent for a minute before Father Xu broke the stillness.

"I don't care about my daughter getting married; we can raise her ourselves!"

Mother Xu chimed in, "As long as Xiaoxiang is happy, we don't need grandchildren."

"Then that's settled. I'll go and respond to them." Auntie stood up.

The three left the bedroom together.

Although the process was a bit tortuous, at least the result was satisfactory. Under the excuse of already having a girlfriend, Xu Youxiang would not be urged to find one, perfect.

"You really are a lesbian!" Xu Youxiang said as expected.

"I'm not!"

"But you just admitted it!"

Is there something wrong with a man liking a woman?

But Xia Yu played the role of an elder sister to Xu Youxiang, so he couldn't say such words.

"I was just trying to help you out; it's a perfect plan that solves both the immediate and underlying problems, isn't it?"



If Xu Youxiang had a body now, Xia Yu would have definitely pinched her face.

Giving up the argument, Xia Yu opened his laptop and started playing games.

Xu Youxiang also let go of the previous matter and began guiding Xia Yu.

"You idiot, there's someone behind you! Hurry up and kill them!"

"If there's someone behind me, what about the people in front? What should I do about them?" Xia Yu argued reasonably.

"So you got killed by the people in front? You got killed by the people behind!"

"When I suppressed their firepower, they didn't dare show their faces. If I turned around, they'd come out and shoot me!"

"How did you know you'd get killed by the people in front before you turned around? The people behind you were the real threat."


Xia Yu had no explanation; feeling angry, he stretched out his hand and rubbed his stomach.

"Get your hand away! You pervert! Lolicon! Lesbian! ..."

Listening to Xu Youxiang's impotent rant, Xia Yu's mood lightened.

He picked up his phone and saw a blinking notification light, not knowing who had sent him a message.

Unlocking his phone, it turned out that someone had sent him a message on QQ.

It was Auntie, who had just left.

Xiaoxiang, how's your girlfriend?

Did she sense that he was lying and wanted to test him?

Xia Yu thought for two seconds, using An Siyao as his girlfriend prototype to answer Auntie.

She can play the piano and arrange flowers? So talented, good. What's her personality like? Auntie asked again.

Recalling for a moment, Xia Yu replied:

Quiet and gentle, always following me

Is her family rich?

Xia Yu pondered for a moment, feeling that revealing An Siyao's real family wealth would be too shocking, so he decided to share less:

Probably about several billion, her family only has her and her younger brother as children

Good, good.

Ten seconds later, Auntie sent another message.

I originally thought you were like your mother, looking fierce but actually very weak. Now it seems that you have more courage than me. Alas...

Aunt supports you.

"Thank you, auntie," Xia Yu replied, staring at the penultimate sentence his aunt said, feeling as if there was some deeper meaning hidden in it.

This was also a woman with a story.

"I'm not weak!" Xu Youxiang protested.

"Yes, yes, you're super fierce, extremely fierce."

"Don't try to coax me like a child, you pervert!"

"How am I a pervert?!"

The two got into an argument.

On the other side, Xu's father and mother were also discussing together.

"It should be the one who came last time," Xu's mother said.

"He seems quite nice," Xu's father agreed.

"His girlfriend is also good, very considerate," Xu's mother added.

"In a man's mind, all they think about when marrying a woman are those filthy things, but a girlfriend represents truly pure feelings," Xu's father nodded in agreement.

"But what will happen after we die?" Xu's mother sighed.

Xu's father didn't respond, just sighing as well.

Eight hours passed, and Xia Yu returned to his own body.

At that moment, it was time for his part-time job.

At five-thirty, the manager called Xia Yu over to the break room.