The Seemingly Existing Girlfriend

Yan Wei also heard the hurried footsteps, which made her panic and involuntarily grabbed Xia Yu's arm. This is a normal reaction when facing danger, but it is also a foolish reaction. Instead of resisting, she hindered her companion's movements. This is also a normal behavior of a drowning person; countless rescuers have died in the water because of this.

Fortunately, Yan Wei was quite alert; after Xia Yu brushed off her fingers, she let go of his hand. By this time, the footsteps had already reached their side. Yan Wei frantically used her mobile phone to illuminate the surroundings, but the range of the phone's light was limited, and she couldn't see the approaching figure for a moment.

However, Xia Yu could see it. He had the night vision skill he got from the black cat, although it was only at level 1 and could only see a silhouette. The figure came to their side, raised the wooden stick in their hand, and struck towards Xia Yu and Yan Wei's location. Xia Yu pushed Yan Wei away and dodged the wooden stick, then kicked the figure. The figure fell to the ground and rolled a few times, going into a shadow and disappearing.

"Turn off your phone," Xia Yu told Yan Wei. In the dark, light is a target; as long as there is no light and no sound is made, no one can see anyone. Yan Wei panicked and tried to turn off the phone's flashlight, but couldn't find the button for a moment.

The surroundings were too dark, and Xia Yu couldn't see the location of the figure who was deliberately hiding. After a period of panic, Yan Wei finally turned off the phone light. Before she could breathe a sigh of relief, another figure came to her. With the closer proximity, Yan Wei could distinguish a person by the deepening color in front of her. She raised her arm in front of her and screamed.

The muffled sound of the wooden stick hitting resounded, but Yan Wei did not feel the pain. Xia Yu used his arm to block the stick, then threw a punch at the figure, hitting the assailant's lower abdomen. He tried to grab the attacker's hand, intending to use a simple grappling technique to subdue the person.

However, his arm had just been struck by the stick and couldn't exert much strength, so he couldn't hold onto the person. The figure stepped back, groaned in pain, and escaped.

Xia Yu didn't chase after the assailant. Instead, he picked up his phone, turned on the flashlight, and pulled Yan Wei into the light. The girl was quite frightened and dazed.

Xia Yu then called the police, and three minutes later, a police car arrived. After explaining the situation and making a statement, Xia Yu and Yan Wei left the police station together. An old policeman escorted them home.

"You two did a good job by calling the police immediately after the attack," the old policeman said bluntly. "However, there aren't any surveillance cameras around that area, and neither of you saw the attacker's face clearly, so it will be difficult to determine who the person was."

Xia Yu knew it would be hard to investigate this matter. He came to report not to find the culprit, but to clear his own responsibility. Having experience with fights from years ago, he knew how heavy his punches and kicks were. After being kicked and punched by him, the attacker must have been in terrible condition. If the location happened to be right, there might even be some internal organ damage.

Having reported it to the police, it is considered self-defense. Moreover, the attacker used a stick throughout the process, while Xia Yu only used his fists and feet.

On the way, Xia Yu was also thinking, who would be the one to attack them. The first strike from the shadow was aimed at him and Yan Wei, but the second strike was solely for Yan Wei.

Could it be the boy from the next class who caused trouble at the milk tea shop and was taught a lesson?

No, the attacker's figure was much taller than him.

Before he could figure out the answer, Yan Wei had already arrived at her building.

"Where do you live?" The old police officer asked Xia Yu.

Xia Yu shook his head: "No need, I can go back by myself."

The old police officer narrowed his eyes, glanced at the two, and smiled:

"Well, you have just been attacked, your hormones are rising, it's normal to comfort each other."

He waved to them and left.

Xia Yu didn't bother to explain. The reason he wanted to get rid of the police was not only because he was confident in himself, but also because he didn't want his neighbors to find out.

As he turned around to leave, Yan Wei grabbed his sleeve.

After the attack, the young girl had been silent.

"Don't be afraid, as long as you don't go to remote places, you'll be fine." Xia Yu thought Yan Wei was still scared.

The girl didn't respond, she reached out her other hand, grabbed Xia Yu's arm, and then lowered her head, sobbing.

With his free hand, Xia Yu sighed and rubbed his forehead.

He couldn't remember the last time he had seen a girl cry.

So, what did Yan Wei want by crying in front of him?

Without responding, Xia Yu just quietly looked at her.

Under Xia Yu's silence, Yan Wei's crying gradually stopped.

"Alright, go home." Xia Yu said.

But Yan Wei still didn't let go of his hand.

"Is your hand okay?" the girl pulled up Xia Yu's sleeve.

There was a bruise on Xia Yu's forearm.

"It's just a surface wound, I caught the part he was holding."

The force was strongest at the tip of the swinging stick, while it was much weaker at the middle and the end.

After that, Xia Yu struggled and broke free from Yan Wei's grip.

He wasn't interested in continuing the hero saving the beauty scenario.

Yan Wei grabbed his hand again.

"Why are you avoiding me?" Yan Wei looked into Xia Yu's eyes.

Don't you know the reason yourself? I treated you like a cook, but what about you?

What happened to the cheerful girl she used to be?

It was because recently, Yan Wei had the illusion that they could get along well, so she couldn't accept it when her hopes suddenly shattered.

Xia Yu needed to find a way to completely deal with her.

He pondered for a moment, thinking about Xu Youxiang's forced marriage experience, and got an idea.

He said to Yan Wei with a serious expression: "I already have a girlfriend, and I don't want her to misunderstand."

"But I haven't heard..."

Interrupting Yan Wei's words, Xia Yu said: "She's studying at Yao Guang University, and we agreed to meet at Hua University."

Loosening her grip, Yan Wei stepped back, unable to accept it.

"That's how it is. If my previous actions caused you some misunderstandings, I apologize." With that, Xia Yu hurried off into the distance.

After Xia Yu's figure disappeared, Yan Wei returned home, looking disheartened.

"What happened?" Yan Wei's mother was shocked.

"It's nothing." Shaking her head, Yan Wei locked herself in her room.

After lying on the bed for a while, she picked up her phone and looked at it. There were unread messages on the phone, sent by Gui Zixiao.

I heard you guys went out to eat together?

Yan Wei then told Gui Zixiao everything.

Fake. How could I not know if he has a girlfriend? I told you, you pushed too hard. Look, now he's lying to get rid of you.

Yan Wei bit her lip tightly.

But this may be a good thing. Just assume he has a girlfriend and interact with him as a friend. It might be easier to get close to him!

Looking at Gui Zixiao's step-by-step analysis, Yan Wei cheered up.

On the other side, Xia Yu, who had returned home, re-treated the bruises he had dealt with at the police station, and then grabbed the black cat that was rubbing against his foot, begging to be petted.

He had no intention of letting go of the attacker.

Once it was midnight, the game's time would reset, and it would be time to find the other party.


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