I'll Support You

"What's the matter?" Xia Yu tried to guess but couldn't figure it out. He didn't think there was anything that would make Yuxue so happy lately.

"This afternoon, someone called me and said they want Xiao Hei to participate in a shoot!" The girl held up two fingers: "Just shoot a video, and there's RMB 2,000!"

So, it was probably an opportunity attracted from participating in the cat and dog show last time. Xia Yu contemplated for a moment. Under his control, the well-behaved, cute, and intelligent black cat was indeed a very suitable actor. Just shooting a video for two thousand yuan was worth it. More importantly, if this business could expand, the profits would be substantial.

"When and what exactly did they say?" He asked.

"It's a cat food store. We can shoot on Friday night, or Saturday, they said it's best to shoot at night." Yuxue replied.

After asking about the location and cat food brand, Xia Yu had no more questions, and everything seemed fine. It was Tuesday now, and there were a few days left until Friday. After agreeing to the shoot, seeing Yuxue's happy appearance, Xia Yu's mood also became cheerful. He calculated that when the cat food manufacturer launched the promotion, the black cat would definitely get more cooperation opportunities. Becoming a celebrity cat would earn much more money than playing the piano in a coffee shop. Moreover, it was the black cat who would become famous, not affecting his own life. Perfect.

However, when the black cat would become popular was an unknown matter that needed to be waited for. This world wasn't like the previous one with a highly developed internet and people entertaining themselves to death. He couldn't operate it alone.

The next day, when Xia Yu was playing the game with Xu Youxiang's body, he was still thinking about the matter. "You died again!" Xu Youxiang scolded him, "Can't you be serious?" Yawning, Xia Yu ignored the girl. He looked at his mobile phone; its notification light was flashing, indicating that someone had sent Xu Youxiang a message.

"Shall I take a look?" Xia Yu asked for Xu Youxiang's opinion. Xu Youxiang, still regretting her recent game failure, replied casually. By the time she realized her mistake, Xia Yu had already opened the phone.


Turning off the phone screen, Xia Yu tossed it aside, pretending he hadn't seen anything. "It's not me! I didn't do it! It's your aunt who always sends me these things!" Xu Youxiang roared like a furious cat in Xia Yu's mind.

"Your aunt really knows a lot about this area." Xia Yu sighed and changed the subject to the game. After being disturbed by Xu Youxiang's aunt, Xia Yu temporarily put aside the black cat celebrity plan and focused on playing the game.

By noon, Xia Yu heard movement in the living room – Xu's parents had returned. However, after the sound of the door opening, he didn't hear any more movement from them for a long time. After about five minutes, his room door was knocked, and Xu's parents entered.

"What's wrong?" Xia Yu continued playing the game.

"Xiangxiang, we want to discuss something with you," the two said.

The two of them looked somewhat serious, as if they were about to discuss an important matter, but Xia Yu's game was also at a crucial point, which didn't allow him to pause during the boss battle.

"Go ahead, I'm listening." Xia Yu continued playing his game.

"Although our bodies are still in good shape, we are in our forties after all. In another twenty or thirty years, we won't be able to move much." Xu's mother tried to organize her words, but couldn't find a better way to express herself, and the rehearsal in the living room earlier was of no use.

Xu's father had to take over: "We were just thinking that when we're gone, you won't have anyone to take care of you, so, so..."

He had some difficulty speaking again.

Xia Yu quickly summarized what the two of them had said in his mind and understood what they wanted to discuss.

"Do you want a boy or a girl?" Xia Yu asked.

Their intention was obvious - they wanted a second child, which was a very normal thing in a world without relevant policies.

The two were shocked to see their daughter's expression of "You're bothering me with this trivial matter," but at the same time, they felt relieved.

"Do you prefer a younger brother or sister? " Xu's mother asked.

"It's not me who is raising them."

"Well, your mother can't be bothered any more, anyway. Whatever it is, it is!" Xu's father said.

And so the matter was settled.

A minute after leaving the bedroom, Xia Yu finally finished the boss battle.

Xu Youxiang did not speak a word during this time.

"What's wrong, are you emotional?" Xia Yu asked.

"It's just a little uncomfortable." Xu Youxiang sounded a bit disappointed.

Although she knew that her parents wanted a second child for her own good in the future, the thought of having an additional brother or sister to distract their attention made her feel complicated.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of you later." Xia Yu thought that in two or three years he would be able to set up his business, then he could grab Xu Youxiang and use her as a strong worker.

"How are you going to take care of me?" Xu Youxiang asked.

When the girl asked such a question, it meant she agreed.

"We'll scam money together from An Siyao, 30% for you and 70% for me."

"You're such a freeloader!" The girl was furious, she asked seriously, but Xia Yu was joking.

"Money earned through intelligence, why should I be called a freeloader!"

The two laughed and teased each other for a while, and then fell silent again.

After a while, Xu Youxiang thanked Xia Yu.

"What are you thanking me for?" Xia Yu was puzzled.

Was she thanking him for being willing to scam with her?

"Just now, if it were me answering those questions, my expression would definitely not be pleasant." Xu Youxiang could imagine that if her own expression were abnormal, her parents would be worried, and even if she agreed, they might not continue with the plan.

Xu Youxiang felt that having a new child would be good for her parents as well.

"Your mouth is a bit sweet after all!" Xia Yu said.

"What do you mean!" Xu Youxiang got angry again.


The next day, Xia Yu logged into An Siyao's body.

Today was Thursday, the day students from the East Village went on a study trip. An Siyao and the Feng sisters had agreed to go to their house today.

Originally, Xia Yu was not interested in this kind of thing, but considering that An Siyao was going to a unfamiliar place and might be a little scared, and that Feng Yujia said she had prepared delicious snacks, Xia Yu decided to go.

At half past eight in the morning, Feng Yujia and her sister Feng Yumo arrived at the villa to pick up Xia Yu personally.

This made Xia Yu sigh with admiration. Having such intimate friends as An Siyao did was truly something to be envious of.

"I'll take you to see my sister's dolls later. They are super scary at night!" Feng Yumo said in the car.

"My dolls are not scary at all, it's the dog you raised that is scary!" Feng Yujia argued with her sister.

"John is not scary at all, it's just that you are too timid, sister!"

"But last time, even the maid was scared!"

"That's because she was a stranger!"

Listening to the two sisters' quarrel, Xia Yu summed up the information: Feng Yujia had many dolls, and Feng Yumo raised a dog named John.

"By the way, Yao Yao, your father is also at my house. The housekeeper told me this morning," Feng Yujia added.