
Analyzing rationally, temporarily deleting An Siyao's column and going to learn a foreign language before coming back is not a big deal.

Letting him leave Yuxue and go abroad to learn a foreign language for two weeks would not cause any special reaction from either of them. It's unreasonable that Yuxue can do it, but An Siyao cannot.

Unless An Siyao does not participate in the tri-match in ten days and the finals on the first of next month, transfers from Dongzhi Township to another city, only then would it be difficult for Xia Yu to restore her column.

Moreover, even if the above situation occurs, there are still ways to remedy it.

Without An Siyao's column, Xu Youxiang's is still there. Xu Youxiang can lead An Siyao to a place and then mark her.

Therefore, it is impossible for Xia Yu to leave for ten to fifteen days and not restore An Siyao's column.

Now, he can temporarily delete An Siyao and add her back during the tri-match or finals, as he may not have such a good opportunity in the future.

Foreign language skills are essential, and helping Tina is actually an optional matter. In modern society, girls are unlikely to encounter any danger.

But why is it so difficult to make a decision?

There is no problem with rational thinking, so the problem may not necessarily lie in rationality.

Is it the uneasiness of suddenly losing contact?

Sitting in the chair in the painting studio, Xia Yu rubbed his forehead.

What he had told Yan Wei before, about not wanting to fall in love in high school, was not a lie. In fact, not just in high school, but because of his past life experiences, Xia Yu had not planned to consider love in this life.

As a wise man once sang, it's not so easy to find a companion to chat with, especially after seeing so many betrayals.

What exactly does he feel for An Siyao?

At first, he was only interested in her because she had value and was easy to deceive.

If he truly considered her as a target, it would not be just a matter of making money.

Maintaining a villa lifestyle alone, the amount An Siyao spends in a month is a figure that Xia Yu cannot currently reach even with all his efforts.

Inserting someone into his life plan requires some mental adjustment.

Perhaps he should distinguish it carefully.

After contemplating for a while, he stood up and came to a floor-to-ceiling mirror. He touched the mirror surface and said, "I have something that will involve half a month, and I won't be able to contact you during this time."

An Siyao's voice didn't respond immediately. After a minute, she said dejectedly, "I know."

"If something happens, you can post a search notice for Akalin in the North Star Daily." Xia Yu added.

"What word?" An Siyao asked cautiously.

Picking up a brush, Xia Yu wrote the three characters of Akalin on a piece of paper.

"Well, let's settle it like this." Xia Yu said.

"Okay." An Siyao's mood was low.

"In ten days, at the latest by your finals, I will be back. I will also watch your performance on TV, so don't lose." To comfort An Siyao, Xia Yu said.

"I won't lose!" An Siyao's tone was indeed more cheerful.

During the remaining time, Xia Yu wandered around An Siyao's painting studio, and when the time came, he returned to his own body.

Lying in bed, he brought out the panel and deleted An Siyao's entry, then got up and went downstairs to the newsstand to buy a copy of the North Star Daily.

The newspaper was placed with a toothbrush factory and a novel.

Xia Yu's gaze lingered on the novel for a moment.

Is White Swan starting its film and television adaptation?

White Swan is a novel, and a copy is still on Xia Yu's bookshelf.

The author of this book is a junior fellow student of his.

The other party must have skills in novel creation, but unfortunately, he doesn't need this skill.

A hundred years ago, writers were a highly influential profession, but now, compared to a pianist's prestige and social influence, it pales.

Writing novels does not make much money, unless managing copyrights, but it's more profitable to develop a few mobile applications.

A popular novel - even with perfect circumstances - reaching one hundred million in sales is almost impossible, while a popular mobile game doesn't take long to achieve more than that.

For example, a well-known mobile game in Xia Yu's past life had a monthly turnover of 3 billion.

And even writing a book takes time, practice, and a progression of levels.

Putting the newspaper in the drawer, Xia Yu rubbed his forehead.

With a monthly turnover of 3 billion, could he comfortably support An Siyao?

He could even afford to support Xu Youxiang and Tina.

Wait, why is he thinking about An Siyao again?

Shaking his head, Xia Yu sat at his desk and opened the notebook.

During these two weeks of separation from An Siyao, he not only needed to free up a spot to learn a foreign language but also took time to reflect on himself.

If he decided not to get too involved with An Siyao, he could lay low, but if he chose to get closer to her, he would have to work even harder.

An Family Corporation and Da Liang Capital were not ordinary companies.

Let's focus on the foreign language issue first.

He had already written the plan in the notebook, now the problem was, how to meet the translators.

He soon came up with an idea.

After confirming there were no oversights, Xia Yu closed the notebook.

The second hand on the wall clock ticked away.

A lap later, the hand pointed to 8 a.m., and he entered Xu Youxiang's body.

Opening his eyes, he saw the sink.

Good thing he arrived a bit later.

After washing his hands, Xia Yu, leaning on his crutch, returned to the bed and said, "I need your help."

"What?" Xu Youxiang asked, "Learning programming again?"

"No, I want information on some people."

"Who?" Xu Youxiang didn't ask why.

"People in the publishing industry," Xia Yu deliberately kept it vague.

With Xu Youxiang's help, Xia Yu successfully collected this information online.

He compiled the information gathered into a spreadsheet and uploaded it to a small forum.

After completing the task, he played games until the game time was over.

When Xia Yu left, Xu Youxiang flipped to the webpage with the spreadsheet and contemplated for a moment.

Since it's here, it means that guy will come to get it.

So, can I wait for them to spring the trap?

I can't deal with a big forum, but in a small one like this... heh.

The girl spent the whole night staring at the forum. There were five people who posted, but only one of them had downloaded the form. After tracking it down, Xu Youxiang showed a smile. It turned out to be someone from Fangzhang City. She decided to rummage through that person's computer, maybe there was other information. Five minutes later, she left satisfied. That person had no reverence for the internet and had left a lot of information on their computer. Next time that person comes, she would scare them.

At home in Ziluo City, Xia Yu smiled. He knew that with Xu Youxiang's personality, she would definitely be fixated on that form and wondered what kind of misunderstanding she would have. In his previous life, Xia Yu already knew how unreliable the internet could be, so he didn't even plan on downloading the form. The information he needed for the four translations was already stored in his mind. He just put up the form to tease Xu Youxiang. Relying on his memory, he wrote down the information of the four people. He chose the one with the highest online translation level and the youngest one, deciding to try these two first.

There would be no twists and turns in An Siyao's affairs, it was just a necessary process. In the setting, Xia Yu was a character who was far more rational than emotional. His feelings could not suddenly be like An Siyao's. After two weeks in the story, it would be time to have some sweet moments.