Countdown to the Third Game

Even with the help of level 4 agility, Xia Yu could learn the E-ending before the finals, but this would not make him competitive against An Siyao. An Siyao's level is already considered cheating. According to Zhong Yunze, there is another player in the north who only lags a bit behind An Siyao, but Xia Yu cannot compete against them either. At most, he could only rank in the top three.

The top three would be enough, after all, the task requirement was just to reach the finals. In the remaining time, Xia Yu practiced five more times. It wasn't that he didn't want to practice more, but the burden on his fingers from playing this piece was too great. Xia Yu only had agility, not resilience, and his body was still that of an ordinary human.

During the rest time after the five tries, he ate and drank with Kong Hanyue. "By the way, your grandmother asked my mother if you would be going back during the winter vacation," said Kong Hanyue.

Chewing on french fries, Xia Yu pondered. His grandmother was different from Xia Dongyang. Although she wasn't too good, she wasn't bad either. After Xia Dongyang ran away, his grandmother couldn't get in touch with Xia Yu, so she asked Xia Yu's maternal grandmother to ask Kong Hanyue. Kong Hanyue and Xia Dongyang's hometown were in the same village.

Xia Yu didn't really want to go back because his relationship with his grandmother wasn't deep, and there was nothing to do if he returned. "Just go for a visit. If you don't go to Xia's house, you can come to mine. My mom is also urging me to go back. You can go with me," said Kong Hanyue, hugging Xia Yu's arm and looking at him with hopeful eyes.

"Fine, I'll go," agreed Xia Yu.

"Great, I'll bring both Ze Ze and Xinxin, and you can help me watch Xinxin," Kong Hanyue said happily.

"Helping you watch Xinxin is your true purpose, isn't it?" Xia Yu flicked the foot Kong Hanyue had placed on his leg and said.

"No, showing you off at home is my true purpose!"

"Well, you've miscalculated then. The people in the village don't know anything about the guzheng."

"Then just help me watch Xinxin."

"Then you shouldn't avoid Yuxue either," Xia Yu took the opportunity to say.

"Do I really have to bring her?" Kong Hanyue didn't want to see her daughter.

"Leave Yuxue home alone? If she doesn't go, I won't go either."

"Fine, fine, I'll bring her!"

Kong Hanyue, who was forced to agree by Xia Yu, got angry and snatched the bag of french fries from his hand. "I won't let you eat anymore!"

"Can't you be less childish?" Xia Yu looked helplessly at Kong Hanyue.

"I am childish, so what!" Kong Hanyue stuffed the remaining french fries into her mouth, picked up the bottle of cola on the side, and gulped it down.

After wiping his hands with a wet wipe, Xia Yu put on his armor and practiced the E-ending one more time before leaving the villa. Outside the house, the moon had already reached the eastern position.

When the moon had completely set and the sun had risen, Xia Yu got up, washed up, and checked Bai Mao's status. Yesterday, the two boys had just been taught a lesson, and both Tina and the administrator would be watching them, so nothing would happen. But after a day had passed, the two boys might be looking for a chance to retaliate.

In the welfare home, it was breakfast time, and in front of Xia Yu, there was a bowl of cat food worth one dollar. This was the cat food he had received from the volunteers who came to help the day before when he had shown his cute side.

Although it was still a bit lacking, the cat food was much better than what the middle-aged manager provided.

After finishing the cat food, Xia Yu walked around the welfare home but couldn't find the two boys, who might have climbed out of the welfare home to play outside.

On his way back to find Tina, he encountered the elderly manager who was about to go out.

The old manager walked past Xia Yu without any pause, let alone stroking him with her hand.

This was the indifference that Xia Yu couldn't experience from others.

This old lady actually didn't like cats, which was really distressing.

Xia Yu also tried to show his obedience, such as showing her a ball and rubbing against her leg, but the elderly manager remained unmoved and indifferent.

Before thinking of new methods, Xia Yu didn't plan to make any more futile attempts.

Striding forward on his paws, Xia Yu walked a few steps and then stopped.

He sensed something was wrong.

Doubling back, Xia Yu circled around the elderly manager's feet twice, determining the problem.

His psychic power was warning him that the old manager had a problem.

She would run into some bad incidents.

Thinking for a while, Xia Yu decided to quietly follow the old manager.

The fence of the welfare home couldn't stop Xia Yu. He jumped over the wall with the help of two footholds.

The elderly manager rode a bicycle out. Since she was old, she rode slowly, so Xia Yu could keep up with her at a trot.

After riding for about 15 minutes, they arrived at a small supermarket. The elderly manager locked her bike and entered the store.

It would be conspicuous if a cat entered the supermarket, so Xia Yu stayed outside, watching the elderly manager through the glass wall.

There was no problem inside the supermarket. The elderly manager walked out with a paper bag, put it in the basket of her bicycle, and took the same route back.

Xia Yu followed all the way until he saw the welfare home in the distance. He thought the old manager would be able to return safely, but she suddenly fell to the ground in pain, just a hundred meters from the welfare home.

The welfare home was in a secluded location, and although there were no nearby pedestrians, there were many passing vehicles, and the elderly manager was lying on the road.

Rushing forward, Xia Yu tried to drag her off the road by grabbing her clothes, but he lacked strength and couldn't move her.

He rushed to the other side of the manager and used a rolling method to get her off the road.

After that, he dashed back into the welfare home, grabbed a Franklin bill from the young caretaker's wallet, and led him to the elderly manager's side.

The young man remained calm, skillfully took a bottle of medicine from the elderly manager's pocket, and fed it to her.

The elderly manager, who was initially in pain, gradually recovered to normal.

"Thank you," the elderly manager said to the young man.

"I told you not to go out alone, but you still did."

"I just went to the supermarket. I didn't expect this to happen in such a short time."

"Thanks to Meow Meow this time, if it hadn't come to me, I wouldn't have known you were in trouble." The young man held Xia Yu by his side and told the elderly manager.

The old caretaker looked at the white cat. She had just fallen to the ground in pain, but she hadn't lost consciousness. She clearly saw the white cat pushing her off the road and then going to call for help.

She hesitated for a moment before standing up and picking up Xia Yu.

The old caretaker took an apple out of her bag and fed it to Xia Yu.

Using his psychic powers, Xia Yu could feel a sense of closeness from the old caretaker and knew that his small goal had been accomplished.

The orphanage was now his domain!

At this time, in the backyard of the orphanage, two boys climbed back over the wall and plotted:

"This time we must give that cat a good lesson!"

"If we get counterattacked, we'll go to the old witch and complain. The old witch likes that cat, but she won't like this!"

The two boys high-fived and laughed, feeling that this was a perfect plan. Whether they won or lost, they could punish the white cat!