Driver: Family Feud

The meeting wasn't today, so after breakfast, Xia Yu and Yuxue went downstairs to the noodle shop together, helping their grandfather. The noodle shop wasn't busy, and the two elders didn't have Xia Yu and Yuxue do much work. Their presence was mainly to show off to the elders.

It was like when someone got a new designer bag and immediately went shopping with their best friend. Shopping was secondary; showing off the bag was the main event. They stayed there all morning and determined they only needed to nod and greet people while talking about their own achievements. Xia Yu then confidently left the tasks to Yuxue and entered An Siyao's body.

It happened to be lunchtime, so he also saw Luo Yali and An Feixiong. Just as An Siyao had said, An Feixiong was a noisy child, and he wasn't light. From his appearance, it was quite fitting to call him a bear. Under Luo Yali's coaxing, An Feixiong ate a few bites of rice before jumping off the chair and going outside to play. Luo Yali could only hold the bowl and follow An Feixiong out.

Shaking his head, Xia Yu thought there would be a drama in An Siyao's life where a stepmother, relying on the support of her husband and her own son, competed with her husband's legitimate daughter whose mother died early for property. Now it seemed that he was overthinking it. Luo Yali and An Feixiong were both incapable.

Having no worthy enemies was really lonely. Sighing, after finishing lunch, Xia Yu returned to his room to rest for a while. At two o'clock in the afternoon, he left the room. As he walked through the front courtyard, he saw a maid.

She was one of the maids in the villa, ordered by Luo Yali to look after An Feixiong. The maid was using a clothes rod to poke a tree next to her. Glancing up, Xia Yu saw the soccer ball in the tree. He looked at the maid's side and saw an angry An Feixiong scolding her.

The clothes rod could touch the soccer ball, but the branches surrounding it were too dense to dislodge it. The maid was anxiously tiptoeing, poking at the soccer ball constantly, but it wouldn't budge. At this moment, she heard footsteps nearby.

Turning her head, she saw Xia Yu. "Miss..." The maid hurriedly tried to explain, but Xia Yu stopped her. "Give me the rod," Xia Yu said. Taking the clothes rod from the maid, Xia Yu calculated the height of the soccer ball and the length of the clothes rod, making a plan with the surrounding terrain.

Then he sprinted, kicked off the tree trunk, and at the highest point, he poked the soccer ball with the clothes rod. The soccer ball came down. The maid stared at Xia Yu with shining eyes, as the move was really cool.

Handing the clothes rod back to the maid, Xia Yu was about to leave when An Feixiong blocked him: "You got the ball dirty!" The soccer ball had indeed fallen into a patch of mud prepared for planting new flowers.

"Go wash it clean!" An Feixiong continued. The maid said she would wash it, but An Feixiong disagreed. "Doesn't she have her own hands? Let her pick it up!" the boy said.

This was a magical logic, and Xia Yu stared at him for a moment. He came to help because he knew that An Feixiong posed no threat, so he planned to win him over, but it seemed that this one couldn't be won over.

Upon arriving at the muddy ground, he picked up the ball and, under An Feixiong's watchful eyes, threw it back up the tree.

The ball was even higher than before.

"What are you doing!" An Feixiong stepped forward to grab Xia Yu's clothes.

With a sidestep, Xia Yu tripped the boy, causing him to fall onto the ground.

An Feixiong started crying loudly.

Ignoring him, Xia Yu called the maid standing nearby, "You, come with me."

"But, Young Master..." The maid had been instructed to take care of An Feixiong.

"I am your master." Xia Yu insisted, not allowing the maid to argue, and she followed him.

"Mhm." The maid had always disapproved of An Feixiong's behavior, so with Xia Yu's words, she confidently left An Feixiong behind and followed Xia Yu.

The maid knew that Xia Yu didn't originally plan to bring her along, but since he had just teased An Feixiong, he didn't want her to bear the brunt of his anger, so he called her away.

In this way, she became Miss's maid, and if anyone found fault in what the young master had done, they would be going against Miss.

Turning her head to look at An Feixiong, who was still crying on the ground, she recalled Miss's words, "I am your master," and felt a warmth in her chest.

She started giggling.

Xia Yu thought that the maid was simply happy to see An Feixiong's misfortune, so he led her into the waiting carriage at the entrance.

The driver stood like a robot, waiting for them to enter, then closed the backseat door, got into the driver's seat, and drove towards Dongzhixiang Academy.

Throughout the journey, he remained silent, his face expressionless.

But his heart was not calm.

Just now, what did he see?

Miss helping the young master retrieve the ball was just a small incident, but that act seemed to carry a much deeper meaning.

In the world of the wealthy, every detail was part of a power struggle.

That event just now was of great significance!

The soccer ball, which was the center of the event, represented not just any soccer ball but the An Corporation.

When the young master let the maid retrieve the ball stuck in the tree, it symbolized his attempt to seize control of the An Corporation.

At that moment, Miss took over the task, symbolizing her willingness to cooperate with the young master and jointly rule the An Corporation.

The fact that Miss managed to retrieve the ball when the maid couldn't showed that the young master would struggle to take control of the An Corporation without Miss.

But Xia Yu didn't agree with sharing it with Miss, so he used the fact that the ball had fallen in the mud to show that Miss would only dirty the An Corporation.

He then asked her to clean the ball, as if to push her to stay out of the An Corporation, because it's her involvement that had dirtied it in the first place.

Naturally, Miss wouldn't easily back down. She threw the ball higher up the tree, making it even more difficult to retrieve, effectively saying, "If I don't get it, you won't either!"

The young master, being young, immediately became angry and stepped forward, signaling the beginning of a fight with Miss.

Miss showed that she was not afraid, and in practice demonstrated that the young master wouldn't stand a chance against her – evidenced by the young master laying on the ground, crying.

However, this wasn't the worst part for the driver. What chilled his heart was that at the end, Miss took away the young master's maid.

What did this mean? The maid symbolized the young master's support, so after her victory, Miss wanted to seize the young master's property as well, leaving him without a thing!

The young master cried so sadly because he realized this, terrified at the ruthless nature of the Miss.

After all, this was a Miss who had a whole school filled with noble girls under her control!

Upon arriving at the school entrance, the driver respectfully helped Miss out of the car, then parked the car to the side and lit a cigarette.

All I wanted was to earn some money for milk powder, why did I get involved in this struggle within the wealthy family?

What if Miss asked me to move forward... How should I deal with it?

I would never do something so heinous, but what if Miss lured me with a large sum of money?

Qingqing, everything I'm doing is for your and our child's future!

With a firm belief in his heart, the driver extinguished the cigarette, chewed on a piece of gum and sprayed some perfume to cover the smell of smoke, then got back in the car.

At this moment, Xia Yu and the maid had arrived at the entrance of Zhong Yunxin's bedroom.