Mysterious Villa

Luo Yali looked at the maid beside An Feixiong, "Why didn't you stop An Siyao?"

The maid remained silent, and Luo Yali realized that the maid couldn't really do anything about it. She looked at An Feixiong again.

"In the future, don't be afraid when you see her, mom will take care of it for you!" she said.

"Really?" An Feixiong became excited, he knew it was his fault for bullying others, but he didn't expect to receive help.


Feeling sorry for An Feixiong, she took him to a maid who used to be a nurse, applied some medicine on him. Enraged, Luo Yali went to An Siyao's bedroom, only to find out that An Siyao had gone out.

"Where did she go?" Luo Yali asked the maid.

"I don't know." The maid actually knew, but she didn't want to tell Luo Yali at all.

Luo Yali went back to her room and waited for a while. But when she thought about An Feixiong's pain and the fact that An Siyao dared to hit him, she felt a surge of anger and fear in her heart.

When An Tianfeng asked her to come over, she didn't really care. To her, she was just changing cities and she was still the wife of the An family. Her status must be the highest in her stepdaughter's villa.

Although An Siyao was the legitimate child, she had a son, and gender was more important than legitimacy.

When she first came to the villa, things were indeed as she had imagined. The head maid had aligned with her, and An Siyao was well-behaved.

She thought the discomfort she felt at the birthday banquet regarding An Siyao was just her own overthinking.

However, in just two days, the situation changed.

The head maid was taken away, and her chosen maid, Dong Ci, was sent back. In the huge villa, with more than a dozen maids, they couldn't spare two to take care of her and her daughter.

Moreover, all the maids had cold expressions. Although they weren't disobedient, she could see their attitudes were at a minimum.

Luo Yali tried to console herself, saying that the maids here were naturally cold, but they were clearly very enthusiastic when facing An Siyao.

When she tried to talk to the new head maid, Yu Ningmeng, she found that she was correcting documents in her room.

What documents would there be for a head maid?

And then there was An Siyao. She encountered two self-portraits painted by An Siyao in the painting room, one gentle, and the other cold. Who would paint their own portrait in two different styles like that?

More importantly, she could tell the two portraits were at different skill levels!

Why would someone have two different levels of painting skills?

The strangeness of the villa made Luo Yali more and more afraid.

Facing the unknown fear, there were two normal ways to deal with it: run away or face it head-on.

Seeing the bright sun outside the window, Luo Yali decided to face it head-on.

She wanted to confront An Siyao and use the incident about An Feixiong to start the conversation and see if she was just overthinking it.

To prevent her courage from dissipating, Luo Yali took action immediately. She left the villa and went to inquire in another building outside.

This house was some distance away from the villa, used for resting by drivers and some temporary workers.

She found out that the driver who had taken An Siyao out had just returned.

She had the driver take her to An Siyao; this matter had to be resolved today! She thought.

Under the guidance of the guards, Luo Yali saw An Siyao's private driver.

She stared wide-eyed at the driver's face.

She was about to exclaim in surprise, but the driver shook his head.

"What does the Madam need from me?" The driver asked with a normal expression, as if he didn't recognize Luo Yali.

Although puzzled, Luo Yali still cooperated with the driver and played along.

She casually asked where An Siyao had gone, and then turned to leave.

Back at the villa, she logged into an email account she hadn't used in a long time and sent an email to the driver.

The driver replied quickly, "Tonight, North Street, do not reply, delete after reading."

She deleted the email, lying in bed tossing and turning.

That driver was a junior of hers from before and they had a good relationship, but it faded after she got involved with An Tianfeng.

In principle, when old friends meet, they should have some polite greetings and reminisce about the past, so how could they act like they didn't know each other?

Also, this email had to be deleted after reading!

Tossing and turning in bed for a while, Luo Yali suddenly thought of something.

She logged out of the mailbox and entered the driver's email account and password from memory.

It worked, he hadn't changed his password!

After a brief moment of happiness, she felt that this wasn't really useful, and the driver would know that she had logged into his mailbox.

As she was about to log out, she noticed a timed email in the mailbox.

The email was set for ten days later, and the recipient's nickname was cute old man, presumably the other party's wife.

She wasn't one to pry into other people's privacy, but she saw the email's subject line

- A last letter.

Qingqing, respectfully:

By the time you receive this letter, I must have already encountered some misfortune. Please do not investigate or pursue the matter, and follow their arrangements. All of this is because I knew too much...

The letter was brief and contained no detailed information, but the implications were huge.

What was the cause of the mishap? What did knowing too much mean? Who were they afraid of investigating?

Pacing back and forth in the room, Luo Yali's heart was uneasy. She didn't wait until evening, arriving at North Street at five in the afternoon, braving the cold wind and waiting at the street corner.

At six o'clock, a man wearing a stand-collar coat and with an unclear face waved to her and entered a milk tea shop.

That man was the driver.

"What are you looking for me for now?" Even indoors, the driver didn't lower the collar covering his face.

"What's going on, what's the last letter in your mailbox?" Luo Yali asked in a low voice.

The driver stared at her for five seconds, which were long seconds, and Luo Yali could hear her own heart pounding intensely.

The driver finally spoke, "So, you don't know anything."

"What do I know?" Luo Yali asked impatiently.

"You were always very naive, and now you've become even more foolish." The driver sighed, "It's better not to know."

"What are you talking about!" Luo Yali's tone grew louder.

Let her calm down, the driver began to explain: "I shouldn't have come to see you, but considering our past relationship, I have a few words of advice for you."

"The cruelty of the wealthy family is beyond our imagination. Just be a mascot, don't listen, don't ask, don't fight, and especially don't go against the young lady." After saying this, the driver was about to stand up.

But he was stopped by Luo Yali.

He added another sentence: "I have a friend who is from the same hometown as the former head maid, and I asked him to inquire. The head maid never went home!"

After saying that, he left quickly.

Luo Yali returned home, still thinking about the driver's words, feeling a chill in her body.

The next morning, as she went out for breakfast, she was still thinking about the matter.

Entering the restaurant, she saw An Feixiong and An Siyao.

An Feixiong ran to her, hugged her waist, and said, "Mom, An Siyao is bullying me!"

Looking at the unhappy and somewhat imposing An Siyao, Luo Yali recalled the driver's words.