Eastern Village Project Initiated

On the morning of the 28th, at an airport in District 2, An Tianfeng boarded the plane.

Sitting by the window, he watched the airport quickly shrink in size, letting out a sigh.

He was originally hunting in a rather primitive forest when he suddenly received a call from his assistant, saying that Lao Zhong's son was looking for him.

After asking, he found out that there was a problem with Lao Zhong's company.

After finishing the hunting, An Tianfeng decided to go to Ziling to have a look. By the way, he wanted to regain the dignity he lost when facing Zhong Yunxin from Zhong Yunze's body.

Zhong's was just a small company, and the problem was said to be internal. Without relying on his own An Group, even with his years of business experience, he could easily solve this issue.

An Tianfeng was very confident in this.

What made him sigh was not Zhong's issue, but his daughter's problem.

At the same time he received a call from Zhong Yunze, An Tianfeng also received the news that his daughter has taken in a female college student.

After conducting an investigation and discussing with Yu Liang, An Tianfeng knew that his daughter was not bent. She should only be closer to her friends because she has been with the maids in the villa, basically not having any contact with men.

However, understanding does not mean he can accept it.

Yaoyao is already 18 years old, and it's time for her to have contact with men. Otherwise, what should she do when she gets married in the future?

So, who should he arrange to be by his daughter's side?

Someone with a similar age, good character, and preferably capable.

It's an excellent opportunity to visit his old friends in Ziling and see if there are any suitable candidates.

Pulling the curtain down, putting the seat down, An Tianfeng put on an eye mask, lay on the seat, and entered sleep.

On the other side, Xia Yu logged into An Siyao's account.

Today is the first day of school, and the psychological treatment room he requested is also ready. It's time to go to the academy and start the mission.

Taking out a clean outfit from the wardrobe, Xia Yu took a car to Dongzhi Town Academy.

Today is the first day of school, and there is a morning assembly.

All the students came to the auditorium, sat down, and listened to the principal's speech.

The principal is a middle-aged woman who looks a bit old-fashioned. She reads the same script she has read every semester since she took office, only changing the dates and seasons.

The girls in the audience were sleepy.

After the principal finished talking, the girls applauded enthusiastically. This enthusiasm was not false, but it was not for the principal's speech, but for her leaving the stage.

After the principal, the host student said, "Next, please welcome the president of the student council to speak."

The students below whispered:

"Is Sister An Siyao going on stage?"

"One month away, I wonder if Sister Siyao is even more handsome."

Amid their chirping, Feng Yujia took the stage.

The auditorium fell into a three-second silence.

Under the guidance of the teacher, an awkward applause came late.

"So, the president of the student council is Sister Feng Yujia?"

"What does Sister An Siyao do then?"

The girls fell into deep thought.

Feng Yujia's speech was short, and after she finished, the host student said, "Finally, please invite a representative of students to come on stage and speak."

Seeing a figure coming up from below, the girls clapped casually, their applause sparse. But as soon as the figure turned around, their applause immediately grew enthusiastic, even more passionate than when they celebrated the dean stepping down.

Smiling at the students below, Xia Yu maintained his elegance and began reading his speech: "In this season of blossoming pear flowers..." His speech was not long, and as he bowed and left the stage, the girls' applause was filled with reluctance to let go.

"Senior An Siyao has indeed become more handsome."

"He's so elegant!"

"Just like a nobleman."

The girls' discussions reached the ears of the dean, who turned and asked the director of education beside her, "What's the deal with this An Siyao?" Since the student representative had been chosen by the director of education, the dean asked her.

The director of education paused, feeling the unfriendliness in the dean's words, and said, "An Siyao is the most popular student in the whole school, and his grades are also very excellent."

"What is popularity, nonsense!" The old-fashioned dean furrowed her brows, "Our school is an elite school, not a school for idols. We cultivate elites for the upper class, not actors who run around for popularity!"

With a glance at the girls behind her still discussing the matter, the dean said again, "You have An Siyao come to see me!"

"But he's just a bit more popular." The director of education hesitated.

"If he wasn't intentionally showing off and trying to win over people, how could he become so popular?" The dean sneered, "Who are his parents, playing these unorthodox tricks?"

The director of education answered, "An Tianfeng."

The dean's body stiffened.

A moment later, her face regained its sharpness, "Even if she is the daughter of the An family, she cannot trample on the ideals of Dong Zhi Xiang!"

The director of education added, "Her grandfather is Yu Liang."

The dean turned sharply, "The Yu Liang of Da Liang Capital?"

"Yes." The director of education answered.

Silence for five seconds, the dean coughed, "I reconsidered, a direct interview is too blunt, I'll remind her indirectly when I get a chance."

Although An family had wealth, An Tianfeng could not touch Dong Zhi Xiang, but Da Liang Capital was different. Yu Liang was a major shareholder of Dong Zhi Xiang.

"Why isn't her identity marked in the file?" The dean complained about the director of education, she almost made a big mistake.

"Her family intentionally hid it," the director of education explained, "And you don't really manage the school's affairs, so I didn't tell you."

"Are there any other students like this?" The dean asked.

"No, the rest of the files are marked."

Relieved by the director of education's words, the dean calmed down.

Straightening her collar, she glanced in Xia Yu's direction again.

Although she didn't dare to meddle in Xia Yu's affairs because of his family background, her heart still held her previous thoughts.

With contempt, she looked at the girls surrounding Xia Yu and lamented their superficiality.

The morning assembly ended, and all the students returned to their classrooms to begin their day's lessons.

At 2:45 in the afternoon, after a day's classes, fifteen students from the school's fifteen classes received a text message.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, if available, come to the psychological counseling room next to the student council.

The message was signed by An Siyao.

The time on everyone's text message was different.

If it were someone else's invitation, the fifteen people would definitely ignore it, but this was an invitation from An Siyao.

What did An Siyao want to do?

The fifteen people were puzzled.

At three o'clock, waiting in the psychotherapy room, Xia Yu saw the two girls he had invited.

They were Feng Yujia and Feng Yumo.

"Yao Yao, what are you planning to do?" The two girls looked puzzled at the room full of beds.