An Tianfeng: Stake Claim

March 1st, Saturday, the students who had only attended one day of class, got a holiday, but many people still hadn't gone home.

The reason why Dongzhixiang was famous, besides its teaching, was that it also played a role similar to a girls' boarding school, where the upper-class people could confidently send their daughters to study.

During the holidays, the school would also organize activities, and various facilities were very complete. Even on campus, there was a small shopping mall. Things not found in the mall could be bought outside the school or brought in by the store owners.

The principal walked out of the shopping mall, satisfied with the little skirt she had purchased. This skirt would surely please her granddaughter.

Many of the stores in the mall were set up by the students' parents and offered very favorable prices. This discount wasn't very useful for the students, but for ordinary teachers and staff, it was a great benefit.

Back at the principal's office, she dealt with the files handed in by the dean. Normally, these things would be handled by the dean, but for some reason, she had taken back this authority.

Seeing a report, the principal became interested.

"There's a post about psychological treatment in the school forum? Related to An Siyao?"

She opened the computer and entered the forum address using the two-finger zen method.

She saw that post.

"Psychological treatment? And even a dedicated psychological treatment room?"

After browsing the post and seeing that most of the comments inside were of envy and wanting to go, the principal sneered.

She commented: "Drawing attention to oneself and becoming a laughingstock."

Her opinion was the same as that of the doubters; psychological treatment couldn't possibly have such exaggerated effects, and the treatment shouldn't be so fast.

As for those dozens of accounts that swore they had witnessed it, the principal squinted her eyes and made a judgment: "Water army!"

"Employing a water army on the school forum." Shaking her head, the principal sighed at the decline of the world, and the campus was no longer the pure place it used to be.

She picked up her phone and was about to call the dean to deal with the matter but thought about Yu Liang and An Tianfeng's reputation and put the phone back down.

Tearing up the report and throwing it in the trash, the principal pretended she hadn't seen it – it must have been lost by the dean.

Yes, that's it!

She heard that the dean was on good terms with An Tianfeng, and this file might have been meant to harm her. If she were kicked out, would the dean be able to take her place?

Doubts flashed through the principal's mind.

This made her even more hesitant to act recklessly.

At this moment, An Tianfeng, who was on the principal's mind, was in a teahouse with Zhong Yunze, eating dim sum.

They talked about the situation in the two-digit area and the female waitresses in the teahouse, having a great time.

After learning that Zhong Yunze, like his own daughter, also practiced piano, An Tianfeng nodded approvingly.

This young man seemed not bad, perhaps he could introduce him to his daughter.

However, his abilities didn't seem up to par, as he couldn't even manage the company well.

It was probably because Old Zhong passed away young and hadn't had time to teach him.

"When were you born?" An Tianfeng asked.

This question made Zhong Yunze somewhat taken aback, but he still answered.

An Tianfeng calculated and found that the combination of their horoscopes seemed a bit incompatible.

So he gave up on his previous idea.

The idle chatter ended, and the two entered the main topic.

"Regarding the matter of your family's company, I asked that project company, and they didn't secretly guide the company competing with yours. The problem lies within your company," An Tianfeng picked up the tea, opened the lid, and blew on it.

"Uncle, teach me!" Zhong Yunze looked at An Tianfeng with admiring eyes; the problems that troubled him had direction after An Tianfeng's intervention.

"To confuse them with similarities and strike while they are bewildered," An Tianfeng uttered an ancient Chinese phrase.

Zhong Yunze was puzzled.

Although he didn't understand, the pretentiousness in this sentence had already entered his heart. An Tianfeng, who spoke such words, seemed even more revered in his eyes.

After letting the pretentiousness spread for a while, An Tianfeng drank a sip of tea and explained, "The meaning of this sentence is to use similar things to confuse and deceive the enemy, so they become unsuspecting victims of my traps."

"Uncle means that we should use false information to lure the mole and let him expose himself?" Zhong Yunze's eyes brightened.

"Sparing the rod spoils the child," An Tianfeng said another proverb to consolidate his image, "If you don't give up small gains, how can you gain big ones?"

"I understand, we should use real information to lure him!" Zhong Yunze wrote down this sentence, deciding to write it down in his notebook with the previous one after he got back.

"A teachable child indeed." An Tianfeng smiled, nodded, and continued drinking his tea.

After finishing their morning tea, Zhong Yunze and An Tianfeng discussed further, determined the details of their actions, and then went to execute their plan at the company according to An Tianfeng's instructions.

As for An Tianfeng, he went to visit his other good friends.

His secondary objective this time was to find An Siyao a suitable male companion.

Ideally someone around the same age as Yao Yao, or a year or two older.

He didn't have to be extremely handsome, but at least not ordinary.

It would be perfect if they had similar interests and hobbies, such as piano, painting, flower arranging, etc., to provide conversation topics.

Additionally, they should have some management capabilities to command others.

If the person could get closer to his daughter himself without his manipulation, it would be even better, otherwise it might trigger her rebelliousness.

Meanwhile, his daughter, who he was thinking of, was currently possessed by Xia Yu.

Xia Yu looked at the Green Jade Dumplings in front of him and fell into deep thought.

He had forgotten to tell An Siyao not to make Green Jade Dumplings anymore.

What should he do now?

After thinking for a while, he picked up a dumpling and headed to Xu Youxiang's room.

He had eaten Green Jade Dumplings before using Xu Youxiang's sense of taste, so Xu Youxiang naturally knew what he was up to and chased him out with a pillow.

Holding the plate, Xia Yu wandered around the corridor and knocked on a maid's door.

Ten minutes later, holding an empty plate, Xia Yu sighed at his own cleverness.

"Are Green Jade Dumplings not delicious?" An Siyao sensed that something was off.

Xia Yu thought that if he said they weren't delicious, she would definitely connect it to his previous feeding intentions.

So he made up an excuse: "Green Jade Dumplings are delicious, but the ingredients inside hinder my witchcraft."

"So that's it." An Siyao chose to believe.

After settling the matter of the dumplings, Xia Yu went to the school. The people from yesterday had already given him the recommendation list, all of them were students staying at the school, and Xia Yu could start as soon as he arrived.

However, there were not fifteen newcomers, but twenty, and this was because there were only twenty beds in the psychological treatment room.

It took an entire afternoon to appease the twenty people, and Xia Yu returned home, looking at the increasingly intense discussion on the forum, very satisfied.

There are more than 300 people in Dongzhi Township Academy, and 35 have been completed so far, which is quite fast.

However, these 35 people still need one or two consolidations to let them experience the effectiveness of the treatment profoundly.

Aim to expand the number of experienced people to 200 within seven days.

Returning to his own body, Xia Yu came to Zhong Yunze's room and cared about Zhong's company's affairs.

"With Uncle An's guidance, I have found a solution, and within a week, I will definitely succeed in solving it!" Zhong Yunze said with flying enthusiasm.