Breaking Everything

Upon entering the psychotherapy room, the principal looked around at the surroundings and sneered.

This room was poorly arranged.

What's the point of having so many beds? Is this a hotel?

The numerous beds made the room crowded, giving a person a sense of unease and making it difficult to relax.

She turned to look at Xia Yu, who was wearing a set of attire with a masculine style. Such clothes could make someone look capable but also aggressive, making people unable to feel at ease.

In conclusion, everything from the room to the person was unqualified!

How could they have real skills if they couldn't even manage the basic appearances?

Let me expose your true nature!

The principal never fought unprepared battles; before coming, she had already studied for an hour on a forum.

According to An Siyao, some incense was used in the room, which could make people feel peaceful – all of it was the effect of the incense.

However, no incense could be as magical as it claimed on the forum. Its effects were exaggerated, false, and hyped up.

People were ignorant, and if everyone said it was good, they naturally followed suit.

With a firm belief, the principal lay down on the bed.

Xia Yu touched her forehead.

A sudden wave of tranquility spread across the principal's mind, making her feel like she was back in her mother's arms as a child.

The effect was indeed magical.

"What kind of troubles do you have?" Xia Yu asked.

The principal opened her mouth but didn't say anything. If the other party didn't want to talk, Xia Yu couldn't make her speak.

Using ordinary soothing techniques, Xia Yu put her to sleep.

In her dream, the principal felt like she was back in her childhood, returning to the familiar alley where her mother, grandma, and grandparents lived.

It was the most beautiful time of her life.

She didn't know how long it took for her to wake up from the dream.

Upon waking up, she didn't get up immediately but stared blankly at the ceiling, allowing the scenes from the dream to linger in her mind and make her somewhat dazed.

Three minutes later, she regained her spirits and rose from the bed.

An Siyao had already left the campus, and only the other sleeping students remained in the room.

The principal returned to her office with steady strides.

Sitting in the chair, she recalled the scenes from her dreams.

"Principal?" A voice awakened her; it was the voice of the headteacher.

"Don't be angry, they're just kids playing. If you really can't stand it, I'll talk to An Tianfeng," the headteacher said.

"It's true," the principal sighed.

"Yes, it's true. I'll go talk to An Tianfeng," The headteacher thought the principal was asking him.

"No, I'm talking about the effect of psychotherapy. It's true," the principal straightened up, as she was a pragmatic person.

"What? Principal, did you also take money?" the headteacher looked at her incredulously, "share the wealth with everyone!"

"Nonsense, I didn't take any money. If you don't believe me, try it out for yourself tomorrow!" Seeing the words she had said to the language teacher yesterday being used against her by the headteacher, the principal's mood was complicated.

"Is it really that amazing?" The headteacher decided to give it a try the next day.

In the following week, Xia Yu continued with his plan, having already recruited two hundred students into his camp.

Originally, the number should have grown, but because teachers somehow got wind of it, they also flocked over for treatment, slowing Xia Yu's progress.

After a day of treatment, Xia Yu returned to his own body.

At this moment, it was seven o'clock in the evening, and the moon outside the window was already hanging in mid-air.

Yawning, Xia Yu went to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water.

As he passed Kong Hanyue's bedroom, he heard her and Yuxue playing games, chatting away.

Yuxue's school and his had already started, and the villa was quite a distance from both their schools. Fortunately, the villa was near a subway station, and both of them had bicycles.

However, it was definitely not possible for them to continue living like this.

Now that Kong Hanyue was Mrs. Zhong, it was acceptable for her ex-husband's child to stay for a month or two, but if they stayed for too long, even the young Zhong Yunze, who only cared about racing, would have some thoughts.

Moreover, next week, he and Liu Man Man would be going together to practice a joint performance with An Siyao. At that time, Yuxue would definitely be left to Kong Hanyue.

Just a little girl, and there was a reason for it, so there should be no trouble.

After passing Kong Hanyue's room, Xia Yu also passed by Zhong Yunze's room.

Because of the company's problems, Zhong Yunze had not been to school these days. Things didn't seem to be going well, and Xia Yu had no idea what had happened.

He had no knowledge of business, so how could he be of help?

Xia Yu was very self-aware.

With An Tian Feng around, there shouldn't be any issues.

Returning to his room, Xia Yu went to sleep.

The next morning, he was woken up by a shaking.

The one who shook him was Kong Hanyue.

Kong Hanyue's face was filled with panic, and she said to Xia Yu, "Yuyu, something big has happened!"

"What happened? Did Zhong Yun Xin cause trouble again?" Xia Yu sat up.

"No, it's the company! Apparently, a major project has been stolen, and the situation is very serious. I overheard Ze Ze's phone call!" Tears welled up in Kong Hanyue's eyes.

With Xia Dongyang, Kong Hanyue's only improvement was realizing the importance of money. Now that her money might be in trouble, she was extremely anxious.

Hearing Kong Hanyue's words, Xia Yu was perplexed.

Even An Tian Feng, couldn't solve the troubles of the Zhong's company?

"Yuyu, you must help mommy!" Kong Hanyue grabbed Xia Yu's clothes.

"I'm not of much help with this. I don't know anything about business." Xia Yu shook his head.

"I'm sure you have a way!" Kong Hanyue had faith in Xia Yu.

"...Alright, what's the issue? Let me first say, if it's a difficult technical problem, I won't have any solutions." Xia Yu decided to listen first.

"Apparently there's a traitor in the company, but we don't know who it is."

"A traitor?" Xia Yu recalled that he had discussed this with Zhong Yunze before, and Zhong Yunze was still unsure whether there was a traitor or if there was a problem with the outsourced project company.

If it was a traitor, he seemed to really have a way.

Pulling up the skill panel, Xia Yu looked at his own skills.

Music Lv5, Agility Lv4, Painting Lv3, Soothing Lv3, Programming Lv3, Mental Therapy Lv2, Makeup Lv2, Flower Arrangement Lv2, Intimidation Lv2, Night Vision Lv1, Dressing Lv1, Elegance Lv1, Video Games Lv1, Mind Reading Lv1, Agility Bonus Lv1

He focused on the Mind Reading skill.

Mind Reading could only sense others' hostility and friendliness. Could this be used to find out who the traitor was?

Perhaps it was worth a try.