White Cat Recycling Plan

Xia Yu didn't check the forum of Dongzhixiang right after the event because, according to the time difference, those young ladies from Dongzhixiang should be lying in bed asleep. However, he found that he underestimated these young ladies. On the Dongzhixiang forum, posts about the music performance had already occupied the entire front page. Don't these guys need to sleep?

After browsing the posts, Xia Yu discovered that these young ladies began discussing as soon as An Siyao left the stage. When the Gu brothers were trolling online, there was a small explosion in the forum, expressing sympathy for An Siyao. Now, the posts had reached their peak, and Xia Yu even found the post made by Feng Yu Jia about celebrating during the day.

However, Xia Yu still didn't receive a prompt for mission completion. He wasn't in a hurry since many students didn't know about this. Also, the heat hadn't reached its peak yet. The peak would be when An Siyao returns to Dongzhixiang.

After browsing the posts for a while, Xia Yu received phone calls from Yuxue, Kong Hanyue, and Zhong Yunze. After dealing with them one by one, he found it was already late at night. Zhong Yunxin sent him a congratulatory message, as did Yan Wei.

Yan Wei sent two words and a selfie. The words were a simple "Congratulations.". The photo was of her wearing thin clothes. Xia Yu's gaze was immediately attracted to the plate she was holding in her hand, containing shiny white dumplings. "Did you make these?" Xia Yu asked. "My grandfather made them, and I'm learning," Yan Wei replied. "Your grandfather?" "My grandfather is Yan Baiyu."

Upon hearing the name, Xia Yu took a deep breath – Yan Baiyu was the creator of these white dumplings. "If possible, please introduce your grandfather to me," he asked. After Yan Wei agreed, Xia Yu didn't bother about her complicated feelings and put his phone aside. He opened the game slots, pondering on where to go tonight.

It was almost midnight, and if he didn't make a decision, today's gaming time would be wasted. He thought about going to Xu Youxiang but then remembered something. Pulling down a few slots, he found Bai Mao.

It had been a long time since he had visited Tina. He didn't know how she was doing now. Tina's small town was not far from here, and one day was enough for a round trip. On the fifth day of free activities, he could visit the girl and retrieve Bai Mao.

Initially, he didn't expect to come to the second area, so he planned to leave Bai Mao with Tina. However, now that he was here and nearby, it would be better to take Bai Mao with him. Although he felt a bit sorry for Tina, Bai Mao was of great use to him, especially for mental soothing. After taking Bai Mao away, he could free up a slot for the upcoming girl with medical skills.

Bai Mao had already fulfilled its mission—helping Tina find a suitable family—and could exit the stage. Thinking this way, Xia Yu touched Bai Mao's body. After his vision went dark for a moment, he felt a familiar sense of comfort.

Tina was sleeping with the white cat.

Yawning, Xia Yu looked around, and this was Tina's room.

Standing up, he went to the wardrobe and opened the door, seeing it filled with Tina's little dresses.

Jumping onto the desk, Xia Yu saw the bookshelf full of picture books, and there was also a stuffed teddy bear on the table.

Jumping onto the bed, he looked at Tina's face in the darkness. Her cheeks were blushing, and the touch on her claws felt good, like she had gained some weight.

Tina's life seemed to have no problems, so Xia Yu was a little more at ease about the white cat's departure.

With such parents and without the cat, Tina would be sad, but she wouldn't be sad for long.

Lying next to the girl, Xia Yu fell asleep.

The next morning, he woke up in his own body. It was seven o'clock in the morning, and the exchange meeting was set to begin at nine o'clock.

After eating breakfast and wandering outside for a while, Xia Yu, An Siyao, and Liu Manman arrived at the so-called exchange meeting together.

People inside were discussing their experiences with ensemble performances. Although there were some useful insights, Xia Yu had no interest in them. He didn't think it was possible for him to perform with anyone.

Besides, his ensemble skills had already reached level 5.

Bored and daydreaming, Xia Yu thought about how to capture the white cat the day after tomorrow.

First, go to that small town, then get inside the body of the white cat and leave with Yu who was in care.

It was a seamless plan. Even if the police saw it, there were no flaws to find. The cat would walk away on its own.

Xia Yu simulated the crime scene four times in his mind, but only ten minutes had passed, and it was still a long time before the meeting would end.

It was too boring! Xia Yu sighed.

At this moment, he saw An Siyao stand up and walk towards the outside.

"Where are you going?" Liu Manman asked An Siyao.

"I'm not feeling well. I'm leaving first." An Siyao carefully avoided Liu Manman and quickly walked out of the meeting.

Did she just leave like that?

It seemed like this trick was taught by me.

The disciple is working so hard, how can I, as a master, continue to be weak!

Thinking this way, Xia Yu also stood up.

"I'm not feeling well either, maybe I caught it from An Siyao." After saying this, without waiting for Liu Manman's reaction, Xia Yu quickly left the meeting.

Looking at the empty seats on both sides, Liu Manman pondered for a moment and asked Grace, who was serving as a translator, "Can I follow them?"

Grace thought for a moment and suggested, "I can tell others that you all caught a cold when you went out last night."

"Good idea!" Liu Manman said excitedly.

"If you guys leave, I can leave too," Grace smiled, indicating that it was a win-win situation.

The two of them carefully avoided other people's gaze and left the meeting.

"Xia Yu, wait for me!" Liu Manman caught up with Xia Yu.

"Why did you come out too?" Xia Yu was surprised, thinking that Liu Manman was too embarrassed to leave.

"It was Grace who helped me." Liu Manman looked around but didn't see Grace's figure, "Where did she go?"

"Over there!" Xia Yu pointed to the conference hall door.

Grace was stopped by a tall white man, and from her expression, she seemed to be in a difficult situation.

"Is he an ex-boyfriend? Or a troublemaker looking to bother you?" Liu Manman was curious, as they were at the entrance of the venue, so she wasn't afraid at all.

Xia Yu didn't think it was such a complicated situation. When he approached Grace, he understood what was going on.

The Caucasian man blocking Grace's path was not from District 2, but District 3. He was asking Grace in Russian where the restroom was. Grace could understand his words, but couldn't accurately express herself in Russian, so she was in a difficult situation.

After failing to give directions, Grace tried to tell the man to go back and find his own translator, but due to the language barrier, he couldn't understand her intentions. When he saw her waving for him to return, he mistook her gesture as trying to prevent him from using the restroom before the meeting, so he angrily criticized the bureaucracy and formalism of District 2.

The scene was so absurd that Xia Yu couldn't help but smile.

Grace, who was already flustered, showed her dissatisfaction upon seeing Xia Yu's smile.

"Sorry, sorry, I just find your conversation very interesting," Xia Yu first apologized to Grace in English, then turned to explain the situation to the tall man from District 3 in Russian.

The man from District 3 awkwardly apologized and hurried to the restroom according to the directions Xia Yu pointed out.