I, White Cat Spirit

Won the lottery?

Looking at the business bonus, Xia Yu felt a surge of surprise in his heart.

However, after a brief thought, Xia Yu discovered a problem.

Originally, he wanted to find a woman with a business bonus, and then use an experience card to upgrade his skills along with the woman's business ability, so that she could manage the company for him while he lazed around playing games.

But now, Tina, who had the business bonus, was just a ten-year-old girl. How could he possibly let a little girl manage a company for him?

However, this was not a major issue; as long as she had the ability, everything was negotiable.

Anyway, the company was mainly cooperating with the An Tianfeng at present, and it didn't require much of his energy.

After a few years, when Tina grew up a bit more, and dressed more mature, there would be no problem at all.

Having finished his plan, Xia Yu looked at the other two bonuses.

One for fighting and one for acting cute, Xia Yu couldn't imagine how these two bonuses could coexist.

Was it to knock the opponent down with one punch, then act cute and apologize, or act cute to confuse the opponent, then knock them down with one punch?

He could understand the acting cute part, after all, when he named the white cat Mimi or later renamed it Meow, both names were good for acting cute. But fighting was too sudden.

Such a cute little girl, plus the attribute of being very strong in combat, seemed even cuter?

His thoughts lasted only a few seconds, and Xia Yu proceeded with his original plan, taking a taxi towards the town below.

Meanwhile, Xia Yu, carrying the white cat, headed towards Tina's house.

"Am I dreaming?" Tina's voice echoed in Xia Yu's mind.

"No, I'm using your body right now," Xia Yu replied.

"Can we go home and deliver the soy sauce first?" Although there were more troubling things, the girl's first thought was to take the soy sauce home.

"We're on our way to your house now."

Xia Yu stroked the white cat in his hand. Both he and the cat had telepathic abilities, and they felt very comfortable. The mutual affection between the two deepened as they relaxed, promoting an even deeper level of comfort.

"Are you going to kill my mom and dad?" Tina asked cautiously, leaving Xia Yu at a loss for words.

"Why would you think that?" Xia Yu asked.

"In the movie I watched with mom yesterday, the villain followed the child home and then committed crimes."

They actually let Tina watch a murder movie!

Xia Yu retracted his previous assessment that there were no problems with Tina in her family. He felt that he needed to properly educate the girl. The little girl's values could easily be distorted, and he needed to guide Tina in the right direction.

He must teach Tina to be a knowledgeable, gentle, and elegant woman.

At that moment, a soccer ball suddenly flew out from the neighbor's yard. If Xia Yu hadn't stopped in time, the ball would've hit him on the head.

Tina's body couldn't handle such an attack.

A boy two or three years older than Tina quickly came out to pick up the ball.

"Be careful! You almost hit somebody!" Xia Yu had no affection for these mischievous kids, especially those who almost hit Tina.

"Didn't I just say I didn't hit it? What are you yelling about?" The boy didn't back down at all.

"What did you say?" Xia Yu put down the white cat and soy sauce, grabbing the boy's collar.

The boy tried to push Xia Yu away but was intimidated by him. The boy's two friends came out of the courtyard, seeing their companion held by Xia Yu, they immediately went to help.

Although he had level 4 Agility, Xia Yu was not familiar with Tina's body and was afraid of hurting the girl. So he used Intimidation, slowing down the three of them mentally, then pinned them to the ground and gave them a beating.

"Now do you know what you should say?" Squatting on the ground, Xia Yu looked at the first boy who came out.

"I'm sorry, I won't dare anymore!" The boy had already been frightened by Xia Yu's intimidation, and then he was beaten. He cried out in fear.

Clapping his hands, Xia Yu once again intimidated the three of them, "Be more careful in the future!"

After that, he picked up the white cat and went to grab the soy sauce, only to find that the glass bottle had been broken by someone's kick.

Returning to the three of them, Xia Yu held out his hand, "You broke the soy sauce, pay for it."

The three of them tremblingly handed over all the money in their pockets to Xia Yu.

With the money, Xia Yu went back to the supermarket, bought another bottle of soy sauce, and used the remaining money to buy a bar of chocolate.

He knew Tina liked chocolate.

To prevent Tina from hiding the chocolate and being discovered by her parents, Xia Yu directly opened the packaging and started eating it.

His senses were shared with Tina, so, anything he ate, Tina would be able to taste too.

"Is it good?" While biting the chocolate, Xia Yu asked Tina.

He felt that Tina was a bit wary of him and wanted to get their relationship closer.

"It's good," came Tina's satisfied voice.

"But hitting people and taking their money is wrong," the girl, who grew up with her grandmother, was a good child.

"It's not hitting people, it's self-defense," Xia Yu corrected the girl's views. "First, that boy almost hit you with a ball, then you tried to reason with him, and he even wanted to push you. Only then did you retaliate."

Tina thought about it and it did seem that way.

"As for the money, your soy sauce was kicked and broken by them. Then you asked for compensation, and out of their guilt, they gave you more money, allowing you to buy chocolate to calm down. Your parents would do the same to compensate you when you're at home, right?"

Once again, Tina thought about it and it did seem that way.

So, she no longer dwelled on the matter and focused on enjoying the taste of chocolate Xia Yu was eating.

While walking past the scene, Xia Yu had already finished the chocolate. He glanced at the ground with only a broken soy sauce bottle, not feeling guilty at all about teaching the kids a lesson.

Not to mention anything else, he was now Tina—a 10-year-old girl who was besieged by three bigger boys. No matter how you think about it, it was the boy's fault. They could have told their parents to have them punished.

However, Tina was a generous girl, not holding grudges against them. After all, the three who had been intimidated wouldn't dare to bother Tina again.

"When are you leaving?"

When Xia Yu arrived at Tina's house, Tina asked again.

"Is Tina really going to drive me away?" Xia Yu was distressed, he wanted to have a good relationship with the girl, but after eating a bar of chocolate, he was still being rejected.

"No, it's just... this is my body." Tina was also very distressed.

"Well, I'll leave then. I didn't expect you to be so ruthless, Tina. I've been following you since your grandmother was still around." Xia Yu thought about how to deceive Tina and let her let down her guard. This plan was called

- White Cat Elf Plan.

"Huh? Who are you?" Tina wondered.

"I am your Meow." Xia Yu replied, "I dodged the police who were investigating your grandmother; I don't like the name Mimi, Meow is fine; this family feels very nice, so I chose them with you..."

"It really is Meow!" Tina was overjoyed.

Her perk also suddenly rose to level 2.

At level 2, one skill can be upgraded to level 2, while another skill can be upgraded to level 1.