Daughter and Granddaughter

The appearance of humans has its limits, and the difference is not as massive as portrayed in fantasy works. Sometimes, the feeling of love at first sight is nothing more than a combination of the other person's demeanor and the environment they are in. The charm of such love at first sight tends to decrease substantially during the second encounter.

The girl's appearance was similar to An Siyao's, and her temperament was also like An Siyao's, giving off a timid, bunny-like feeling. At first glance, Xia Yu thought she was a young An Siyao. In addition, the stronger sense of comfort from the mental connection, even stronger than Bettina's, made him amazed for a moment. However, his mood soon returned to normal.

"It's alright, go back to sleep. I will watch the stars for a while," Xia Yu told the girl. Although she found it strange that her grandmother had become so romantic all of a sudden, she didn't question it and went back to her room.

Xia Yu continued to answer the old lady's questions. "I can't conjure anything up. You go to the bank tomorrow and get a card; I will have someone transfer the money to you," Xia Yu said.

"No, this is illegal! If there's extra money in the bank account, it can cost you your life!" The old lady firmly refused and even gave an example. "The village's idiot received a 500,000 yuan divine intervention from Buddha in his bank account. He spent 300,000 yuan to build a temple for Buddha, but before it was completed, he was arrested. Even Buddha's actions on bank accounts can lead to arrests. Can you be more powerful than Buddha?"

Xia Yu figured out that this was probably a mistake made by the bank, which transferred the wrong amount of money and eventually led to the person's arrest. He wanted to tell the old lady the truth, but he knew that she would never believe him.

"Fine, I won't use the bank card. I will get you the money from somewhere else," Xia Yu assured. Finally, the old lady cooperated, and Xia Yu began to inquire about the situation.

With the old lady's explanations, he understood the situation. First was the old lady's name, Yin Shulan, and then her granddaughter's name, Yin Ling. Following that, the old lady told him about her family situation: a bedridden daughter and three sons working in the town. Due to her daughter's illness, her family owed a large sum of money – a total of 100,000 yuan.

While 100,000 yuan was not much for Xia Yu or the young people in big cities, to Yin Shulan, who relied on weaving baskets for a living, it was an astronomical number. Fortunately, her three sons had always been helping. As for her son-in-law, Yin Ling's father, he disappeared when the debt reached 50,000 yuan.

Finally, she told him about the surrounding situation. They were in a small mountain village backed by a large mountain. The nearest town would take a whole day's walk to and fro. In short, this was a relatively typical mountain village family.

Xia Yu asked some more questions, and Yin Shulan answered them one by one. She hadn't fully trusted Xia Yu and occasionally asked when he would get the money for her.

"I can only come here for eight hours a day. I'll start helping you fulfill your wishes the day after tomorrow," Xia Yu replied. As it was still early and there was nothing to do at night, he opened the courtyard door and wandered around the area.

By five o'clock, he was called by Yin Shulan to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Breakfast was ordinary porridge, without pickles.

"The eggs are hidden under the haystack," Yin Shulan asked Xia Yu to cook the eggs.

Xia Yu took out three eggs, as there were three people in the family.

"Put one back," Yin Shulan said.

After the eggs were cooked, Xia Yu followed Yin Shulan's instructions, first waking up her granddaughter Yin Ling to eat porridge and eggs, then he brought a bowl of porridge and the last egg to another room for his daughter who was in bed.

Finally, he began to eat the remaining porridge.

The taste was not very good.

And porridge alone is not nutritious.

After finishing the porridge, under Yin Shulan's guidance, Xia Yu began working on weaving baskets.

Although he had a slightly tough life when he was younger, he had never done this kind of work before; however, thanks to his level 4 dexterity, he learned quickly.

When Yin Shulan saw the baskets quickly woven by Xia Yu and calculated that it took him only half the time it took her, she didn't urge Xia Yu to make money anymore.

Xia Yu weaving baskets for her could make her earn twice as much money.

In this way, she could earn an extra fifty yuan a day!

That's one thousand and five hundred in a month!

Yin Shulan was very satisfied.

Not knowing that Yin Shulan had already treated him as a basket-weaving machine, Xia Yu thought he had to quickly make money for Yin Shulan; he didn't have time to cook and weave baskets every day, he came here to learn medicine!

Finally, after eight hours, Xia Yu returned to his own body.

He took a deep breath, walked out of the room, picked up a bottle of cola and a bag of chips, and lazily ate while lying on the sofa.

This is the life a young person should live.

He had just spent two full hours weaving baskets!

If it wasn't for the time being up, he would have to weave all day and cook lunch and dinner!

The matter of making money for Yin Shulan couldn't wait.

However, due to Yin Shulan's lack of knowledge, she was very resistant to the idea of transferring money to her bank card; if he forcibly sent money, Yin Shulan would definitely think he was trying to harm her, and she would blacklist him immediately, making it impossible for him to ever visit her again.

But without using bank card transfers, how can he give money to Yin Shulan? The mountain village where Yin Shulan lives is far away, and eight hours is not enough for a round trip, and he can't use someone else's body to go there.

Should he go there in person?

This would create a significant flaw, as outsiders seldom visit those remote areas, and he would be recognized and remembered. If Yin Shulan harbored any ill intentions, she might find out about him.

Although Yin Shulan seemed to be a good person, owing a hundred thousand for her daughter's treatment and raising her granddaughter, she only gave eggs to her daughter and granddaughter and didn't eat them herself.

But whether someone is good or not is relative; some criminals, in the eyes of their wives and children, are good people too.

He needed to think of another way.

He opened the skill panel to check.

Music lv5, Dexterity lv4, Programming lv4, Dressing lv3, Language lv3, Soothing lv3, Painting lv3, Flower Arranging lv2, Makeup lv2, Intimidation lv2, Psychotherapy lv2, Fighting lv2, Video Games lv1, Elegance lv1, Night Vision lv1, Telepathy lv1, Inspiration lv1, Business lv1, Dexterity Bonus lv1.

The dressing skill was raised to level 3 with the help of Xu Youxiang's bonus.

Among various skills, music, dexterity, and programming had the highest levels, but dexterity and programming were not very useful in a remote small town, leaving only music.

Should he go to a café in the town and play the piano?

It was a good idea, but was there really a café in the small town?

Maybe he should change it to playing the erhu at a teahouse?

It was worth a try.

Taking this as plan A, Xia Yu started to think about plan B.

His comforting skill wasn't bad, but it would be difficult to make money from it, as people wouldn't believe him.

Maybe he could teach foreign languages in the town? With the language skill at level 3, he could be better than most language teachers.

But who would want to learn foreign languages in a remote small town?

Forget it, he would stroll around the town in two days and see how things were.

As for tomorrow, he needed to go to An Siyao's place, even though the task was already completed, he couldn't just suddenly stop the psychological treatment sessions.

If he suddenly stopped, he would be relaxed, but how would An Siyao face her classmates?

He would change it to twice a week.

Fortunately, the college entrance examination was not far away, and she could escape from this once she got into college.