
Yuxue quickly responded:

I want landscape photos, not selfies!

Xia Yu knew what the girl wanted, but he was just teasing her on purpose.

He replied that he had no landscape photos.

How come you don't even have landscape photos? Are you really traveling, brother?

Who said you have to take photos while traveling? Xia Yu asked back.

You see, Sister An took so many photos when she went out.





After saying that, Yuxue sent Xia Yu four photos.

There were two landscape photos, one with An Siyao, and one with An Siyao, Xu Youxiang, and the Feng sisters.

At first, when Xia Yu heard that An Siyao took photos, he was surprised. Now seeing the Feng sisters, he understood the truth.

An Siyao would never take these photos; it must have been the Feng sisters.

Wait, how do you have these photos?

Xia Yu found the blind spot. In this world, there were no friends circle or QQ space functions; photos could only be sent privately or in a group. Having these photos meant they had an unusual relationship.

Yuxue proudly sent a screenshot to Xia Yu.


It was a screenshot of the group's backstage. There were five people in the group: An Siyao, Feng Yujia, Feng Yumo, Xu Youxiang, and Yuxue.

This girl actually infiltrated the enemy's ranks.

I'm going to Sister An's place during the summer break to learn the piano! Yuxue told Xia Yu.

Xia Yu had no objections, and it was good for Yuxue to get along well with An Siyao.

Speaking of which, he still didn't know whether Yuxue had any musical talent.

Judging from Liu Manman's experiment, Yuxue had no talent in the guzheng or flute, and most likely not in the piano either.

He would go to Yuxue's place to see what kind of bonus the girl had.

In about two days, he could return home. He would first visit An Siyao, and then see what Yuxue should learn.

After finishing his conversation with Yuxue, Xia Yu received a message from Xu Youxiang.

Xu Youxiang sent a photo.


It was a photo of her and An Siyao walking to the bathroom.

What about the ones after that?

Xia Yu immediately asked.

For the ones after that, you have to make a choice. Do you want An Siyao on my left, or Xu Youxiang on my right?

I want both!

Then he was blocked by Xu Youxiang.

But it wasn't a problem. As a Level 4 programmer, Xia Yu could unlock his blacklist at any time.

However, unlocking it now would still result in being blocked, so he'd wait until tomorrow to unblock it.

The next day, Xia Yu didn't immediately choose a body and went to send money to Yin Shulan. Instead, he took some photos in the area to fool Yuxue.

Then, he unlocked Xu Youxiang's mute on himself.

I want Xu Youxiang on your right hand!

Subsequently, Xu Youxiang sent Xia Yu a photo taken after her bath.


This photo was very different from what Xia Yu had imagined. Although it was indeed taken after a bath, it was taken about 8 or 9 hours later, fully dressed, and even in formal attire, not even in pajamas.

Xu Youxiang replied in a message:

The "later" photo you wanted is late enough!

Her message couldn't be sent, as Xia Yu had blocked her.

After blocking Xu Youxiang, Xia Yu put down his phone.

It was time to take action.

Coming to the window, Xia Yu held up a telescope, looking for a single woman who didn't seem very noticeable.

After a friendly negotiation with the woman, she agreed to give control of her body to Xia Yu for a price of 10,000 yuan for eight hours.

Xia Yu took control of her body and went to the place where he hid his money, taking out a briefcase containing 500,000 yuan in cash. Next to the briefcase was 10,000 yuan, which was the woman's reward.

Putting the 10,000 yuan into the woman's pocket, Xia Yu took the briefcase, got on a bus, jolted for three hours, and arrived at the small town where Yin Shulan was.

He came to the open space by the electric tower.

By this time, the sky was completely dark, and Xia Yu took out a flashlight to illuminate the way.

He soon found the flag that Yin Shulan had planted.

After pulling out the flag, Xia Yu dug a hole and found a jar.

He opened the briefcase, took out a black bag, and placed the bag full of money into the jar.

Then, he filled the hole with dirt, took the empty briefcase and the flag Yin Shulan had planted, and walked back.

At this moment, it was nine o'clock at night, and he got on the last bus back to the original town.

He threw the briefcase and flag into the river and returned to his own body.

It was already midnight, and he reached the next day.

Xia Yu logged into Yin Shulan's body, got up from bed, and rode a bike borrowed from her neighbor towards the small town.

He was in such a hurry because he was afraid that the woman he had traded with earlier would break her promise and take the money away.

He didn't let the woman see what was inside the black bag in the briefcase, but he couldn't rule out whether she wanted to come over and take a look out of curiosity.

From Xia Yu's town to this small town, it took at least two hours, which was already enough time for Yin Shulan to go to the small town.

Even if the woman asked her friends for help, without the flag as reference, she wouldn't be able to explain the location clearly, as the empty area was quite large.

When Xia Yu arrived at the open space, everything was as usual, and the unexpected events he had imagined did not happen.

He dug up the jar from the place he remembered and took out the black plastic bag.

"Is the money in the bag?" Yin Shulan excitedly asked Xia Yu.

He took her to a well-lit place and showed her a glimpse of the contents.

Seeing the red banknotes inside, Yin Shulan was excited and almost shouted.

Carrying the bag, Xia Yu didn't go back to the village immediately but instead checked into a hotel in the small town and stayed there.

The 500,000 yuan in cash was not light, and since it was already late, he decided to return tomorrow.

"Don't sleep, get up and count the money," Yin Shulan urged Xia Yu in their room.

Xia Yu didn't feel like counting it and said casually: "This hotel might have surveillance cameras. Do you still want to count it?"

"Maybe we should skip it."

Climbing into bed, Xia Yu slept soundly for the night, but Yin Shulan couldn't sleep at all.

By morning, Yin Shulan had new doubts, "Is all this real money? Banks use those machines to verify cash, deceiving people won't work."

Carrying a bag of money, Xia Yu went straight to the bank, opened an account for Yin Shulan, and deposited the money.

"Do you feel at ease now?" Xia Yu asked.

Yin Shulan completely trusted the money that had been actually deposited into the account instead of just appearing on the card. She didn't say a word and let Xia Yu take charge.

Xia Yu went to a motorcycle shop and bought an ordinary motorcycle.

There were only ordinary motorcycles here.

After buying the motorcycle, Xia Yu felt that it didn't match the old-fashioned clothes on his body, so he went into a clothing store and bought a few sets of clothes.

Wearing goggles, Old Lady Yu straddled the motorcycle and sped away under the astonished gaze of passers-by.

Twenty minutes later, when he arrived at his own doorstep, he found three people in the yard - two middle-aged men and a middle-aged woman.

The middle-aged woman was dragging her precious granddaughter.

"What are you doing!" Driving the motorcycle straight into the yard, Xia Yu stopped abruptly with a sharp brake.