Breaking Convention

"Are you really going to school to watch a basketball game?" Yuxue looked at Xia Yu with doubt on her face.

"What else do you think?" Xia Yu put his hand on Yuxue's head and asked back.

At that moment, the subway arrived, and the two got on the subway and continued chatting.

"Because you've been very busy lately, brother." Yuxue looked at Xia Yu with hopeful eyes. "Are you done with everything?"

Although the girl didn't know what Xia Yu was doing in his room all the time, she could still tell that he was busy.

Otherwise, why wouldn't he come out to accompany his adorable little sister?

Xia Yu saw the anticipation in Yuxue's eyes and knew that she wanted him to spend more time with her.

He nodded, "I'm mostly done with everything, and I'll have more free time in the future."

For the rest, it's only an eight-hour daily commitment, and with the experience card, he doesn't need to work for eight hours every day. He can spend the time sleeping at night, which would give him a lot of free time during the day.

Xu Youxiang's leg injury was urgent, but there was no use in rushing. He had already done everything he could, and there was no one, even Xu Youxiang herself, who could do more.

Besides Xu Youxiang, he also had Yuxue, An Siyao, and Tina, so he couldn't devote all his attention to Xu Youxiang.

Thinking of this, he looked at Yuxue again, "After watching the basketball game, let's go shopping together."

"Okay!" The girl excitedly grabbed Xia Yu's hand.

Patting her head, Xia Yu's mood also became cheerful.

Upon arriving at their stop, Xia Yu took out his bicycle.

He had never bothered to bring his bike all the way back, and fortunately, he didn't.

"Come on, get on." Climbing onto the bicycle, Xia Yu let Yuxue sit in the back seat.

After gaining the lv1 driving skill, riding a bicycle had a different feel. His ability to control the bicycle had become stronger.

In the past, when he passed through some narrow places, he dared not go full speed because he couldn't balance well, but now, none of that was a problem.

With the help of the lv4 agility, Xia Yu weaved through the traffic, and Yuxue initially let out fearful cries, but after getting used to it, they turned into excited laughter.

With a swing of the tail, he stopped at the school gate, and Xia Yu and Yuxue went in together.

The security guard recognized Xia Yu and let him in easily.

Upon entering the school, Xia Yu felt something was off. There were more than a dozen girls standing at the gate. When they saw him coming in, they all fidgeted slightly.

Were they waiting for him?

After a little thought, Xia Yu understood the situation.

It must be Guizi Xiao who leaked the news that he was coming, so these girls were here to watch.

Waving to them, Xia Yu headed towards the sports hall.

The girls excitedly waved back at Xia Yu and followed him, discussing:

"Xia Yu is so approachable."

"His smile is so warm."

"But who is that little girl next to him?"

"I heard that boys nowadays like this kind of style."

"Don't talk nonsense, that's his sister."

"It's our future sister-in-law!"

The girls chatted and laughed freely.

Among this group of people, there were indeed some who had thoughts about Xia Yu, but most of them simply had a liking for talented and handsome young men, and came over just to join in the fun.

The boys watching the girls were also based on this principle.

However, being watched already indicated popularity.

Yuxue glanced at them and then grabbed Xia Yu's hand nervously, saying, "Brother, there's a group of girls following us!"

"Get ready, once we enter the gym, they'll make their move!" Xia Yu said seriously.

"Ah?" Yuxue became afraid, she couldn't beat or escape from so many people.

Seeing the girl's expression, Xia Yu couldn't help but smile, "Did you really believe me? Stop watching so many gangster movies!"

Realizing she had been tricked, Yuxue muttered "Bad brother," while tightly holding Xia Yu's hand.

Upon entering the gymnasium, Xia Yu saw Gui Zixiao.

At this time, two other classes were playing a game, and Xia Yu's class was watching.

Gui Zixiao, dressed in a short-sleeved basketball uniform, approached Xia Yu.

Although the temperature in the gymnasium was still a bit low, it was not a problem for the boys who were about to start exercising.

"We'll be in that section of the stands. You can sit on that side to watch," Gui Zixiao had already made preparations.

He was pleasantly surprised when he saw the girls following Xia Yu.

Gui Zixiao wasn't uninterested in girls, he just felt they were troublesome and didn't want a girlfriend. Now, he was thrilled at the prospect of showing off in front of them and basking in their adoration.

He estimated that there would be around 30 to 40 girls coming to watch.

On the court, the two competing teams were already boiling with excitement. The team that was originally six points behind and about to lose, evened the score within the last minute, and finally won the game with a layup.

Xia Yu sat with Yuxue in the front of the stands, waiting for their class match to start.

Their opponent was Senior Three Class 13.

Although Zilu First High School had a smaller campus and fewer facilities than Eastern Township High School, the number of students was far more than Eastern Township High School.

There were 15 classes in each grade, three times that of Eastern Township, and unlike Eastern Township, where each class had only 20 students, there were 40 to 50 students in each class at Zilu First High School.

With such a huge student population, Gui Zixiao's estimation was not off. The presence of well-known characters from the whole school and the basketball match itself attracted many girls, far beyond his imagination.

Xia Yu's side of the stands was half full, with nearly a hundred girls present.

Because there were so many girls, a lot of boys pretended to watch the game and joined in.

With nearly 200 people from both sides, this attracted even more students to join in the fun, making up almost 300.

If not for many students who had already gone home, the entire gym might have been packed.

This was a rare scale, and Gui Zixiao and the other players were so excited that they ignored the referee's urging. They first took a group photo, focusing on the number of spectators, and then instructed the substitutes to take some good shots during the game.

Whether or not he could attract a girlfriend was an ethereal matter, taking pictures to show off was a concrete matter.

Ten birds in the forest are not as good as one bird in hand!

The other team was in the same situation.

Both sides stood on the court, staring at each other, at this moment, they felt that they were not just a small school team, they were not just competing in a minor age competition, they were acting as world-famous teams, competing for the championship on the global stage!

Even the referee straightened his back, changing his dialect to a barely proficient Mandarin.

As the ball flew into the air, the game officially began.

Xia Yu had no particular interest in basketball, he just watched casually.

Gui Zixiao and his team were very strong, suppressing the other team, which was something Xia Yu had anticipated.

If their strength wasn't enough, how could they possibly invite him to boost the team's popularity, losing would only benefit the other team.

However, the other team's performance was also impressive, especially the white team's number three player.

In addition, his appearance was not bad, although not as good as Xia Yu, some girls had already cheered for him.

But Xia Yu wondered if it was his illusion that the white number three always seemed to stare at him.

Every time he scored, he would glare at Xia Yu.

During halftime, Xia Yu asked Gui Zixiao.

"That guy Bai Sheshan," Gui Zixiao pondered for a moment, recalling the reason, "I think he confessed to Yan Wei, maybe that's why."

"Yan Wei has gone to Baiyue Academy, is he really that petty?" Xia Yu shook his head.

Seeing Xue beside Xia Yu, Gui Zixiao put down his water: "I'll go talk to him."

However, his persuasion did not achieve the desired effect.

For some reason, Bai Sheshan came directly to Xia Yu's face: "Want to compete in the second half?"

Xia Yu couldn't help but laugh, this plot was really familiar. After the invitation match, would there be additional stakes that the loser shouldn't approach Yan Wei?

Not interested in acting in this drama, Xia Yu shook his head: "I can't play basketball."

"How could Xia Yu play with you, his hands are for playing the guzheng, can you compensate if he gets injured?" The girls around Xia Yu scolded Bai Sheshan.

"What, if you're about to lose the game, you want someone who doesn't know basketball to play for you?"

"Are you sick!"

Originally cheering for Bai Sheshan's performance, their disgust soon surfaced as well.

Embarrassed to return to his team, Bai Sheshan continued to glare at Xia Yu in the following game.

Xia Yu just found it amusing.

The girls were also hostile towards him, under the leadership of a few who knew basketball, every time Bai Sheshan got the ball, there would be a chorus of boos.

Even some of the boys joined in to mock Bai Sheshan.