Fake and Real Villains

Upon entering the school, Xia Yu realized that he had been in too much of a hurry, still holding his helmet in hand. Too lazy to put it back, he continued to carry it with him.

Following Yin Ling, Xia Yu arrived at her classroom.

"Who is the one blackmailing you?" Xia Yu asked Yin Ling.

Yin Ling pointed to a person in the back row.

It was a short-haired girl who was chatting with a boy – she clearly wasn't a good person.

Without being polite, Xia Yu directly entered the classroom and grabbed her hand.

"What are you doing? Who are you?" The short-haired girl struggled.

"I am Yin Ling's grandmother."

Upon hearing Xia Yu's reply, the short-haired girl immediately fell silent and stopped struggling.

Dragging her out of the classroom, Xia Yu shot a glare at a few boys who followed to watch the commotion. The boys immediately ran back and closed the curtains, fearing that Xia Yu would target them next.

To these children, Yin Yu's current appearance was frightening, even to adults.

The short-haired girl, having seen Xia Yu's face, began to tremble.

Leather jacket, leather pants, a GT motorcycle helmet, and white hair – he was the epitome of a bad guy from television!

"What do you want? I'm telling you, I have a lot of brothers in this school," the short-haired girl stammered, trying to threaten Xia Yu.

Upon hearing this, Xia Yu frowned.

Was there a gang in this school?

"Fine, I'll give you a chance. Go and call them now, let's see if they can save you," Xia Yu decided to take down this entire group in one swoop.

To prevent the short-haired girl from running away, Xia Yu said to her: "Don't think about escaping. If you run today, I won't be as nice next time, unless you never come to school again."

Panicking, the short-haired girl ran to the first floor, knocked on the doors of two junior class three classrooms, called out three people, and the four ran to the high school section next door to call more people.

Ten minutes later, a twelve-person team led by a chubby boy arrived in front of Xia Yu.

The chubby boy approached Xia Yu: "Are you the old guy bullying our sister?"

Xia Yu reached out and grabbed the chubby boy's ear: "How do you talk? Didn't your mother teach you to respect your elders?"

"Let go of my brother!" The remaining eleven people immediately prepared to take action.

The anger in their hearts was overwhelming; their fists were itching for a fight.

This old guy dared to challenge their family's authority, they had to show him who's boss!

As they approached, they saw Xia Yu's eyes, which reminded them of the venomous snake they encountered while playing by the river years ago.

They shivered, their courage melted away, and fear took over.

Xia Yu snorted coldly, tugging the chubby boy's ear harder before letting go. He then slapped each of the eleven people on their heads.

Only the trembling short-haired girl huddled in the corner was spared.

With a cold face, Xia Yu looked at them: "You think you're somebody in school? Calling each other brother and sister. Who do you think you are?"

In his previous life, Xia Yu had encountered such groups of high school students, a gang of delinquents who skipped school. The most infamous among them was the "killing Matt" family.

None of them answered.

Xia Yu grabbed the chubby leader's ear again: "Don't call each other brothers in school, understand?"

"But... but... but..." The chubby kid stuttered, "What else can we call each other?"

Xia Yu frowned, thinking that the chubby kid was being rebellious, but a thought crossed his mind.

He pointed at the short-haired girl and asked the chubby kid, "Who is she to you?"

"My cousin," the chubby kid answered with a wronged expression.

"What about him?" asked Xia Yu, pointing to a boy behind them.

"My relative, my uncle's son." The chubby kid adjusted his emotions, putting away the grievance and pretending to be obedient.

"And him?"

"My second cousin, from my mother's side."

"And him?"

"My uncle, but he's only older than me in generation, actually younger than me."

Under Xia Yu's questioning, the chubby kid sorted out the relationships of everyone present.

Real siblings?

The students in the school were from the same small town, so it wasn't surprising for them to have relationships.

"Just because you're siblings doesn't mean you can bully others!" Xia Yu smacked the chubby kid on the head.

"We understand, we understand!" They all quickly assured him.

Seeing that they didn't refute and accepted it readily, Xia Yu knew that they had indeed bullied others. The guilt that arose from his misunderstanding disappeared.

"You have strength in numbers, so you should protect your classmates in school, understand?" Xia Yu said again.

"We understand, we understand!" They quickly agreed.

"If I ever hear about someone bullying my granddaughter in school, I'll hold you accountable!" Xia Yu revealed his true purpose.

"Consider it done!" They all promised.

"Alright, you can go now." Xia Yu waved his hand, letting them leave.

Ignoring the pleas of the short-haired girl, her twelve older brothers returned to their classes.

They were quite frightened by Xia Yu. They had never experienced anyone as intimidating as a venomous snake.

Now, only the short-haired girl was left.

Leaning against the wall, Xia Yu crossed his arms: "Tell me, what's going on with you?"

Tears streamed down the short-haired girl's face as she sobbed, "I saw Yin Ling eating chocolate during class and thought it looked delicious, so I threatened her, saying if she didn't give me hush money, I'd tell the teacher."

Xia Yu looked at Yin Ling, who averted her gaze. It seemed like the short-haired girl was telling the truth.

"Yesterday, we agreed that I would give her five yuan as hush money, but today she changed her mind and refused. I accidentally pushed her, and she hit the stool. She then threatened me and demanded five yuan of candy, saying that if I didn't give it to her, she'd tell my mom that I hit her." The short-haired girl cried even harder at this point, "That candy is so expensive, and I even had to borrow money from my brother."

Xia Yu looked at Yin Ling again, and this time, she not only averted her gaze but also tried to move away.

Grabbing her hand, Xia Yu sighed, "What is all this nonsense?"

He had been too worried about it, thinking it was a big deal.

Asking Yin Ling to stand aside, Xia Yu consoled and comforted the short-haired girl.

The whole incident was started by the short-haired girl, and it was true that Yin Ling tripped on her leg because of her. However, it wasn't intentional. Feeling guilty afterward, Yin Ling easily tricked her into giving up the candy.

It's normal for children to bump and trip, and as long as it isn't on purpose, it's not a big deal. However, having already scared the short-haired girl, it could be said that he went a bit too far.

When the short-haired girl had calmed down and was about to fall asleep, Xia Yu stopped comforting her.

He pulled the short-haired girl's hand and said, "It's just candy, not a big deal. Let's go, I'll take you guys to buy some more."

Xia Yu then grabbed Yin Ling and took them both to the school's store, where he bought a pile of candy.

The two girls held hands and happily returned to the classroom.

Tearing open the candy wrapper, Xia Yu put a lollipop in his mouth and left the school.

He climbed onto his GT scooter and rode back.

Just as he was leaving the town, he was blocked by ten men.