The Driver's First Mission

Originally, Xia Yu was planning to send a message to the Feng sisters, but after seeing the time, he gave up on the idea. The Feng sisters were probably sleeping now, and besides, he would see them at school anyway, so there was no need to send them a message. With that thought, Xia Yu put down his phone and got up to wash up.

When he came downstairs for breakfast, Xia Yu saw An Tianfeng and took the opportunity to ask about the Feng family. "The Feng family has opened up a market in District Eleven. Their focus will likely shift there in the following days," An Tianfeng replied. So the foreign location mentioned earlier was not District Two but District Eleven.

Unfamiliar with the business situation in this world, Xia Yu didn't know what the Feng family's plan was. However, since it involved the company's development, the chances of the Feng sisters resisting successfully were probably slim. Putting that matter aside, Xia Yu finished his breakfast and enjoyed the white jade dumplings prepared by the maid in advance. He then left the villa satisfied and headed to school.

On the way, he thought of Yin Shulan's situation. With only 100,000 left, Yin Shulan undoubtedly needed more money that couldn't be spent. Xia Yu decided to send her more money, but since Yin Shulan resisted wire transfers, he had to use cash. He could make another trip himself, but it would be too troublesome and time-consuming, as he had other tasks to finish and didn't want to spend three to four days on the road.

Asking An Siyao for help was the most prudent idea. Taking out his phone, he discussed the matter with An Siyao via text, and she agreed without any hesitation. However, An Siyao couldn't personally go to Yin Shulan. Xia Yu considered sending a trustworthy maid from the villa, but they were like canaries in a cage, and simply leaving the house without getting abducted would be a challenge.

He pondered for a moment, then fixed his gaze on the driver. The driver didn't notice Xia Yu's gaze and continued to focus on driving. When they arrived at the school gate, he stopped the car, ready to help Xia Yu get out but was stopped by him.

"Sit down, I have something to discuss with you," said Xia Yu. The driver tensed up and became alert, sweeping his gaze over Xia Yu's bracelet. Had another person encountered misfortune?

However, what he heard next was not an order to retrieve the remains. "Take one million in cash and go to Lai Town," Xia Yu said. The driver's mind flashed with words like "hush money," "bribery," and "cleanup fees." Am I finally going to be involved in the core of the operation?

"Yes, Miss," the driver replied respectfully. "Don't worry about the journey, but be careful once you reach the town. Under the cover of darkness, you need to bury one million in cash at the designated location," Xia Yu continued, which led the driver to have more vivid thoughts.

Was there no need to worry on the road because the young lady had already dealt with everything? Why the need for caution in town? It didn't make sense that a big city on the way would be handled, but problems would arise in a small town. Unless it was an extraordinary town, like a criminal hideout built up into a base of operations.

"I understand. I'll not disappoint your expectations, Miss." The driver took a deep breath and spoke with determination.

"Go find Yu Ningmeng, she will arrange everything for you. After you get there, I will also tell you the location of the buried money." After saying this, Xia Yu opened the car door and got out.

The driver parked the car in a parking space on the side, got out, and smoked a cigarette.

After smoking, he sprayed perfume to cover the smell, returned to the car, went back to the villa, and found Yu Ningmeng.

Yu Ningmeng had just received a call from Xia Yu, time was tight, but she had the resources of the Yu family to mobilize and immediately arranged everything.

The driver changed into a light-colored stand-up collar coat, wore black-framed glasses on his nose, a hat on his head, and held a card and a small suitcase. He arrived at the airport and waited for the plane.

He made a plan: after getting off the plane, he would first withdraw the money from the bank and then head to Lijie Town. He aimed to arrive by tonight, bury the money under the cover of darkness, and return immediately.

There must be no mistakes; otherwise, he might never see his wife, Qingqing, again.

While worrying, the driver also felt excited.

This is the life I seek!

Opening the wallet, the driver took out a photo.

In the photo, a young girl was happily eating cake.

This was a picture of his wife Qingqing.

He stroked her face in the photo with his finger, took out a lighter, and set the photo on fire.

This was to prevent any mistakes from involving his wife.

The reflection of the fire in the driver's eyes made them exceptionally firm.

Soon, the photo turned to ashes.

The broadcast began announcing boarding instructions. Putting the wallet back in his pocket, the driver stood up and boarded the plane with a cold expression.

After sitting down, his first task was to report his whereabouts to Xia Yu.

Seeing the driver's message that he was already on the plane, Xia Yu nodded.

Putting away his phone, he continued working on his practice problems. An Siyao's problems were simpler than his, but Xia Yu was just brushing up on his skills, so it didn't matter.

Not knowing if it was because of the simple problems, Xia Yu felt a little uneasy.

After a minute, he confirmed that this feeling came from his mental induction.

Could something happen?

This level of difficulty, which could not be discovered without careful observation, was probably like being mugged by a primary school student, with no danger at all.

He felt more at ease and continued working on his problems.

At lunchtime, he saw the sisters, Feng Yujia, and Feng Yumo.

The two sisters still wanted him to join their runaway team.

Faced with their hopeful gazes, Xia Yu said bluntly, "I refuse."

"Why? Wouldn't it be fun for us to go out together?" Feng Yumo grabbed Xia Yu's hand.

"Running away from home cannot bring happiness." Based on their situation, Xia Yu asserted.

"Aren't the three of us happy together?" Feng Yumo asked again.

"You can come to my house, staying at a friend's house when running away is the basic operation," Xia Yu said.

"No, the runaways like that have no soul and cannot express our determination to resist cooperation!" Feng Yujia and Feng Yumo both disagreed.

"Once you leave home, you won't have a driver, no maid, no chef, and you'll have to worry about everything yourself." Xia Yu tried to persuade the two, "More importantly, if your dad cuts off your card, you'll have no money."

"This won't deter our determination!" The two looked resolute, apparently having thought about it long ago.

"Where do you want to go?" Xia Yu asked. If they planned to go to a dangerous place, he would have to step in.

"Somewhere too far seems scary, too close is not good, so we decided to go to Ziling." Feng Yujia said.

Xia Yu paused with his chopsticks.

"Where are you going?" he asked again.

"Ziling City, Su Xue is there and we have familiar people to take care of us." Feng Yujia explained her consideration.

In Xia Yu's mind: You have more than one acquaintance in Ziling City.

Since it's Ziling, there's nothing dangerous, so let them go and have fun by themselves.

In a few days, they'll get bored.

Just don't spoil his little girl.

Seeing An Siyao stubbornly refuse, the two were very disappointed, but even so, they still wanted to run away from home.

They would leave tonight!

After lunch, Xia Yu arrived at the psychological counseling room, as the principal had made an appointment with him in the morning.

Seeing Xia Yu, the principal held his hand and happily told him, "I've finally gotten rid of that damn kid, I made it clear to him today that if I give him a penny, I'm a dog!"

Xia Yu then understood the source of the slight danger he felt this morning of being robbed by a young student.

At the principal's house, the curtains were tightly drawn, not a single ray of light penetrated, yet it was daytime, and the living room was as dark as night.


A spark ignited, it was the light of a lighter, the light drove away the darkness, illuminating a man wearing a hood. The man lit the cigarette in his mouth and extinguished the flame.

Darkness enveloped the living room again, leaving only the faint glow of the cigarette.

"An Siyao?"