You Are Already a Mature Jar

After getting off the airplane, the driver realized that his attire was too conspicuous, so he changed into a different outfit. Now, he was dressed as an ordinary rural youth wearing a Zhongshan suit. He sat in the corner of the bus, with a worn-out backpack on his back containing a briefcase of money. He could barely understand the local dialect but couldn't speak it, so he decided to pretend to be mute. However, he didn't need to use this setup, as long as he paid the fare, the bus driver ignored him and no one around him tried to strike up a conversation. This relieved him, but at the same time, he was disappointed he didn't have the chance to use his ruse.

Setting aside his desire to show off, the driver listened to the conversations around him, gathering information. There were two men with sickles robbing people on the road? This small town was really a bit chaotic. What? When the two sickle-wielding men tried to rob a 70-year-old man, they were defeated? Were there really such experts among the elderly in this small town? What? There was also an old woman who was attacked by ten strong men seeking revenge, and they all ended up defeated? This was too unbelievable; it must be fake. However, there must be some truth to it, perhaps not ten, but three or four at most. Did many of the elderly in this small town possess exceptional skills?

At this point, his ears caught another conversation. "That old lady from Yin Family Village, the one who rides the scooter, she bought a villa in the town!" "What? Where did she get the money?" "Her three sons don't know. The eldest son was so shocked when he found out that he asked his colleague to keep it a secret. I heard the news from the colleague's second aunt." The driver quickly covered his ears. He knew he couldn't listen any further. Knowing too much could get him in deep trouble.

After a while, he uncovered his ears and heard the two old ladies changing the topic to discuss which daughter-in-law was having an affair. The driver sighed in relief. Thinking back on the information he had just gathered, the truth became clear to him. The elderly with extraordinary fighting abilities and the suddenly-wealthy elderly revealed the facts. It was indeed more convenient for the elderly to commit such acts, as others would not be suspicious of them, even the most cautious ones. After striking, the elderly could disguise themselves as ordinary old men and women taking a stroll, easily evading suspicion.

Was he here to deliver money to an elderly assassin in this small town? Was this town an independent organization, or a secret group cultivated by Miss's family to be their cleaners? If it was an independent organization, it wouldn't make sense for them to let the buyer deliver the money directly to their base. Therefore, this organization was likely affiliated with the Miss. No wonder she was so terrifying!

When the driver arrived at his destination, he became even more cautious. It was already dark. He took a plastic flashlight from his bag, shone it on the road, and entered the restroom to send a message to An Siyao. An Siyao replied according to what Xia Yu had taught her earlier. At the base of the high-voltage tower in the small town? The tower was on the eastern edge.

Following the instructions, the driver arrived at the base of the tower. He used his phone compass to walk 10 meters east and 10 meters west before squatting down to examine the ground. On his left side, he found a patch of soil that had been tampered with.

Taking out the prepared shovel from his backpack, he began to dig.

In no time, he dug up a big pottery jar.

He took out the suitcase containing money from his backpack, removed the black plastic bag filled with cash, placed it into the pottery jar, reburied it, and the driver breathed a sigh of relief, quickly returned to the bus station in the small town, and boarded the bus back.

As the small town got further and further away, until it disappeared from his sight, the driver finally felt at ease.

He felt that the whole operation had been very exhilarating.

In his old age, maybe he could brag to his grandchildren, without mentioning the specific location.

But not now, not even to Qingqing, he couldn't tell.

Arriving at a big city nearby, the driver went to the airport and boarded the late-night flight.

In the morning, he returned to Yaoguang, and Xia Yu entered Yin Shulan's body.

It was still early in the morning, and Xia Yu, controlling Yin Shulan's body, went to the bottom of the electric tower.

He used the shovel to dig up the jar that he had initially made Yin Shulan bury, took out the black garbage bag, opened it, and inside were densely packed red bills.

Yin Shulan's breathing quickened.

"How much is this?" she asked.

"One million," Xia Yu answered.

Yin Shulan's bonus reached lv2.

Was this old lady so practical?

During these days, Xia Yu helped Yin Shulan deal with various matters, and also had the idea of increasing the bonus. Because the bonus directly reflected intimacy, the higher the bonus, the more it proved to be his own people.

As for the skill training speed increase brought by the bonus, it wasn't important because the increase was actually limited.

With the money, Xia Yu returned to the villa, didn't practice pharmaceutics, but instead went to a bookstore near the school gate and bought a fifty-three practice exam book.

The experience cards hadn't accumulated much, so practice skill was meaningless, so it was better to use them for learning.

Fortunately, the bookstore opened early, and at this point, it was only five o'clock.

By seven thirty, Yin Ling got up, went to the bathroom first, then returned to the room to change clothes, passed by the living room, and glanced at her grandmother.

The old lady in her sixties, with hands full of old calluses, was seriously working on a thick test paper set with a blue pen.

Approaching Yin Shuyu, Yin Ling looked at the test paper set, a string of inexplicable characters appeared, and it seemed to be high school knowledge.

"Grandma, what's wrong with you?" Yin Ling became flustered.

"Nothing, I'm just learning," Xia Yu replied.

"But, what nonsense are you saying, Grandma!" Yin Ling grabbed Xia Yu's clothes, "Come on, let's go see a doctor."

Before, Yin Ling had noticed the change in her grandmother, but it was only different clothes and a more domineering attitude. They had killed rabbits and experimented with herbs, just like what her grandfather did when he was alive.

But now, her grandmother had actually picked up the test papers to study. This was too unusual!

If it were placed in the manga she had been reading recently, it could be called a mutation! You would need to spend a hundred thousand to find a shrine maiden to remove it!

Xia Yu knew that without giving a reason, he wouldn't be able to practice properly, so he pulled Yin Ling first.

As Yin Ling looked at him, the old lady Yu looked up at the sky at a forty-five-degree angle:

"When your grandmother was young, she was also a child who loved to learn. But on the night before I was going to take the college entrance exam, your grandfather looked at me with tears in his eyes..."

Yin Ling couldn't help but let go of her hand, not expecting her grandmother to have such a past.

"Now that your mother's illness is just left to recuperation and the debts in the family have been paid off, I also want to look back on my youth." Putting her hand on Yin Ling's head, the old lady revealed a smile filled with nostalgia and helplessness.

"I understand, go for it, grandma." Yin Ling held her grandmother's hand, encouraging her.

In the room next door, Yin Wan rubbed her forehead, wondering: Didn't grandpa say that mom used to skip classes all the time?

Never mind, probably just the old person wanting to have some fun.

She lay in bed, contemplating another very important and significant issue:

What to eat for breakfast today?

Today's breakfast was porridge, cooked in a rice cooker, nothing special.

After eating the porridge, Xia Yu drove Yin Ling to school, and then took a bag full of money and rode a motorbike to the bank.

In front of the bank door, he received a call from his eldest son, Yin Changgui.