Big Sister Arrives

After sending the message, Feng Yujia nervously looked at her phone. She wanted to invite Xia Yu out not only because of some unclear thoughts in her heart but also because of some confusion about reality and wanted to discuss it with Xia Yu.

The day before yesterday, when the hotel room was about to expire, she really didn't want to move to those dirty and messy places, so she contacted her relatives and sisters, wanting to borrow some money. But her relatives had already been warned by Feng's father not to give her money. Even when she sought help from a few non-relatives friends, their parents also warned them not to give Feng Yujia money. In the end, a good friend secretly arranged a hotel room for her so they didn't have to move out of the hotel.

After staying in the hotel for two more days, Feng Yujia felt that she couldn't continue like this, so she wanted to discuss it with Xia Yu. These days, Xia Yu has already gained her trust, so she decided to tell him everything. At this moment, she was thinking about how to talk about this matter when Xia Yu comes over. As for whether Xia Yu would come or not, she felt there was no need to worry at all; after all, she was a beautiful girl and the student council president of Dongzhi Township.

Just as she was thinking, her hand vibrated. Surely it was a reply agreeing to meet. Full of confidence, Feng Yujia picked up her phone and saw: "I am studying, no time." Studying? Is studying more important than me? Angrily putting her phone in her pocket, Feng Yujia didn't reply to Xia Yu and went back to the hotel.

She lay on her bed for a while, her anger gradually disappearing, and instead, she felt that Xia Yu was different from the other enchanting men she had encountered recently in the stories. A person who can give up the opportunity to have dinner with a beautiful girl for studying, although not necessarily a good person, must not be a lustful person. "I will definitely make you willingly treat me to dinner!" Feng Yujia encouraged herself in her heart.

With her mind resolved, Feng Yujia went to the kitchen and boiled a pot of hot water. "Momo, come out for dinner!" Feng Yujia first prepared her instant noodles and called her sister. Feng Yumo poked her head out of the bedroom: "I'm not hungry, you eat." "How could you not be hungry; have you become a fairy?" Feng Yujia didn't believe Feng Yumo's words. She called her sister again, but Feng Yumo was adamant.

Seeing her sister close the door again, Feng Yujia sighed. For the past few days, her sister hadn't been eating dinner properly. She felt that Feng Yumo couldn't adapt to the lifestyle of cheap food every day. But in fact, Feng Yumo was just too full from going out to eat with Xia Yu.

Feng Yujia sat down, eating her noodles while thinking. What should she do? The next day, she was still thinking about this problem while working. She thought about whether she should give in and return home, but last night she asked Feng Yumo indirectly and got a firm answer of continuing to fight. Her sister was not used to the point where she had no appetite for dinner every day and still refused to give in, so she couldn't admit defeat either! She wondered if she should ask her manager to give her more work shifts.

Because she had these questions in her mind, she didn't even attend to Xia Yu properly when he came over today.

Not long after Xia Yu left, Feng Yujia saw the young colleague with a wife coming over.

The young man and another colleague were grumbling:

"What's so great about Xia Yu, just a slightly handsome face, poor as hell at home, what's the use of being handsome?"

The colleague shook his head: "Haven't you seen the forum? Xia Yu is quite famous recently."

"What kind of celebrity?" The young man was too busy with work and flirting with girls to have time to check the forum.

"He won the runner-up in the District Middle School Instrument Competition, and even went to the Second District to perform in a global event."

"Damn, is he that amazing now?" The young man's momentum weakened, his only confidence when facing Xia Yu was his wealth, but now even this advantage was gone. A runner-up in a regional competition must earn more money than him, not to mention a global performance he could only dream of.

"What made you bring him up today?" The colleague asked curiously.

Eavesdropping, Feng Yujia sneered, thinking that the young man must have felt humiliated yesterday and wanted to unleash his verbal wrath.

However, what she heard was something else.

"I just saw Xia Yu and a beautiful loli drinking milk tea together at Yuejiu Pearl when I passed by," the young man said with a jealous expression.

"How beautiful?" The colleague asked curiously.

"Kind of like Feng Yujia, in any case, she's really cute." The young man sighed, "Probably a high school girl, an age suitable for dating."

"Don't make wild guesses, maybe she's his sister." The colleague stopped the topic from going further and changed the subject.

They gossiped and dropped the matter, but Feng Yujia couldn't stay calm for a long time.

Xia Yu was drinking milk tea with a fake loli, but he wasn't willing to have a meal with her?

More importantly, what did it mean that the fake loli looked like her?

Feng Yujia thought about it, Feng Yumo was sixteen years old and looked like a fake loli, just like her.

But how could it be possible?

Feng Yujia laughed at herself for thinking too much, Feng Yumo hadn't been eating dinner recently, how could she have milk tea with someone else?

Wait, they said it was Yuejiu Pearl Café.

Yumo used to love going to Yuejiu Pearl for cake and milk tea, and maybe she couldn't eat dinner because she had too much earlier. Otherwise, not eating dinner for such a long time would have weakened her.

Feng Yujia's doubts grew, and she couldn't help but leave the convenience store and head to Yuejiu Pearl Café.

The café's wall facing the street was made of glass, offering a clear view of the interior.

Upon arriving on the street, Feng Yujia looked into the shop and immediately spotted her target.

It was Xia Yu and Feng Yumo.

Feng Yumo was eating cake happily, chatting with Xia Yu cheerfully.

In an instant, Feng Yujia's heart turned cold.

It was supposed to be me!

How dare she!

Clenched fist, Feng Yujia stormed into the café.

Her strong presence drew the attention of other customers.

Feng Yumo, who was talking to Xia Yu, turned to look at the door when she saw everyone else looking in that direction.

At the sight, she was shocked.

"Sister!" Feng Yumo lowered her head anxiously.

Xia Yu was also startled; he didn't expect Feng Yujia to come over, as it was obviously her working hours.

Panicking for two seconds, he frowned and calmed down.

I haven't done anything wrong, why should I panic?

I just brought my sister's friend to dinner, and was seen by my sister's friend's sister, there is nothing wrong with this behavior!

Even if I stood trial in court, there would be no worries at all!

It's just that Feng Yujia's imposing manner was too strong, which made him involuntarily feel guilty for a moment.