Meeting Yin An

After successfully upgrading Yin Shulan's alchemy skills to lv4, Xia Yu had them board the train to Yaoguang.

As their arrival was imminent, Xia Yu entered Yin Shulan's body.

At that moment, Yin Shulan was on the high-speed train, which had already entered Yaoguang.

Xia Yu originally wanted them to take a plane, but Yin Shulan adamantly refused, saying that it was unsafe.

Without trying to explain, Xia Yu immediately changed the route for Yin Shulan to a high-speed train.

He sat by the aisle, Yin Ling sat in the middle and was asleep on the small table, while Yin Wan sat on the inside, looking at the scenery outside.

Outside the window, the retreating trees' shadows went from being continuous to intermittent, indicating that the high-speed train was slowing down.

"Our train is about to reach the terminal station. Please check your luggage rack again..."

The sound of the announcement rang out, and Xia Yu woke up the sleeping Yin Ling, collecting their belongings.

Each of the three carried a backpack, and they had nothing else with them. It took Xia Yu a lot of effort to persuade Yin Shulan only to bring one backpack.

When the train stopped, the three got off and walked out of the station.

Outside the station, Yu Ningmeng, holding a small white flag, was waiting for them.

Xia Yu walked straight towards Yu Ningmeng.

When Yu Ningmeng first saw Xia Yu, she greeted him with a smile and then looked at Yin Ling and Yin Wan beside him.

Her expression stiffened for a moment.

This was normal; even Xia Yu was shocked when he first saw Yin Ling.

A moment later, Yu Ningmeng returned to normal and approached the three.

"You must be Grandma Yin!" she asked Xia Yu.

Xia Yu nodded, not showing any emotion, but thinking to himself:

My granddaughter is Yin Ling, you are at least twenty years older than her and about the same age as Yin Wan. And you still call me Grandma, how thick is your skin?

"Miss has already arranged everything for you; please rest assured," Yu Ningmeng said as she led the three to the parking lot where the driver was waiting in the car.

Following her cue, Yin Wan and Yin Ling got into the driver's car.

As for Xia Yu, he got into Yu Ningmeng's car.

Yu Ningmeng wanted to clarify some arrangements with Xia Yu.

"Miss has prepared a residence for you near the Yaoguang Medical University. Your research lab is inside the university. About two kilometers away, there is a primary school where Miss Yin Ling can attend school with the school bus providing transportation..." Yu Ningmeng's explanation was exactly what Xia Yu had imagined.

After finishing, Yu Ningmeng was silent for a while before asking Xia Yu, "Are they your real daughter and granddaughter?"

Upon hearing this, Yin Shulan in Xia Yu's mind exploded, "What a way to talk!"

Ignoring Yin Shulan, Xia Yu replied, "They are like my old man's family."

"Oh..." Yu Ningmeng wanted to ask more but felt it was impolite to do so upon first meeting, so she held back.

She couldn't stop thinking about the resemblance between Yin Ling and Yin Wan; they looked so alike!

Not only was she shocked, but so was the driver.

At that moment, the driver was sweating with cold sweat.

He glanced at Yin Ling through the rearview mirror, and thought that she looked so much like the Miss that he would believe it if someone said she was her daughter.

However, the young lady couldn't possibly have a daughter this big, so...

This must be the second young lady who was raised outside!

As for the woman next to her who looked somewhat like the young lady, she must be a relative from the young lady's mother's side, a member of the Yu family. Since they were from the Yu family, it made sense for them to look alike.

Why did the Yu family bring the second young lady here?

After hearing the second young lady call the other woman "mother," the driver's mind became even more confused.

After being in chaos for three minutes, he finally organized his thoughts.

The lady had given birth to the first and second young ladies, the first one stayed by her side, while the second one was taken away by the Yu family to be raised.

The Yu family wanted to plot against the An family's assets by using the second young lady, who was under their control!

There must be a power struggle among the factions involved, one group of Yu family members supporting the first young lady, and another supporting the second young lady.

As for the An family's opinion? A nouveau riche family facing the thousand-year-old Yu family, they wouldn't have a say in the matter.

Now, with the return of the second young lady, the battle between the two factions within the Yu family was about to begin!

Who would ultimately control the An family's assets?

Although the driver believed that the ruthless first young lady could easily take care of the second young lady, he couldn't help but have some worries in his heart.

What if the first young lady were to lose? Would he encounter any misfortune?

Wait, why did Yu Ningmeng ask him to pick up the second young lady? Was she hinting at something? Would the first young lady kill him to keep it a secret?

The driver clenched his teeth, wanting to slap himself. When Yu Ningmeng called him, he thought it was just a regular pick-up, without giving it much thought. Who knew that he would end up accepting the mission of receiving the second young lady? He was completely finished now.

It was too sinister!

He thought Yu Ningmeng was a good person, but she had set him up like this!

If he sided with the second young lady, the first young lady would definitely not let him go. Even if he didn't side with the second young lady and their meeting went public, the first young lady would still become suspicious.

Why would Yu Ningmeng do this to him? He was just an innocent driver!

For now, the only solution was to go back and beg for forgiveness.

Hopefully, the first young lady would be merciful.

The driver's mood was heavy.

Arriving at the villa, he watched the four people enter and anxiously called An Siyao to explain how he had been set up by Yu Ningmeng and expressed his loyalty.

An Siyao, who was listening, had a blank face. She thought for a moment and decided to answer with the universal cure-all: "I know everything."

With that, she hung up the phone.

Putting down the phone, the driver recalled the words of the first young lady.

If the first young lady knew everything, it meant that it was all within her expectations?

She truly was impressive!

The driver scorned the second young lady.

At this moment, the "second young lady" and her party had also met An Siyao.

An Siyao was waiting for them in the courtyard of the villa.

Like Yu Ningmeng, her gaze first rested on Xia Yu's figure, and then she looked at Yin Wan and Yin Ling with astonishment.

Leading the three to the living room and dismissing Yu Ningmeng, An Siyao approached Yin Shuyu.

She curiously reached out and touched Yin Shuyu's cheek: "So it's real, huh?"

Grasping An Siyao's hand, Xia Yu reluctantly responded: "It's me."

A joyful smile then appeared on An Siyao's face.

Indulgence also appeared in Xia Yu's eyes.

Their interaction made Yin Wan, who was standing nearby, feel uneasy.

What is the relationship between my mother and this rich young lady?

Yin Wan had been curious before, how her mother, who was over sixty years old, suddenly had so much money. Now, she knew the truth.

For the sake of the family, her mother had actually sacrificed so much!