On the Eve of College Entrance Exam

In two days, it would be the day of the college entrance examination. A week ago, the school had already begun its break, allowing students to review at home.

This was done to allow students to check for any missed knowledge and to relieve their pressure. In the final days, Xia Yu also gave Guizi Xiao a break. This wasn't because he was afraid of her feeling too much pressure, but because Xia Yu's exam-oriented education had already reached level 5.

Taking out a set of simulation papers he had hidden away and finishing them, Xia Yu calculated his score. 450 points, surpassing last year's liberal arts top scorer by more than 20 points. With this result, he should be secure.

Feeling at ease, Xia Yu logged into Yin Shulan's body. At this moment, Yin Shulan was playing mahjong with the neighbor's elderly ladies. Xia Yu pretended that his phone rang and left the table.

Arriving at the medical research lab, he used the five experience cards he had accumulated over the days and continued experimenting. Beside him, a young man in his thirties assisted him.

This was a researcher arranged by the Yu family for Xia Yu. On the surface, he was there to introduce Xia Yu to the various instruments and their uses, as well as provide assistance. In reality, he was there to ensure that Xia Yu didn't do anything illegal in the lab, so he kept a close eye on him.

Pretending not to know, Xia Yu treated the young man like a servant, which was quite convenient. "Keep an eye on the records," Xia Yu told the young man. "Yes," the young man immediately came to the side of the instrument, recording the data.

Xia Yu then began his next research project. The young man had no complaints about being ordered around by an old lady from the countryside. When he first arrived and saw Xia Yu, who didn't even know how to use the instruments, the young man did look down on him.

However, this disdain quickly turned into admiration in the following days. He witnessed firsthand the progress of the elderly lady's research from knowing nothing to becoming skillful, and the research was advancing at a rapid pace.

Although no results had been produced yet, the experienced researcher could tell the situation by looking at the experimental data. The old lady was researching a muscle-related drug, which had already been tested on animals with significant results. The only issue was the side effects were a bit severe, but they were not serious.

The next step would be to find a way to reduce the side effects. The young man had watched the development of this drug from scratch, and according to his intuition, at least half of the drug had been completed.

You should know that the research of a normal drug takes at least one to two years. Half of that would be at least seven or eight months of effort. In reality, the research of this drug had only been going on for just over a month, and it was only between the two of them.

This was the reason why the young man admired Xia Yu. He carefully collected the data and noticed that something was wrong. This research seemed different from the previous drug?

"Teacher Yin, what are we researching today?" he asked Xia Yu. "A new direction," Xia Yu replied. The young man was surprised: "The previous drug was close to yielding results, why did you suddenly change the research direction?"

"Because that drug is not what I want." Xia Yu's answer left the young man speechless. Could the development of a drug be so wilful?

"Teacher Yin, that medicine has a significant effect on healing muscle fiber injuries. Once successful, the profit will be huge!" The young man thought that Xia Yu was giving up because he felt the prospects were low, and he explained, "This medicine has great potential in treating tendinitis, which is a major enemy of athletes. Many star athletes have retired because of this, and if it can be cured, they would be willing to spend any amount of money!"

To help Xia Yu understand better, the young man gave an example, "For instance, Little Whirlwind had a contract starting at 100 million for a year, but he retired early due to tendinitis. If he could spend tens of millions on this illness, would he spend it or not?"

"Moreover, a single drug is not made specifically for one type of disease. In addition to being a special remedy for athletes, it can also be used to treat other muscle diseases in general. Although we don't know what else it can cure yet, such effects can usually be widely applied." The young man tried his best to persuade Xia Yu.

"Oh." Xia Yu replied calmly.

He understood the reasoning, but the medicine couldn't cure Xu Youxiang.

The young man chattered on, but Xia Yu chose to ignore him.

After eight hours, Xia Yu recorded some things in his notebook. The young man thought Xia Yu was keeping a record of the things he wanted to do next to remind himself, but in fact, Xia Yu was reminding Yin Shulan.

After he returned, Yin Shulan would continue with some simple observations and experiments.

Just like Xia Yu using An Siyao's body to play the xun, An Siyao would also make rapid progress in the art of xun through shared experiences. Yin Shulan's skill in making medicine was also advancing rapidly.

Now, she was even better than the young researcher.

"Teacher Yin." The young man sat in front of him again.

"There's no need to say more. I'm not doing this for money right now." Xia Yu said straightforwardly.

The young man paused for two seconds and asked, "Will you continue with this medicine in the future?"

Xia Yu thought for a moment and answered, "Probably not."

Once he reached level 6 in medicine making, he would abandon Yin Shulan's body, so naturally, he couldn't continue researching this medicine.

"Can you sell it to our company?" The young man looked at Xia Yu with anticipation.

"How much are you willing to pay?" Xia Yu had no objections.

"I have to discuss this with the company. However, it will be at least tens of millions, and it could be up to nearly a hundred million. It depends on how the people at the company evaluate it." The young man revealed his cards to Xia Yu.

Xia Yu could feel that Yin Shulan suddenly became nervous.

Tens of millions were an amount of money that Yin Shulan didn't even dare to think about.

However, in reality, the cost of the materials Xia Yu had used in these days already amounted to several million.

The research funds for a drug could reach hundreds of millions of dollars, and each new drug was essentially a big gamble.

Xia Yu nodded his head and agreed.

The young man immediately took out his phone to report, and after getting Xia Yu's permission, he sent some files to the company.

As for the following matters, Xia Yu didn't see them. After eight hours, he had already returned to his own body.

He looked at the game points and found that there were four extra experience cards.

Was the extra distribution of game points for doing what they wanted him to do?

Therefore, during times of rebellion, An Siyao would generate additional game points; when experiencing novelty, Wen Ziying would generate additional game points; and when making money, Yin Shulan would generate additional game points.

Having noted down the information, Xia Yu came to his desk and flipped through all the college entrance examination papers from recent years.

He was not reviewing but was doing yati.

He also searched online for the examiners of each subject and found their previous test questions. Xia Yu used his level 5 exam-taking education to guess what kind of questions they would set.

Anyway, it wouldn't take more than a few hours, so he considered it as a farewell gift for Gui Zixiao.

At the beginning, the list of female programmers had helped him a lot, and he had received a lot of care in other places over the years.

After finishing the yati, Xia Yu sent a complete version to Gui Zixiao and, after some thought, he also sent a glamorous version to the class group chat.

After sending the document, he didn't emphasize anything and only mentioned that it was a normal review question before turning off his phone.

Whether they could seize the opportunity was up to them.

Gui Zixiao had a good relationship with him, so he received more help, but ordinary students naturally did not have this treatment.

If Yan Wei was available, the girl would have received even more care.

In fact, Xia Yu didn't put all of his heart into Gui Zixiao's tutoring; he only provided help when it was convenient.

Teaching Gui Zixiao was more about changing the method to practice when he got bored of the regular exercises; he merely took Gui Zixiao along in the process.

So, he only taught mathematics and didn't mention Chinese or history at all.

With his own math tutoring and this yati, Gui Zixiao's pig-headed character was definitely stable.

After going to bed and sleeping, on the second day, which was also the last day of high school life, Xia Yu went to An Siyao's place.