College Entrance Exam Ends

Xia Yu posted the classical Chinese and composition predictions in the group chat. The half-confident classical Chinese prediction failed, but the unsure composition prediction was actually correct.

Other provinces often use current hot topics for college entrance examination essay questions, but in Su Province, the essay questions are just some philosophical sentences picked from anywhere or some mysterious sentences made up by the examiners for students to elaborate on.

This type of essay question is basically impossible to predict as it is not affected by the environment and depends on the mood of the question setters. Xia Yu randomly predicted five themes, and one of them happened to be suitable to answer this essay question.

However, even if the prediction was correct, don't expect a high score. One's own level is there, and a well-thought-out essay might not be as good as one written on the spur of the moment.

Unless someone else writes it for you.

It would be great to increase the score by five or ten points.

This was referring to Gui Zixiao. The other students in the class, although they glanced at the topic out of Xia Yu's popularity, did not take it seriously, let alone prepare an essay for it.

In the class group chat, they were all lamenting. Once, there was an accurate prediction in front of me, but I didn't cherish it... When I saw that the essay question was similar to what Xia Yu had sent before, I was so dumbfounded that I couldn't think about the question. Xia Yu, you owe me points! Accompany me on a date during the summer vacation!

So bold, huh?

Include me too!

The chat quickly moved on to other topics. Regarding the essay question, classmates didn't fuss over it and only thought it was a coincidence. Xia Yu didn't respond but sent the censored version of the math prediction to the group. This was the last two application problems and the last two fill-in-the-blank problems.

Here it comes again. This time I will cherish the opportunity!

Will Xia Yu come out to play after the exam?

Should we have a dinner party after the exam?

The group chat topic shifted elsewhere again. Xia Yu put down his phone and ate lunch. After a nap at Xu Xue's request, Xia Yu arrived at the math exam site in the afternoon.

After the test paper was distributed, Xia Yu checked the last two fill-in-the-blank and application questions first.

One of the application questions was correctly predicted, but there was a minor change in the solution. With Gui Zixiao's current level, it should not be a problem.

In addition to the high-difficulty questions, Xia Yu also predicted some medium-difficulty questions. Three of them were quite similar, with only a small change in numbers for one of them.

The math question team was an old team. Because it was an old team, Xia Yu was more familiar with their routine, and his predictions were more accurate.

Just past half of the time, Xia Yu had already completed the exam. He couldn't solve the last question of the last problem and gave up directly. He was also a bit uncertain about the last fill-in-the-blank question.

However, he still had 150 points.

Math scores are given step by step; Xia Yu didn't know how to solve the last question, but he wrote down all possible solutions, so he could still get a few points.

Bored, he played with a pen until the exam was over, and then opened the QQ group chat.

As he expected, the group was lamenting again. Once, there were two accurate predictions in front of me, but I didn't cherish them... Didn't you just say at noon that you would definitely cherish this chance!

I was just saying it casually! Who knew it would actually be true! I solved the first question, and if I had looked at it earlier, I could have at least solved the second question and gotten a few points for the third question!

Knowing the solution to a math problem doesn't mean you can solve it, as it still depends on individual ability.

I memorized everything, but the questions on the exam were slightly different! I don't know how to convert them! Xia Yu, you owe me on the day after tomorrow night!

Hehe, I solved them all and got at least five or six more points.

This time, the topic didn't deviate to other places, and those who saw the questions were proud, while those who didn't were regretful.

At this moment, another person recognized Xia Yu.

Where did you get the leaked questions? Xia Yu.

Yeah, where did you get it from?

The classmates followed suit with their questions.

Don't think about it, Xia Yu made it up himself. Gui Zixiao appeared to explain.

Two years ago, Gui Zixiao had an argument with a classmate in the group chat and blocked the group. Because of Xia Yu's leaked questions and guidance, he had a good performance in the exam and unblocked the group to show off.

It turns out that Xia Yu made it himself, but Gui Zixiao, is it interesting to ask and answer yourself?

Where did I ask and answer myself? Gui Zixiao was puzzled.

He scrolled up to check the chat history.

The first penguin number to ask this question had the nickname "Gui Zixiao's main account."

"Gui Zixiao's main account," who are you?! Gui Zixiao was shocked, when did he get an additional main account? And what's this about his own account being a sub-account? Is this a takeover of the big man himself?!

Hahaha, actually, I'm Dong Xue's sub-account.

I'm not, I don't have it! Dong Xue jumped out of the conversation.

Who are you? The class group chat descended into chaos, and many people stated that they had added "Gui Zixiao's main account" and even occasionally had private chats with him, thinking he was Gui Zixiao.

Under the siege of the whole class, "Gui Zixiao's main account" sent a facepalm emoji.

Then, a voice message appeared.

When Xia Yu clicked on the voice message, he heard a young man's voice, which sounded very familiar.

It was the Chinese teacher's voice.

Damn, Teacher Wen!

Damn, Teacher Wen!

Thinking that their usual chats were under the surveillance of their Chinese teacher, the students shuddered, and some of them finally understood how their mistakes were discovered by the teacher.

Hahaha, actually, there's not just me. Senior Scholar, Sister Shi Lishi.

These two accounts also sent a voice message each, and they were the math teacher and the history teacher.

They were all undercover! When Teacher Wen first introduced the seniors and sisters to guide us, I was actually touched!

Do you dare mess with it? Not daring, not daring.

If it weren't for this, we would have been deceived for a lifetime!

Xia Yu was also amazed by the actions of the three teachers, but fortunately, he didn't talk much in the group chat.

The Chinese teacher asked him about the leaked questions again, Xia Yu repeated what he and Gui Zixiao had just said.

Are there any for the remaining three subjects? The Chinese teacher asked.

There's history, but no other ones. Xia Yu uploaded his prediction for the history questions.

The group chat immediately quieted down, everyone was looking at the questions Xia Yu posted.

Chinese and mathematics had already proved that this was not a leak, but a giveaway!

Can I share it with other classes? The Chinese teacher sent a private message to Xia Yu.

No problem, Xia Yu saved face for him.

A student from a school wouldn't affect Gui Zixiao's number one ranking, let alone Xia Yu's position as the top scholar.

In the other class groups, the students who received this test prediction were half-believing and half-doubting until they entered the history examination room the next day.

That evening, Xia Yu's notification messages were all friend requests, and he received over a hundred private messages.

Xia Yu cleared all the messages with one click, not bothering to respond to any of them. Even when the Chinese teacher approached him again and asked him to make predictions for two more elective courses, he did not agree.

In the third day's afternoon, after finishing the politics examination, Xia Yu threw his pencil case into the trash can. His high school life has come to an end.

His actions led to a group of people following suit. The originally small trash can was soon filled with pens, startling the police who were maintaining order.

As he walked towards home, Xia Yu started to think about his pharmaceutical manufacturing level. In about ten days, he could reach level 5, and the time for the college entrance examination results to be announced...

Before he could recall the date, an envelope-shaped icon lit up in front of Xia Yu.