Go, Black Devil Cat

This time, Xia Yu didn't leave An Siyao's body. Instead, he waited until the next morning when the driver sent a message, noted down the address and the password, and then logged out of the game.

He logged into An Siyao's body using yesterday's gaming opportunity, and now, he immediately used today's gaming opportunity to enter the body of the black cat. Outside the residential area, the taxi driver was already waiting. Seeing the black cat come to the back seat on its own initiative, the driver once again admired the cat's intelligence. It indeed was a spiritual cat.

Yesterday morning, the financier had called and booked his taxi for the whole day to take the black cat to the neighboring city and then back. The price for this trip was something he might not be able to earn in ten days. Tempted by the high pay, the driver drove very seriously. An hour and a half later, the car arrived in the neighboring city.

The black cat got out of the car and walked towards the mall. Avoiding the security guard's gaze, he skillfully arrived in front of the storage locker. The keyboard for entering the password was a bit high, but it didn't bother the black cat. With a leap, he climbed up the locker to reach the keypad. After pressing two numbers, he fell down, jumped back up and continued to press.

Click —

After he entered the password, the lowest locker door opened. Taking the small bag out of the locker, Xia Yu first made sure that there was no problem with the contents inside, and then put the small bag on his back. This bag was designed specifically for cats. After adjusting the backpack, the black cat ran out.

Next to the counter, a customer who was about to store some items was dumbfounded. What did she just see? A cat entering the storage locker's password and taking away the contents? Wasn't this storage locker meant for humans? What's inside that bag, fish snacks?

Of course, what was inside the bag couldn't be fish snacks, but a row of reagents. Without going to the other three locations, the black cat returned to the taxi. Those three locations were backups and also meant to lower the risks.

"Meow." Xia Yu urged the driver.

"Oh, are we going back now?" The driver looked at the black cat suspiciously. After asking, he showed a self-deprecating smile. What am I talking to a cat for! But the next moment, he saw the black cat nod its head. This cat was so spiritual that it could understand!

He glanced at the small bag on the black cat's back: "Did you come here just to pick up this bag?" "Meow!" The black cat showed its claws. The driver understood the words of the black cat. The black cat meant: stop complaining, start driving.

Returning to Zi Yu, Xia Yu got out of the car and walked towards the residential area. He was stopped by the security guard. The security could not be sure if he was a resident's cat or not, so they wouldn't let him in. Xia Yu could have run in directly; with his agility, the security guards couldn't possibly catch him. But at this moment, he was carrying fragile reagents on his back. Luckily, he was prepared.

Putting the bag down first, the black cat jumped onto a tree next to the entrance of the residential area and picked up a card. He handed the card to the security guard. The card had Xia Yu's house number and phone number written on it. After studying the card for a while, the five security guards decided to give it a try and make a call. The call was answered by Yuxue.

"Hello? This is the Xia family." Yuxue's voice came through the phone.

The security guard glanced at the black cat, not knowing how to respond. Should he tell her that a cat was holding the family's phone, wanting to visit them? As he hesitated, the black cat jumped to the side of the phone and meowed three times.

"It's Brother...meow, have you left home? Let me pick you up." After explaining to the security guard a bit more, Yuxue hung up the phone.

The five security guards looked at each other.

They were wondering, when a cat goes out, is this the reaction they should have? It feels like when a child in the family goes out to play and returns home, but this is just a cat!

Five minutes later, Yuxue arrived at the security room on her bicycle.

She picked up the black cat and said to the security guards, "This is my family's cat. It must have been called out by my brother to do something. Thank you for your help."

"Oh, it's no problem," the security guards handed the small bag back to the black cat.

Their expressions were numb, already at a loss for words.

The cat had just returned from running errands outside, and now the owner came to pick it up? What a fantastical situation.

After accepting this absurd situation, they began to wonder what was inside the small bag on the black cat's back.

Returning home, Yuxue was equally curious.

Xia Yu had not told her anything, so she could only guess.

She guessed that Xia Yu had used the black cat's body to go out and buy or fetch something.

What kind of thing would require the use of a black cat's body?

As expected, it must be some blush-inducing items, right?

Reaching out her hand, Yuxue was about to pull the zipper of the small bag but was stopped by the black cat, swiping her hand away with his paw.

"Let me see!" the girl excitedly said.

Xia Yu refused, thinking that it was better for Yuxue to know as little as possible about the test reagent.

"It's okay, my classmate's brother has a big, big box," Yuxue said.

Although he didn't know what she had misunderstood, Xia Yu still chose to reject her request.

With bag on his back, he returned to his room.

Only four hours had passed, and he had to spend another three hours in the black cat's body.

Lying on the windowsill, Xia Yu prepared to take a nap, but couldn't fall asleep.

This lazy cat had slept too much.

As he was considering what to do next, Yuxue knocked on his door.

Yuxue's hand was holding a cat teaser.

"Brother, come out and play," she said. After learning that the black cat was actually Xia Yu in disguise, this was the first time Yuxue had seen him transform back into a black cat.

She wanted to take advantage of this rare opportunity to pet the cat.

Feeling bored, black cat Xia Yu walked out.

Ten minutes later, Black cat Xia Yu was swinging the cat teaser while Yuxue tried her best to catch it.

With great enthusiasm, Yuxue tried to swipe her hand at the cat teaser on the ground, but she was no match for the agile Level 4 black cat Xia Yu. After a minute, she hadn't managed to catch the cat teaser even once.

Realizing that brute force wasn't going to work, Yuxue tried various tricks like creating a diversion, feigning weakness, surprise attacks, and looking cute while rolling around but to no avail.

After persisting for three minutes, Yuxue couldn't accept the reality, so she gave up on the cat teaser and slapped the black cat Xia Yu on the head.

"I got you!" The girl was delighted.

Xia Yu looked at her with eyes that said, "I'm caring for an idiot."

Picking up the black cat Xia Yu, Yuxue threw the cat teaser aside and said, "Let's not play with this anymore. Let's play fetch instead."

Xia Yu really wanted to tell the girl that he was a cat, not a dog.

After playing with Yuxue for a while, she went to make lunch and poured Xia Yu a bowl of cat food.

In the afternoon, Yuxue held the black cat and watched TV for a while before falling asleep on the sofa.

Turning off the TV, the black cat, Yu, looked at the sleeping Yuxue and began to think.

After a moment, he made up his mind, went to the sofa, and stretched out his cat paw toward the girl.

His soft paw pressed against Yuxue's slightly chubby cheek, feeling very comfortable.

During the face-stepping, eight hours quickly passed. Xia Yu, who had returned to his own body, caught the black cat back to the room first, and then opened the package brought by the black cat.

Inside the package were the already developed reagents and some other additional materials.

The efficacy of the medicine had basically been determined, and what was not yet determined was its toxicity.

He glanced at the telepathy skill in his skill column, and now it depended on whether this skill was useful or not.