Goodbye Yan Wei

"Xia Yu, let's play basketball tomorrow," Guizi Xiao's voice came through the phone.

"Aren't you addicted to gaming?" Xia Yu asked, surprised.

"My mom took away my laptop and handheld console today," Guizi Xiao said with a strong sense of grievance.

He had been living a decadent life these days, and his mother couldn't bear it any longer. She confiscated all his sources of entertainment, leaving him no choice but to play basketball.

"I have some here, do you want them?" Xia Yu tempted him, "Not just handheld consoles, but game consoles too."

"No, no, even if I borrow them, my mom will still confiscate them. It's useless. Are you in or out tomorrow?" Guizi Xiao asked again.

"Alright," Xia Yu agreed.

He had been seriously restricted at Xu Youxiang's place this week and wanted to get some exercise outdoors.

"Great, I'll call some more people and let you know the time and place soon," Guizi Xiao hung up the phone.

After putting down the phone, Xia Yu played with the black cat beside him for a while before leaving his bedroom, preparing to go downstairs for a walk. Having not used his legs for a week, he was beginning to forget he had the ability to walk.

As he passed the living room, he saw Yuxue.

"Brother, you're back?" Yuxue happily said as she recognized that it was Xia Yu.

"Yeah," Xia Yu glanced out of the window, noticing that it was almost evening.

Going for a walk now wouldn't be too hot.

"Tomorrow, Lili, Vivi, and I are going to eat cake, do you want to come?" Yuxue invited Xia Yu.

"What's the point of me going with you to eat cake?" Xia Yu had no interest in accompanying three women shopping.

"How about we change the place? Vivi particularly asked if you were coming," Yuxue pleaded, looking at Xia Yu with begging eyes.

The girl leaned on the armrest of the sofa, revealing her small head and two little paws, resembling a cat.

With her coquettish charm, she had finally learned to use her own talents.

Xia Yu gave in.

Yuxue excitedly picked up her phone and reported the situation to the Yan sisters.

Xia Yu stepped out of the house and strolled around the neighborhood.

He called Guizi Xiao again to tell him that he could not make it to the game tomorrow because he had something else to do.

Guizi Xiao expressed regret.

After walking around and returning home, Xia Yu discovered a downside to his return.

Yuxue's cooking couldn't compare to the good food made by the chef at Xu Youxiang's place.

Xia Yu thought that since Yan Wei was back now, he should figure out a way to coax the young girl into coming to his house and cook for him.

After dinner, he watched two hours of cartoons with Yuxue, then entered Xu Youxiang's bedroom, logging into her body.

It was time for medication now.

There were no abnormalities with the medication. After taking it and sleeping for eight hours, Xia Yu returned to his own body. He and Yuxue went out together, heading to the meeting place agreed upon with the Yan sisters.

It was a park.

In the past, the two families lived close to each other, and Yuxue and Yan Li only needed to walk a short distance to visit each other's houses. However, now that the two families lived far apart, they had to arrange a meeting location.

Halfway through their subway ride, Yuxue received a call from Yan Li.

"Yuxue, my sister locked me outside!" Yan Li's voice came through the phone.

"Why did Vivi lock you out?" Yuxue asked, puzzled.

"It's not that we're locked out. We were both outside, my sister didn't bring the keys, and we didn't take our wallets. My dad doesn't have the keys either, so we can only wait for my mom to come back," Yan Li explained.

Yuxue understood that Yan Li intended to skip their meeting. "If you hurry, it'll only take ten minutes. You two can go play in the park for a while!"

Hearing that it wouldn't take long, Yuxue agreed.

After hanging up the phone, Yuxue said to Xia Yu, "That's the situation."

"Well, we'll just wait a while then," Xia Yu didn't mind.

The subway arrived quickly, and the two came to the park.

This was a sports park with tennis courts, badminton courts, basketball courts, and soccer fields – lots of variety and well-equipped.

However, it also meant that there wasn't much scenic beauty in the park, just people sweating it out under the sun.

Yuxue had no interest in this kind of park where she couldn't take any photos.

"Why don't we go get something to eat?" Xia Yu suggested.

"Sure," Yuxue agreed immediately.

As the two were about to head to the opposite street, a voice called out to Xia Yu.

Turning his head, Xia Yu saw one of his classmates, who excitedly waved at him and quickly came over. "What are you up to? Let's go play basketball!"

Xia Yu glanced at Yuxue beside him, who was standing there quite conspicuously, and he knew his classmate must have seen her.

Still, his classmate invited him to play basketball with great enthusiasm.

Xia Yu was about to decline, but Yuxue grabbed his hand, "Brother, go play basketball. Last time you played, I didn't get good shots with my phone. I'll use the camera this time!"

Xia Yu really wanted to tell the girl that it was her photography skills that were the problem.

"Let's go," Yuxue had already pulled Xia Yu towards the park.

Xia Yu followed along and arrived at the basketball court, where he saw Gui Zixiao.

Their meeting point had been here.

"Xia Yu, you came again?" Gui Zixiao looked at him in surprise.

"I was just passing by while shopping. I'll be leaving once the person I'm waiting for arrives," Xia Yu replied.

"Then just play around for a bit," Gui Zixiao decided.

They were short on players anyway, so they started a half-court game.

After dividing into teams, the two sides began to jump ball.

Xia Yu's side had a tall player, while Gui Zixiao's side was led by Gui Zixiao himself.

The ball was tossed into the air, and Gui Zixiao caught it first. He grinned triumphantly and ran towards the basket, only to feel a gust of wind sweep by and suddenly his ball was gone.

Xia Yu had taken the ball.

"Don't let him shoot a three-pointer!" Knowing Xia Yu's shooting ability, Gui Zixiao shouted.

Two teammates immediately surrounded Xia Yu, but he easily dodged them.

Dribbling the ball and striding forward, Xia Yu's breath grew rapid. He felt oxygen entering his lungs, being absorbed by the bloodstream, and transported throughout his body.

This was an experience he hadn't had in a week while staying with Xu Youxiang. After spending a week with her, it was as if he had been lying in bed for a week. Now, he could finally unleash the energy within his body.

His body temperature rose, and his enthusiasm soared.

The last bulky team member stood under the basket, arms wide open, waiting for Xia Yu. However, Xia Yu didn't make it to him, but instead gripped the basketball tightly in front of the basket, lowered his body, and jumped with all his might.

His body spread out in mid-air, slamming the basketball into the basket.

The jumping ability of a cat is astonishing, and the nimble Xia Yu also possessed exceptional bouncing power.

His palm brushed against the edge of the basket. Xia Yu didn't get a grip, and the park's basket could be knocked down just by a ball, let alone the weight of a person.

After his fall, there was a long silence.

"Damn!" Gui Zixiao was the first to speak, "Your jumping ability is incredibly freakish!"

"Not really, a 1.7-meter dunk still takes some skill, but this could get you into professional competitions, right?" said another classmate.

"It's not just the jumping ability, the technique is impressive too!" the classmates chimed in.

"Enough about that, let's play ball," Xia Yu's emotions hadn't fully vented.

Fifteen minutes later, Yan Wei and Yan Li arrived, witnessing Xia Yu wreaking havoc on the court.

Yan Wei, who had stopped Yan Li from calling Xia Yu, watched Xia Yu on the court. Compared to his previous calm demeanor, the fiery Xia Yu now had a different kind of charm.

Her eyes couldn't help but become somewhat enchanting.