Evening Party Tickets

In the morning, Xia Yu was thinking about what to do during the day when the counselor called him.

After answering the phone, Xia Yu wondered what the counselor had in mind.

"Xia Yu, come to my office and pick up the Mid-Autumn Festival evening gala tickets," the counselor said.

Other universities' Mid-Autumn Festival galas barely had any audience, while the seats at Hua University's gala were in high demand.

Hence, the situation where the Mid-Autumn Festival gala required tickets to enter.

Xia Yu planned to go in with Liu Manman without tickets, but he thought about getting one for Yuxue.

If the girl gets a ticket, she would be very happy, and she could show off to her little friends.

"Alright, I'll go now."

Leaving the house, Xia Yu headed straight for the school.

Forty minutes later, he entered the counselor's office.

The counselor gave him seven tickets: "Three are for you, and four are for your class. Distribute them to anyone in the class who wants to go."

Taking the tickets, Xia Yu realized that the counselor was trying to corrupt him with power.

Because the tickets were hard to come by, distributing them was a significant power.

"You must come to the gala. There's a secret surprise," the counselor mysteriously told Xia Yu.

"What surprise?" Xia Yu asked curiously, planning to tell Yuxue after finding out to make her happy.

"I heard it from Professor Shen. He said you young people will be very excited, but I don't know the specifics," the counselor said with a smug expression. Although he didn't get any detailed information from Shen Sheng, the mere ability to speak with Professor Shen was a mark of his prowess.

These days, the glances from female teachers had clearly changed towards him.

He also knew that being able to talk to Shen Sheng was solely thanks to Xia Yu, so he treated Xia Yu very well.

Seeing that the counselor didn't know either, Xia Yu lost interest in the gossip and left the office with the tickets.

Looking at the tickets in his hand, he thought about how to distribute them.

He would just give his three tickets to Yuxue, no need to think about it. The problem was the remaining four for the class.

He could only remember the names of a few classmates. How could he distribute the tickets?

Xia Yu fell into deep thought.

Should he give the tickets to Yi Shiyou or Duan Yi? Let the two class leader candidates distribute the tickets?

But after a moment, Xia Yu dismissed the idea.

Distributing tickets showcased power, and no matter who he gave them to, it would boost their momentum.

He wasn't worried about affecting the class leader election, but rather:

Neither Yi Shiyou nor Duan Yi had any relationship with him, so why should he give them a favor? Especially Yi Shiyou, who first tried to manipulate him out of running for class leader and then attempted to use his relationship with the counselor.

Even when they helped him cover his absence at the beginning of the semester, it was entirely out of self-interest.

He didn't dislike such people, but he didn't like them either.

But if he didn't give the tickets to them, how could he distribute them?

As he thought, he walked down the road.

"Xia Yu!" At that moment, a voice came from behind him.

Turning his head, Xia Yu saw Qin Youliang.

Qin Youliang, along with his five friends, was heading to the playground to play basketball.

"You're actually at school, that's rare!" Qin Youliang curiously looked at Xia Yu, "Did the counselor look for you? Did the instructor report you?"

"Do you think the instructor cares that much? He'd rather you all take a leave, and he gets paid for doing nothing." Xia Yu refuted Qin Youliang's words, thought for two seconds, and came up with an idea for what just happened.

He handed four tickets to Qin Youliang: "You came just in time, this is for you."

"What is this?" Qin Youliang took it and looked at it, "Mid-Autumn Festival party tickets? Who would go and watch that?"

Qin Youliang, like Xia Yu, didn't watch TV. However, two of his friends did, and they snatched the tickets from Qin Youliang's hands, carefully studying them.

"Really, really, these are the party tickets!" The two were excited.

"What's so good about this party?" Qin Youliang asked curiously.

"Let me put it this way, last year's party had these famous guests..." The two friends named a few familiar names.

"That's not even the main point. After all, these people are too far from us. But those beautiful and famous senior sisters will appear on stage, especially from the dance academy, their dances are amazing."

Upon hearing the explanation, the remaining four people became excited.

After the excitement, the six remembered the owner of the tickets and looked at Xia Yu with passionate eyes.

Xia Yu spread his hands: "I wanted to give them all to you, but these are our class tickets. I just got them from the counselor's office."

"How about we find a way to get two more?" one of them suggested.

"Anyway, I've given the tickets to Qin Youliang. If you guys have an idea, find him and get two more under the table. The girls won't care too much." Xia Yu said.

College students were mature enough to understand the need for under-the-table dealings. The reason the counselor gave the tickets to Xia Yu was to give him the chance to handle it discreetly.

The six bowed to Xia Yu and left behind words like "Great grace cannot be repaid", "gratitude tied with grass", "wishing for children soon", and then stopped playing ball to go discuss how to get two more tickets.

Xia Yu continued walking towards the school gate.

He was considering buying an electric bike to keep at school, as the counselor's office was close to the gate, but it still took 15 minutes to walk there.

Back at home, he gave his three tickets to Yuxue, and the girl excitedly hugged Xia Yu before returning to her room to study whom she should invite.

She didn't close the door, so Xia Yu could hear her murmurs.

"Lili won't do; her family is strict."

"Ni Ni won't work either; her home is too far away."

"Lei Lei is nearby, but she seems too selfish."

"Ru Ru can be considered, but she's too weak and unreliable."

Xia Yu could understand the objective reasons, but when she started analyzing character, he was a bit taken aback.

However, these were indeed factors to consider.

At least he could rest assured that most people couldn't deceive Yuxue.

Back in his bedroom, Xia Yu hadn't yet had time to enjoy the peace when Liu Manman came knocking.

"Didn't we agree to meet in the afternoon?" Xia Yu helplessly looked at Liu Manman.

"I'm nervous!" Holding onto Xia Yu's clothes, Liu Manman said, "I can already imagine tomorrow's headlines and the beating I'll get on my phone tonight!"

In order to achieve the effect of their music piece's first appearance, Liu Manman used her connections to refuse the rehearsal.

"What does your nervousness have to do with me? I'm not nervous!" Xia Yu replied.

"How can you not be nervous? Don't you remember when we played the Palace of Origin in isolation from the world, how enthusiastic the audience was under the stage? Now this piece of music is even more valuable than that one!" Liu Manman said.

"It's useless to have value. The previous performances were all by professionals, but this one isn't," Xia Yu casually struck Liu Manman down.

Realizing that she couldn't achieve the same sensational effect as before, Liu Manman's face became dull.

She slapped Xia Yu on the back and said, "Why are you like this?!"

"But as long as those in the music circle understand it, it doesn't matter if they don't! There will definitely be a group of people looking for me tonight!" Liu Manman became happy again.

"Alright, go away and don't disturb me while I play my game."

They played the game until evening, and then both of them went to the school together.