Liu Manman Discovers the Secret

Upon opening the link, Liu Ronglan saw a video of a party.

The video was taken from the beginning of Liu Manman's performance, with two chatty hosts delivering the opening remarks.

Looking at the party, it didn't seem to be any serious grand event, and the impatient Liu Ronglan couldn't watch till the end, so she exited and asked her friend what was going on.

Her friend told her to watch patiently.

Opening the link again and dragging the progress bar, Liu Ronglan saw her granddaughter and Xia Yu enter, embracing a guzheng.

Liu Ronglan felt puzzled, she knew that Liu Manman was attending Hua University's Mid-Autumn Evening gala, but didn't know that Xia Yu would be there as well.

Why didn't Liu Manman tell her?

A sense of crisis flashed through her mind.

Although she highly appreciated Xia Yu, she had no intention of involving her granddaughter.

Xia Yu inherited the essence of her school's guzheng style, and played well while mastering the technique. In the future, many girls would be after Xia Yu, and if he wasn't careful, her granddaughter would end up wearing a green hat.

With the thought of talking to Liu Manman about this later, Liu Ronglan continued watching the video.

She wondered, what did her friend mean by "causing trouble"? Did the two kids play a love song and declare their relationship in public?

Liu Ronglan became more and more anxious.

Though she hadn't heard any rumors, if someone said Xia Yu had secretly taken her granddaughter's heart, she would believe it.

As the heir of the previous generation's guzheng style, she clearly knew the attractiveness which this kind of people held.

She was already thinking about whether to break up the couple or put pressure on Xia Yu so he wouldn't dare to fool around after marriage.

Just as she was considering whether to mention it to Kong Hanyue, the sound of the guzheng started in the video.

Liu Ronglan immediately noticed the difference in the tune.

She quickly forgot about the earlier matter and immersed herself in the appreciation of the music.

Five minutes later, she dragged the progress bar and listened to the piece again.

After listening, she didn't have time to talk to her friend. Instead, she picked up her phone and called Xia Yu directly.

"Sorry, the number you have dialed is currently switched off."

The prompt came.

She hung up and frowned, thinking: What could he be doing at this time, with his phone off?

An idea crossed her mind.

She hurriedly called Liu Manman.

"What's the matter, Grandma?" Liu Manman's voice came.

After confirming that her granddaughter's tone was normal, Liu Ronglan heaved a sigh of relief.

"What are you doing now? Where is Xia Yu?" She asked.

"I'm being held in the music classroom by three teachers to discuss the music piece." Liu Manman complained, "Xia Yu ran away by himself!"

"Oh." Liu Ronglan was completely reassured, and she asked about the music piece.

"The music was composed by Xia Yu." Liu Manman said.

Liu Ronglan wanted to ask, "Really?", but she knew that Liu Manman wouldn't joke about something like this.

Previously, Xia Yu had collaborated with An Siyao to revise "Yuan Zhi Palace Beyond the Dust", which had already surprised her. This time, Xia Yu came up with the song "White Horse in the Rain" by himself, which caused even more amazement.

With this piece, Xia Yu already had the chance to have his name passed down in the guzheng world.

Her thoughts began to waver.

"You're not dating Xia Yu, are you?" Liu Ronglan asked.

"No way!" Liu Manman refuted.

"Oh," Liu Ronglan's words carried a hint of disappointment.

"By the way, Xia Yu also wrote a piece called 'White Horse'; this 'Rainy White Horse' is a modified ensemble version of it." Liu Manman sent a video of Xia Yu playing 'White Horse' to Liu Ronglan via her phone.

Five minutes later, she received another call from Liu Ronglan.

"Are you really not in a relationship with Xia Yu?"

"I told you I'm not!" Liu Manman said impatiently.

"Actually, it wouldn't be so bad if you two were together!" Liu Ronglan persuaded.

"What?" Liu Manman was shocked.

"Never mind, never mind, as long as you guys are happy." Liu Ronglan hung up the phone.

Putting down her phone, Liu Manman touched her chin.

Dating Xia Yu, huh?

But he was already with An Siyao.

And for An Siyao, he even discarded his own composition and exchanged it for a sapphire crown for her.

That's really nice.

Liu Manman was envious.

After dealing with the three music teachers from the university, Liu Manman took out her phone and sent An Siyao a message about sapphire maintenance.

A moment later, An Siyao replied:

"I don't have a sapphire, but I think I have a ruby. Is this a universal guide?"

Seeing this reply, Liu Manman blinked. Didn't Xia Yu say the sapphire crown was a Mid-Autumn Festival gift for someone else? It was evening, and An Siyao hadn't received it yet?

Or maybe the crown was actually a gift for Yuxue or Kong Hanyue?

No, it couldn't be Kong Hanyue. If she had, she would boast about it to her grandmother and her grandmother would definitely ask Liu Manman.

It wouldn't be Yuxue either. If she had gotten it, she would have bragged about it to Liu Manman.

So, Xia Yu gave the sapphire crown to another unrelated woman!

Detective Liu Manman came to this conclusion.

Who would have thought, he would be this kind of person, Xia Yu!

An Siyao, who had received no reply for a long time on her phone, sent another message.

Liu Manman's heart started to struggle: should she tell An Siyao that Xia Yu had betrayed her?

After a moment, she dismissed the idea.

Compared to An Siyao, who she had only known for a short time, Xia Yu, who was one of her junior students and had even given her a song, was undoubtedly closer.

"Never mind, never mind, I sent the wrong message!" Liu Manman lied.

To prevent An Siyao from further questioning, Liu Manman sent another message: "I have something else to do, we'll talk later."

Putting away her phone, Liu Manman felt an ache in her conscience.

She wanted to send a message to Xia Yu but couldn't think of how to bring up the matter, so she gave up.

The next morning, at the airport.

Watching Xu Youxiang go through security, Xia Yu turned his head to look at An Siyao beside him.

He felt a little guilty as he had been preoccupied with getting Xu Youxiang's gift and forgot to ask Liu Manman for another piece of jewelry for An Siyao.

An Siyao didn't understand Xia Yu's thoughts, but she could feel his gaze wasn't as warm as usual.

Thinking that Xia Yu was upset because Xu Youxiang had left, An Siyao extended her hand to his, showing him a smile.

The worry in Xia Yu's heart disappeared, replaced by guilt.

Patting the girl's head, Xia Yu said, "I'll make it up to you later."

"What do you mean?" An Siyao asked, puzzled.

"Your Mid-Autumn Festival gift." Xia Yu answered.

"Do we have to give gifts for the Mid-Autumn Festival?" An Siyao was taken aback and began to consider how much property she had and which one would be suitable to give to Xia Yu.

Finally, she found an appropriate option. As An Siyao breathed a sigh of relief, an even greater concern emerged.

What about gifts for the National Day? Then there are the Double Ninth Festival, New Year's Day...

An Siyao deeply sensed her own poverty and thought about how to ask for more property from An Tianfeng and Yu Liang.

"I'll give you the gift in a few days," An Siyao raised her head, sincerely assuring Xia Yu.

Xia Yu thought that An Siyao was talking about ordinary gifts, so he calmly responded with a hum.

It wasn't until two days later that An Siyao came to him with a stack of documents as a gift.