Because of Cuteness

Upon entering Tina's body, the first thing Xia Yu saw was the white cat.

The white cat rubbed his hand and lazily stood up, heading outside.

"Good morning," Tina greeted him in Xia Yu's mind.

"Morning," Xia Yu responded.

In the past six months, he had basically convinced Tina that he was the spirit of the white cat.

As for why he could still move in the white cat's body, Xia Yu's explanation was that the white cat now had a new spirit to take over, and he had been promoted.

This reason was a bit complicated. Tina didn't believe it at first, but Xia Yu was able to clearly state the details of their previous life, which made her hesitate.

Perhaps because of this overly complicated reason, Tina's bonus could only be maintained at level 2, unable to continue to rise.

This made Xia Yu a bit regretful. If he could directly increase his business skill to level 3, it would save him a lot of experience cards.

However, this matter was beyond saving. Anyway, he still had eighty-one experience cards.

"Has anyone been bullying you lately?" Xia Yu asked Tina.

Since Tina was well-behaved and adorable, she had often been targeted by bullies when she first transferred to school.

"No, they're all scared of me," Tina replied. Xia Yu had taught almost all of the bullies in the school a lesson, and no one dared to bully her.

The girl asked again, "What are we going to do today?"

"We're going to learn," Xia Yu answered, as he was here to improve his business skills.

"Huh?" Tina was puzzled.

Without further explanation, Xia Yu went to the study at home and looked at the bookshelves on the south side.

"Internal Medicine," "Psychology," "Anatomy"...

Xia Yu turned around and went to the bookshelves on the north side.

"Criminal Psychology," "Constitution," "Law Enforcement Basics"...

He originally planned to learn business skills through books, but there were no books related to economics in the study.

Arriving at the computer in the study, Xia Yu opened the notebook and faced the problem of a startup password.

He didn't know what kind of password Tina's foster parents would set, and he couldn't use Tina's body to study on the computer all the time, as Tina's foster parents certainly wouldn't allow it.

Reading books was the most convenient and the only way out, but now the problem was that there were no books at home.

Entering Tina's room, Xia Yu looked at the girl's pocket money.

If all the money was added up, it would probably be enough to buy an ordinary book, but books covering professional knowledge were usually thick and heavy, and their prices were not comparable to ordinary books.

"Do you need money? Grandma also hid some money," Tina said kindly.

"You can't use the money your grandma hid," Xia Yu refused Tina.

The girl's grandma had fraudulently inherited the wealth of a tycoon, and before she was caught, she hid a sum of money.

This money couldn't be used, and Xia Yu even wanted Tina to hand the money over to the police.

Following him, Tina would never be short of money.

However, after Xia Yu covertly suggested this idea, he was rejected by Tina.

The girl could accept him using the money, but she didn't want to hand it over to the police.

Xia Yu could only take his time.

"Then where will you get the money? Will you ask Dad?" Tina asked.

Xia Yu thought about it and felt that it was still more reliable to let An Siyao send the money.

Professional books are not a small sum of money. One book is fine, but he needs at least a few dozen. This amount of money cannot be easily obtained from Tina's adoptive parents or the school tyrant.

Only An Siyao could send it.

However, even for An Siyao, it would be impossible to have such high efficiency, and how to send it was still a problem.

He couldn't get the books in the short term, but he could at least get some money and buy one first.

Thinking like this, Xia Yu came to the living room and saw his adoptive mother reading a newspaper on the sofa.

Now the question was, how to ask his adoptive mother for money.

This was a difficult question for Xia Yu, as he had never had such an experience before.

After thinking about it, he came in front of his adoptive mother and said directly: "I want money."

"Why?" The adoptive mother put down the newspaper and asked.

Xia Yu was originally prepared with the reason for buying books, but when he was about to speak, his level 2 charming skill in the skill column shone brightly.

"Because I am very cute."

Hearing her daughter's confident answer, the adoptive mother was momentarily stunned, but soon, a wave of pity rose in her heart.

My Tina is so cute, giving her extra money doesn't seem to be a problem.

With that thought, the adoptive mother took out her wallet.

Xia Yu took the money and went to the bookstore on the neighboring street, bought a book on economics, and began to study.

He used 20 experience cards.

Eight hours passed, and when he returned to his body, he was initially happy to reach the level 2 business skill, but soon became more cautious about the charming skill that suddenly took effect.

This skill was given by Yuxue at level 4 bonus, and he thought that as long as he didn't actively use it, there would be no problem. He didn't expect the skill to come out on its own.

Fortunately, he was in Tina's body at the time.

Thinking of this, Xia Yu went to the living room, grabbed Yuxue, who was cooking, and squeezed her face vigorously.

Yuxue looked at Xia Yu innocently, not understanding what had happened.

"Cook well." Xia Yu patted the girl's head and walked out of the kitchen. He sat on the sofa and began to think about the mobile game again.

The money in his hand was running out, and he needed to get more money quickly.

Many reskinning gacha games look crude in production except for the artwork, and in reality, they are actually crude in production except for the artwork. But this crude production is not simple; it requires an important element - luck.

There are many reskin games with similar production, but only a few become successful, and no one can accurately explain the successful factors of a reskin game.

For example, a gacha game with a combat screen similar to shadow plays seems to have succeeded due to a particular fan base; however, another game that also uses many popular works from a certain library, with even better graphics, has failed.

Mobile game developers usually cast a wide net and rely on luck.

However, Xia Yu did not have to worry about this.

The luck of reskin games is fixed. A group of reskin games competes for luck, so it requires luck, but there are no reskin games in this world, and as long as it is operated properly, it can capture all the luck and become popular.

However, making reskin games later still depends on luck.

After making a fortune from one game, Xia Yu did not plan to touch the reskinning mobile game field again.

Even if he made another mobile game, it would be of the King of Glory type.

Now there is a problem, he needs a team of artists, designers, planners, and so on.

It's not easy to recruit all these talents.

However, this is Hua University, where talent is most abundant, if nothing else.

But how is he going to recruit all these talents?

It would be too troublesome for him to go out and recruit them personally, and he doesn't know much about the situation.

After pondering for a while, Xia Yu came up with a solution.