An Siyao's Summer Ice Cream

An Siyao felt that surrounding her waist was not just Xia Yu, but a scorching furnace instead. The heat spread through her body, turning her face red. Xia Yu's gaze was equally intense, making her look away.

Seeing An Siyao's evasive action, a smile appeared on Xia Yu's face. An Siyao would always say teasing words with a calm expression, making Xia Yu think she was not the type to be shy. Little did he know that a simple hug would make her flustered.

He lowered his head again, his forehead pressed against An Siyao's. At this point, no matter where An Siyao tried to escape with her gaze, she couldn't get away from Xia Yu's face. Xia Yu could feel the girl's temperature rising. Her fair face displayed a rosy flush, similar to her light pink lips.

Looking at those lips, an impulse rose in Xia Yu's heart, and he began to move closer. Through Xia Yu's gaze and movements, An Siyao sensed his intention. She shyly took a step back, but Xia Yu's arm around her waist pulled her back in.

Faced with Xia Yu's approaching face, An Siyao didn't know where to look. Her eyes darted around, searching for a place to escape, but they couldn't avoid Xia Yu's face. She closed her eyes.

Continuing to lower his head, Xia Yu's lips began to feel a cool sensation - the coolness that came from An Siyao's body, from her pink lips. It was September, the temperature was still high, but Xia Yu's heated body was cooled by this sensation. It felt like biting into an ice cream under the scorching sun.

As he wanted to get more of this coolness, the bedroom door was knocked. Feeling guilty, Xia Yu quickly let go of An Siyao. An Siyao lowered her head and studied the carpet pattern.

Knock, knock, knock - "Miss, the snacks are here." Yin Wan's voice came from outside the door. Xia Yu went to the door, opened it, took the snacks, and sent Yin Wan away.

Turning back to An Siyao, he found her sneaking a look at him. Seeing that he had noticed, she lowered her head again. It seemed that they couldn't continue like this anymore.

Xia Yu consoled himself that although it was a pity to be interrupted by Yin Wan, it was still luckier than those TV dramas where they were interrupted before they even touched. He brought the snacks to the balcony table and asked An Siyao to sit down in front of him.

The snacks were white and red jade dumplings. In order to appease the young girl, Xia Yu endured the pain and picked up a white jade dumpling with chopsticks and held it to An Siyao's mouth. An Siyao opened her mouth to take a bite, but Xia Yu pushed the whole dumpling into her mouth with the chopsticks.

Seeing the astonished and troubled expression on the girl's face, the slight unease that Xia Yu felt from what had just transpired vanished, replaced by pleasure.

He looked at An Siyao's lips, pondering how to try it again. He was not a thick-skinned person, and only behaved as he did just before due to the heat and atmosphere. To try it again now would be somewhat difficult.

Timing, location, and harmony all mattered in such situations. Without one, the feeling would greatly diminish. The harmony and location could be easily resolved, but the timing, here referring to the atmosphere, was hard to come by.

Unaware that Xia Yu was harboring ulterior motives, An Siyao chewed on the rice ball in her mouth.

"I'm going to Nanming for the National Day, and I'll be back on the 6th," Xia Yu mentioned.

"Are you going to see Xu Youxiang?" An Siyao knew that Xu Youxiang was in Nanming.

"Yes," Xia Yu nodded in confirmation.

Continuing to chew on the white jade rice ball, An Siyao didn't ask Xia Yu to take her along. She knew that since Xia Yu didn't mention it, he wasn't planning to bring her.

Her palm, hidden under the table, clenched from its previously open position.

"Take care on your journey."

At this moment, the flush on An Siyao's face finally completely faded.

Seeing An Siyao return to her normal state, Xia Yu couldn't help but reach out and pinch her cheeks again.

How can my An Siyao be so adorable?

After pinching her cheeks, Xia Yu calmly finished the dim sum, taught An Siyao how to play the flute, and then returned home.

Before the National Day, all his gaming opportunities were spent on Xu Youxiang, helping her improve her skills, and he didn't even go to see the brown bear once.

So, on the day before National Day, after school was over.

Xia Yu returned home to find An Siyao waiting for him, with a document in hand.

Handing the document to Xia Yu, An Siyao said, "A National Day gift."

Glancing at the document, Xia Yu found it to be a share transfer agreement.

Every time a holiday comes around, I get a company as a gift!

Xia Yu's emotions were mixed.

Facing An Siyao's expectant gaze, he eventually signed the agreement, rubbed An Siyao's head, and showed appreciation.

After cuddling with Xia Yu for a while, An Siyao left to return home. She still needed to hand these documents over to Yu Ningmeng and have her deal with the formalities. Moreover, she was going to meet Yu Liang with Yu Ningmeng during the National Day.

After she left, Xia Yu sat on the sofa, pondering an issue.

An Siyao had already given him his National Day gift, but he hadn't even found a Mid-Autumn Festival gift for An Siyao yet.

Giving gifts to other women usually only required something expensive to solve most problems, but no matter how expensive, it would be the same in the eyes of rich lady An Siyao.

Xia Yu felt a bit of a headache.

He flipped through his list of skills, wondering if there were any useful ones.

He eventually decided on a piano piece as a gift for An Siyao.

He took out his notebook for recording musical inspirations and began to choose.

One of them was a perfect fit.

The inspiration for this piece was already quite mature, and by the time he returned from the National Day celebration, it could be completed. However, there was no piano at Xu Youxiang's place, and Xia Yu was unsure whether he could continue composing while staying there.

Even if he couldn't compose at Xu Youxiang's place, after another week when he came back in mid-October, he would be able to finish it.

Satisfied, Xia Yu put down the notebook and got up to ask Yuxue what they were eating for dinner tonight.

On the morning of October 1, Xia Yu and Yuxue boarded the plane together, heading for Nanming.