No Opportunities

Looking in the direction of Xu Youxiang's gaze, Xia Yu saw a woman in her thirties.

The woman also saw Xu Youxiang, the smile on her face disappeared, and after two seconds, a sneer appeared.

She was the one who had quarreled with Xu Youxiang before, which led to Xu Youxiang moving out and dismissing all her maids and bodyguards.

Following the self-cultivation of a villain, the woman came to Xu Youxiang's and was about to mock her, "You..."

At this moment, she suddenly felt a chill, looking at Xia Yu, feeling that the person standing behind Xu Youxiang was not a human, but a ferocious brown bear with a scar on its head.

"What about you?" Xia Yu smiled at her, slightly intimidating.

The woman seemed to see the strings of meat in the fangs of the grinning brown bear.

"Hello, you two!" After saying that, the woman immediately turned around and walked quickly to the elevator on one side, entering it.

The woman hadn't had a chance to say anything harsh before she was chased away, feeling wronged.

After the elevator went down, Xu Youxiang in the wheelchair chuckled, and after a while, her giggle turned into a hearty laughter.

"You're so bad, not even letting her finish her words," She said, looking back at Xia Yu.

"Should we let her say trashy words to ruin our mood?" Xia Yu pinched Xu Youxiang's face.

Xu Youxiang's laughter eased a bit, but she was still in a joyful mood.

On the side, Yuxue, who had been looking at the stores, was somewhat puzzled and didn't understand what had happened.

"What are you laughing about?" The girl asked.

"It's not something a child needs to know," Xia Yu casually made up an excuse to fend off Yuxue.

Yuxue wanted to pout but thought it was inappropriate in public. Instead, she snorted.

Having expressed her displeasure, Yuxue started pondering on what Xu Youxiang was laughing about.

Her brother said it was something a child doesn't need to know- so wondering about it...

Yuxue's vision swept over Xu Youxiang's back.

Xu Youxiang's hair was draped on Xia Yu's palm, and no one could even see his hand.

Being unseen meant they could have their way.

Yuxue's face turned red, feeling amazed at the adult world's moral decadence.

No longer digging into the matter, Yuxue led the two into the store on the side.

It was a store selling extravagant dresses.

Seeing the dresses in the store, Xu Youxiang's eyes lit up.

Sensing her change in interest, Xia Yu thought of the cabinet full of dresses he saw in Xu Youxiang's house.

She likes this style of dress.

These Lolita-style dresses were also perfect for her figure.

An Siyao could wear it too.

Stifling this thought, Xia Yu shifted his attention back to Xu Youxiang.

"Do you want to try it on?" He asked Xu Youxiang.

"How can I try it with my legs like this?" Thinking about her legs, Xu Youxiang felt annoyed and spoke unhappily to Xia Yu.

"Shall I help you change?" Xia Yu rubbed his chin, feeling like this was a good suggestion.

"Are you a pervert?" Xu Youxiang looked at Xia Yu with a wary gaze, "Helping women change clothes in a mall fitting room, what are you thinking?"

From Xu Youxiang's words, Xia Yu noticed a problem.

Xu Youxiang said that it wouldn't work in the mall fitting room, so does that mean it would work elsewhere?

Regardless of whether Xu Youxiang meant it or not, Xia Yu wanted to tease her. However, before he could open his mouth, he felt something was wrong and stopped himself.

Although the probability was low, what if Xu Youxiang agreed after he asked if she could help him? At that time, whether to accept or not was a dilemma, as he already had An Siyao.

It was better not to delve deeper into this topic.

"Are you speechless about your own perversion?" Xu Youxiang asked again.

"Should I lend you my body for a change?" Xia Yu tried to change the subject.

Xu Youxiang remained silent for two seconds before answering, "Whether I use your body to wear dresses or change clothes for myself, it's all perverted."

Xia Yu was in a hurry to change the subject, so he quickly said something like that. He coughed and offered the correct option, "If you like them, buy them all, and you can change them slowly at home."

"There's no need, they're all not really good." Xu Youxiang turned her head, looking at the scenery outside the store.

Xia Yu waved at Yuxue and asked her to pick a few dresses for Xu Youxiang while she was shopping.

Xu Youxiang neither refused nor agreed. While Yuxue was picking dresses, Xu Youxiang silently expressed her preferences and criticized the styles of the dresses she did not like.

Yuxue easily understood Xu Youxiang's intentions, and the selected dresses were all approved silently.

They spent the whole afternoon shopping and then had dinner outside. When they returned to the villa, Xia Yu logged into Xu Youxiang's body to teach her programming.

Six hours later, Xia Yu stopped teaching. Studying for six hours at a time was already considered overloading.

In the following time, he took care of Xu Youxiang's work while chatting with her.

Xu Youxiang told him about the woman she met during the day, "We just don't get along and quarreled."

It meant they didn't have any significant conflict and Xia Yu should not trouble the other party much.

Xia Yu agreed on the surface. After returning to his own body, he drew the woman's portrait with a brush and then found Yu Ningmeng.

Looking at the half-length portrait Xia Yu sent, Yu Ningmeng replied with doubt:

A spy from the outer district?

As Xia Yu was typing and explaining the situation, he frowned and cut the typed text, asking:

Why would you think of a spy from the outer district?

What are you doing with the portrait if it's not an outer district spy! Yu Ningmeng replied, upset, as she had just been truly scared.

After narrating the events, Xia Yu asked Yu Ningmeng to investigate the woman to find out what kind of person she was.

Yu Ningmeng soon provided Xia Yu with information.

That was the evaluation of the woman by four colleagues and a leader, which generally meant she was outstanding, somewhat unsympathetic, and not malicious.

It seemed that, as Xu Youxiang said, they merely didn't get along.

Relieved, Xia Yu thanked Yu Ningmeng.

It was now half-past six in the morning, and he went to the piano room to continue composing.

In this way, composing music, shopping, and accompanying Xu Youxiang, Xia Yu stayed until the sixth day.

On the afternoon of the sixth day, he boarded a plane with Yuxue and flew back to Afang.

Upon arriving at the airport, An Siyao and Yu Ningmeng were waiting for him.

Yu Ningmeng came to find Xia Yu to get the company's authorization, while An Siyao was just an ordinary visitor to see him.

Finally, after Xia Yu signed the agreement, An Siyao followed him towards his home. However, after walking a few steps, she was stopped by Yu Ningmeng, who insisted they go separately.

Now it was getting late, and the two were "reuniting after a long time," Yu Ningmeng was afraid that something might happen.

Waving goodbye to An Siyao, Xia Yu returned home and immediately went into the piano room.

The music for the Serene Princess was almost complete - if there were no issues during tonight's test, he could send it out tomorrow.

However, in what kind of situation should the piano piece be presented?