Meet Yao Yao's Grandfather

Xia Yu thought that as the girl's flute art improved and her breath-holding time increased, the time he could taste those two lips would also become longer.

By evening, Yuxue sent a message to Xia Yu:

Brother, are you done?

...You can come back now.

Xia Yu didn't explain, as it was just a matter of time.

At 5:30, the girl opened the door and returned home.

Seeing Yu Ningmeng in the house, she was very puzzled.

Wasn't her brother doing that kind of thing? Why was there an extra Yu Ningmeng in the house?

"Ning sister, how come you're here?" Yuxue directly asked Yu Ningmeng.

Hearing Yuxue's address to her, Yu Ningmeng was very satisfied. Although she was already a thirty-year-old aunt, she was still a pure girl in her heart, and sister sounded much better than aunt.

"I came to watch them," Yu Ningmeng gently patted Yuxue's head.

"Action guidance?" Yuxue blurted out.

"What action guidance?" Yu Ningmeng asked with confusion.

"Oh, nothing, nothing. I was just thinking of action guidance in the movies. That martial arts is so cool." Yuxue hurriedly changed the subject.

She had just briefly associated it, and now she had already reacted. Yu Ningmeng's watch should mean to watch the two not doing anything bad.

"I'm going to cook," In order to not let Yu Ningmeng discover her gaffe, Yuxue made an excuse to leave.

The four of them had dinner together, Yu Ningmeng continued to work, and the remaining three Xia Yu started playing games. An Siyao was not interested in action or puzzle games, but she was very fond of rhythm games.

Yuxue also liked this kind of game, and it was mainly the two of them playing, while Xia Yu watched from the side.

The living room was filled with Yuxue's chirping, Yu Ningmeng couldn't stand the noise and went to the study.

Although Yu Ningmeng would still come out to check from time to time, being watched and patrolled were completely different feelings.

Xia Yu patted Yuxue's head in encouragement.

They played until 8 o'clock at night, and Yu Ningmeng took An Siyao home.

Another day passed, and on the morning of the 25th, Xia Yu received an official invitation from Yu Ningmeng to join her for lunch at the villa.

Xia Yu knew that Yu Liang had arrived.

Wearing a low-key and solemn suit, Xia Yu got into the car that Yu Ningmeng had sent to pick him up.

The car was driven by the familiar driver.

Xia Yu didn't know if it was his illusion, but he felt that the driver's gaze at him was full of admiration.

It was probably admiration for him being fascinated by An Siyao, Xia Yu thought.

His thoughts were completely wrong. What the driver admired was his outstanding performance as a spy.

The driver was always on standby in the office at the entrance of An Siyao's villa. In the morning, he saw Yu Liang entering the villa, then just over ten minutes later, he received a call from Yu Ningmeng asking him to pick up Xia Yu.

Others thought that it was Yu Liang who wanted to meet his granddaughter's kept man, but he knew that this was not the case.

How could Yu Liang, the helmsman of the Yu family, bother to meet someone over such a trivial matter?

Meeting his granddaughter's man was just an excuse. Yu Liang's real purpose was to meet the senior business spy Mr. Xia Yu!

Being able to meet with Yu Liang directly shows just how outstanding Mr. Xia is as a commercial spy!

"Congratulations, senior," the driver couldn't help but say.

Xia Yu responded with a smile and wondered in his heart, what did the word "senior" mean just now.

Is the driver also planning to make a move on a wealthy young lady?

Although doubtful, Xia Yu didn't ask any questions, because what he needed to worry about now was Yu Liang's matter.

Getting out of the car outside An Siyao's villa, Xia Yu saw Yu Ningmeng, who led him to the living room.

An Siyao didn't come down to greet him because the young girl was accompanying Yu Liang.

In the small living room on the second floor, watching An Siyao constantly glancing at the staircase, Yu Liang felt a little displeased.

He knew An Siyao was looking forward to Xia Yu's arrival.

He could understand his granddaughter's feelings; when he was first dating his girlfriend, they wanted to be together every day, but later, it lost its appeal.

Although understanding, Yu Liang was still unhappy.

Wasn't her grandfather more important than that wild man?

Amid his discontent, Yu Ningmeng brought Xia Yu upstairs.

Yu Liang sized up Xia Yu. The man's appearance was decent, barely 120% of his own level, and his figure appeared to be good, walking with elegance.

In terms of appearance, there wasn't much difference from when he was young.

He sat there, waiting for Xia Yu to come forward and greet him. If Xia Yu overstepped and directly called him "grandfather", Yu Liang would save Xia Yu some face.

"This is your grandfather," An Siyao introduced Xia Yu.

"Grandfather," Xia Yu greeted Yu Liang.

Yu Liang opened his mouth but didn't know how to respond. If Xia Yu had called him "grandfather" himself, he could have found fault with Xia Yu by saying something like "I didn't know I was related to you," but Xia Yu didn't say it, instead following An Siyao's cue.

If Yu Liang argued, he would be picking on his own granddaughter.

As a qualified grandfather, how could he let his granddaughter suffer wrongs?

Yu Liang had no choice but to reluctantly respond with a simple word.

He waved his hand, letting Yu Ningmeng leave first.

Picking up the tea in front of him, Yu Liang drank it slowly.

An Siyao also poured a cup for Xia Yu from the teapot.

Xia Yu thought this meant he should drink some tea before starting the conversation and was impressed by the etiquette of the wealthy.

However, after he finished the cup of tea, Yu Liang showed no sign of speaking.

What was going on?

It was because An Siyao wasn't a talkative person, and Yu Liang had gotten used to sitting quietly with his granddaughter.

At times like these, Yu Liang would start reminiscing about the past - remembering An Siyao's childhood, his daughter, his three wives, his ten or so girlfriends, and if there was more time, those female celebrities.

He was currently recalling when his daughter, An Siyao's mother, started dating. He saw An Siyao across from him suddenly move.

An Siyao picked up the teapot and refilled Xia Yu's cup.

Is there this kind of service as well?

Yu Liang, who had always poured his own tea, was surprised as he picked up the teacup, drank the tea in one gulp, and placed the cup on the tea table. However, An Siyao did not make a move. He thought she hadn't seen him, so he coughed as a hint. But An Siyao just glanced at him before looking away.

Yu Liang picked up the teacup again and knocked on the tea table. An Siyao finally noticed his empty cup, picked up the teapot, and handed it to him. Taking the teapot, Yu Liang comforted himself that he was probably because he was sitting farther away from Xia Yu, outside the range of tea service. The fact that he could have the service of a teapot handed to him was already quite pleasing, not to mention too much.

Yu Liang, smiling, took the teapot, and happily poured himself a cup, continuing to reminisce. At this time, Xia Yu also found fun by playing with An Siyao's palm under the cover of the tea table and out of Yu Liang's sight. The young girl's fingers were slender and her skin was soft, and if a palm fetishist saw them, they would definitely try all means to get them.

Time slowly passed as Yu Liang reminisced, and Xia Yu and An Siyao flirted. When it was almost noon, the maid came up and asked about An Siyao's lunch arrangements. An Siyao first asked Xia Yu, "What are you having for lunch?" Normally, Xia Yu could list a bunch of things he wanted to eat, but Yu Liang was still there. "Anything is fine," Xia Yu answered.

After asking Xia Yu, An Siyao looked at Yu Liang, "Grandfather, are you..." Yu Liang's heart was delighted, as An Siyao had never asked him what he was eating before. The unfamiliar concern made him a little excited. Before An Siyao could finish, Yu Liang interrupted: "I..." An Siyao's second half of the sentence came out at the same time: "When are you leaving?"

She asked Xia Yu what he was eating, then asked me when I was leaving? He comforted himself: she probably thought I was busy and didn't want to keep me waiting. "I'll leave after lunch," Yu Liang's tone was as usual. In An Siyao's line of sight, he glared at Xia Yu.

At lunchtime, Yu Liang originally sat in the main seat, but when he saw An Siyao pull Xia Yu to sit together, he moved to the other side of An Siyao. The maid brought up the dishes one by one. Xia Yu spotted a plate of roast duck and set his sights on one piece; he reached out with his chopsticks, but just before he could pick it up, another pair of chopsticks snatched it away. Those were Yu Liang's chopsticks.

Facing Xia Yu's surprised gaze, Yu Liang showed a smug smile. The young Yu Ningmeng rubbed her forehead; whenever it came to something related to her granddaughter, Yu Liang easily became abnormal. Not figuring out what was wrong with Yu Liang, Xia Yu reached out for the roast duck again. Yu Liang once again snatched away the piece of meat Xia Yu was about to grab.

Just as Xia Yu wondered whether to give up on the dish, a hand stretched out and picked up the plate. It was An Siyao's hand. She placed the roast duck in front of Xia Yu and smiled at him. Yu Liang, who was originally smug, had his smile suddenly freeze. Looking at Yu Liang's expression, Xia Yu patted An Siyao's hand and put the roast duck back in its original place. To give his future paternal grandfather some face.

Yu Liang's mentality had completely exploded, and after that, he didn't reach for the roast duck with his chopsticks anymore, just quietly eating the dish in front of him.

After lunch, the maid brought out fruit. An Siyao took the fruit plate directly to Xia Yu's side, and Yu Liang looked calm.

The previous pouring of tea and asking about the meal were revisiting his mind, so he knew that he couldn't stop Xia Yu anymore.

He had never seen his granddaughter so attentive before, even disregarding her grandfather.

After finishing the fruit, Yu Liang sighed, stood up, and said, "Come with me." He waved at Xia Yu.

Although he had to acknowledge Xia Yu, he still wanted to continue the assessment.

The previous meeting was just the beginning, and now the real test was about to start.