Liu Manman: Regret

On Monday morning, Liu Manman came to Xia Yu's villa. After much thought, she still felt that Xia Yu's behavior was not good.

Taking her clothes now, what would happen in the future? She would definitely suffer a lot.

She decided to clear things up with Xia Yu before the competition.

She pressed the doorbell.

Xia Yu, who was sleeping, was awakened. Wearing pajamas and rubbing his sleepy eyes, he checked the time.

It was only five-thirty in the morning.

Getting out of bed, Xia Yu opened the bedroom door and saw Yuxue, who had also opened her door, rubbing her sleepy eyes.

"I'll open it." Xia Yu said.

"Okay." Yuxue climbed back into bed in a daze, forgetting to close the door.

Xia Yu came downstairs and opened the door for Liu Manman.

"What's the matter? Why are you here so early?" Xia Yu was very puzzled, but the feeling of sleepiness was even stronger.

Too lazy to listen to Liu Manman's explanation, he said, "Just sit around my house, let me go back to sleep for a while."

"Wait, I have a very serious matter to discuss with you!" Liu Manman grabbed him.

"Anything other than the end of the world can wait until I get up." After finishing his sentence, Xia Yu went back to his room.

Liu Manman was hesitant to talk about the clothing issue, and seeing Xia Yu going straight back to his room, she could only wait for him to wake up.

After wandering around downstairs, Liu Manman went back upstairs and saw Yuxue's door was not closed. She took the opportunity to sneak in.

This was her subconscious reaction when she saw an open door. She had nothing to do after entering.

Yuxue on the bed was awakened by her.

Sitting up, Yuxue rubbed her eyes and looked at Liu Manman: "Manman sister."

"Um." Liu Manman was about to leave, but since Yuxue had spoken to her, it would be rude for her to leave immediately.

She decided not to leave.

Taking off her coat, Liu Manman crawled into Yuxue's bed and hugged the girl: "Keep sleeping."

Despite being slightly troubled by Liu Manman's overly intimate behavior, Yuxue quickly fell back asleep.

Not until seven o'clock, when Yuxue's alarm went off, did the two women wake up.

Pushing away Liu Manman's arm that was draped over her, Yuxue got out of bed.

Liu Manman was also awake after a while, sitting on the edge of the bed.

She hadn't forgotten her purpose for coming over. She wanted to talk to Xia Yu about what happened last week and let him know that touching her girlfriend's clothes was not right.

She thought of her own sports bra, a black one with a yellow piglet printed on it, just like the one in Yuxue's drawer.

Wait, why did Yuxue have the same one as hers?

At that moment, Yuxue also sensed something wrong. She habitually opened the drawer to get clothes but forgot Liu Manman's were also in there.

Now that Liu Manman had discovered the clothes, she could only try to deceive her.

"This sports bra looks great." Liu Manman pretended to be curious, picked it up, and examined it, confirming it was her own.

What was going on? Why were her clothes with Yuxue? Didn't Yuxue say she hadn't seen them?

"About that..." Yuxue tried to put herself in Xia Yu's shoes.

If it were my brother, how would I deceive Liu Manman?

Two seconds later, Yuxue found an excuse, "I also think it looks pretty good, but I can't remember where I bought it. It's actually one size bigger. I found it on the ground when I was picking things up last week."

Liu Manman breathed a sigh of relief, realizing that it was not Yuxue hiding it, but treating it as her own.

Wait, if that's the case, didn't I misunderstand Xia Yu?

Liu Manman felt a little disappointed.

Once Yuxue was dressed, Liu Manman followed the girl out of the room.

She looked at the forum on her phone while sitting on the sofa.

Twenty minutes later, when Yuxue began making breakfast, Xia Yu got up too.

After washing up, Xia Yu sat at the dining table, eating bread and asking Liu Manman, "What serious matter did you say you wanted to talk to me about?"

Liu Manman stiffened, and after three seconds, she answered, "What are we eating for lunch today?"

It was indeed a serious question, full of profound philosophy. Xia Yu frowned, unable to come up with an answer for a long time.

He gave up thinking and decided to deal with it later.

"So you came knocking on my door at five-thirty in the morning just to ask me what's for lunch?" Xia Yu looked at Liu Manman puzzledly.

"I came to invite you and Yuxue to watch my match with An Siyao." Liu Manman found a ready-made excuse.

"But I have to go to class." Yuxue said dejectedly.

"No problem, I'll help you ask for leave!" Liu Manman took out her phone, found President Hua's number, and dialed to ask for leave for Yuxue.

President Hua called the principal of the attached middle school where Yuxue was studying and discussed the leave request. The matter was resolved.

Yuxue happily finished her breakfast, and the three of them went to Hua University together.

At the entrance of the school, a banner of the sports meet was hung up.

Entering the school, most people on the road were wearing team uniforms or carrying cheering sticks to cheer the players.

Other students were still in bed.

In the gym, Xia Yu found An Siyao and Yu Ningmeng.

An Siyao was wearing a white sports suit, her hair tied into a simple ponytail behind her head.

Usually, An Siyao would use a hairpin to keep her loose hair in place or braid it into complicated braids. It was Xia Yu's first time seeing An Siyao with a simple ponytail.

Sitting next to An Siyao, he played with her ponytail.

Liu Manman also reached out to Yuxue's ponytail next to her.

Below the stage, the first match started quickly. In two venues, eight players took the stage.

Seeing the rosters of the four teams, Xia Yu was a bit puzzled.

There were both men and women among the eight players.

After asking Liu Manman, Xia Yu learned that this competition was open to both genders; as long as there were two players, the team could participate.

Xia Yu continued to watch the matches on the field. At this point, it was the preliminary round, and the level of the three teams on the field was average, with only one team being slightly stronger.

They played back and forth, making Xia Yu yawn.

The match was played under the 21-point system, but only one round.

About the same time, the matches of the four teams ended, and it was time for Liu Manman and An Siyao to take the stage.

After they took the stage, a wave of cheers rang out, and the cheers were for Liu Manman. Although Liu Manman was not particularly enthusiastic about performing arts, she was still a debuted artist.

Upon seeing that their opponents were two boys wearing glasses, Liu Manman couldn't help but feel lucky.

As long as they were boys, they would surely show mercy to their opponents. At that time, she would just need to earn a couple of points, and with An Siyao at the bottom, no one would be able to discover her weakness.

However, her plan encountered a problem right from the start.