An Siyao: Top of the School

The server intentionally served a gentle shot. After An Siyao caught it, both boys didn't move, watching the ball fall to the ground.

Both of them breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts, the match had finally ended.

An Siyao, who scored the points, was also very happy. The only person who was not in a good mood was Xia Yu.

The current score was twenty-one to twelve. If the two of them hadn't given up, he would have at least seen An Siyao running around eight more times.

He reflected on his actions, feeling that he had put too much pressure on the opponents at the beginning, leading to this outcome.

In the next match, he learned his lesson and first let An Siyao lose twenty points before starting to catch up.

Both An Siyao and he were quite happy, while the opposing team became unhappy.

By Wednesday, during the semi-finals, Xia Yu continued this strategy but discovered that An Siyao was actually able to compete with the opponents.

The two opponents intentionally let the ball pass and didn't catch it from time to time, allowing An Siyao to score quickly.

The two of them were a couple, laughing as if they were not in a badminton match but playing with a neighbor's child.

They didn't want it to be like this. Although they were smiling on the surface, their hearts were filled with unease.

Who doesn't care about winning or losing? They wanted to win the championship as a couple, and then share pictures to show off. But after watching yesterday's match, they knew that they couldn't defeat Xia Yu, not only that, they would be beaten one-sidedly.

No one likes being beaten, so losing to An Siyao without alarming Xia Yu was the best choice.

Fifteen minutes later, they lost twenty-one points.

The referee announced the victory of Xia Yu's team.

An Siyao also noticed the two opponents' soft play, but she didn't care, her participation in the competition wasn't about winning or losing.

As long as Xia Yu enjoyed watching her from behind, that was enough.

Xia Yu was indeed somewhat happy, as after the two opponents softened their play, An Siyao's playing time became longer, and the time he watched also became longer.

The other two teams' semi-finals followed, and the final victory went to a team of two boys, who would have a final with An Siyao and Xia Yu in the afternoon.

In the afternoon finals, this team also adopted the same strategy as the one in the morning, losing to An Siyao.

The referee announced An Siyao's team as the champion, but the certificates and prizes would be distributed together after the sports meeting.

After finishing the match, Xia Yu and An Siyao went home.

They didn't know that someone had recorded the match.

On the Hua University forum, a post soon appeared:

Shocking! Hua University students' badminton level is not even as good as elementary school students!

Below, there were video links of the finals and semi-finals.

Most of the students who went to watch the match didn't know the situation and seeing the two boys and one girl pecking at each other like weak chickens, they took it for real.

Have the finals become like this?

In the afternoon, those who went to watch the match said it was really ridiculous.

If I had known earlier, I would have signed up for badminton too. Isn't the prize a freebie, plus extra points!

Although the three of them were weak, they still had a professional spirit, but what kind of ghost was the camera operator in the background?

In Hua University's forum, not only were there students from Hua University, but also some people from other schools lurking. The traffic was huge and the post quickly became the hottest one in the forum.

After stirring up public opinion for an afternoon, at midnight, the instigator posted another message:

Shocking, I thought it was a matter of skill level, but it turns out they were too afraid to show their true ability. Was there a transaction of money or a threat of power behind this?

The attached images showed the performances of the two teams in the semi-finals and finals.

This post, while riding on the popularity of the previous one, also involved the subject of insider information, which the public loved to discuss, and the heat level quickly reached new heights.

Xia Yu also noticed these posts. He originally thought that it was a group of media students playing with people's emotions, and that the next step would be to post the video of his battle with the other competitors, clarifying that there was no insider information and that the opponents were simply afraid of him.

However, after posting two posts, the third one did not appear for a long time.

Students who knew the inside story tried to explain, but it was not easy to clear things up in the midst of the heat already generated.

Fortunately, the school also had the video of the previous matches. In the evening, the official account posted Xia Yu's competition video, putting an end to this issue.

Soon, many comments appeared under the video.

So it turns out they were afraid of the Demon King, what a plot twist!

Seeing how badly the opponents were beaten in these videos, I would have chosen to lose to the girl too.

I can't believe they even made a fuss out of an intramural badminton match!

The netizens quickly accepted the explanation and found the plot twist rather interesting.

But Xia Yu didn't think so.

Before long, the counselor called him and told him about the situation: "It was done by the students in charge of the forum at the radio station. They didn't expect it to get so big. They originally planned to post the third video ten minutes after the second one, but there was a technical failure, and the person in charge was out eating hot pot. The videos are all on his computer."

Having explained the reason, the counselor talked about the outcome: "The head of the radio station can personally apologize to you, it's up to you."

"Was it really a malfunction?" Xia Yu asked the counselor directly.

"It should be, no one would want to mess with you otherwise. You're not fighting for anything, and you don't have a love rival. In this matter, neither you nor An Siyao's information was exposed, and now the final video can probably become a meme, so this matter should have nothing to do with the head of the radio station." The counselor spoke up for the radio station head.

The video quality was not good, and it was shot from behind the stands, so only the silhouettes could be seen, and not the specific appearances. Those who knew the situation did not maliciously spread Xia Yu and An Siyao's names. The video basically did not cause any trouble.

"Let's forget about it then," Xia Yu said.

After hanging up the phone, Xia Yu turned on his laptop and used his technical skills to check the account that posted the messages. He didn't see any flaws, and everything seemed to be just as the counselor had said.

There was no emotional response either, probably because this event wouldn't affect him in any way.

After Xia Yu put this matter to rest, his phone rang.

It was a message from Zhong Yunxin.

Zhong Yunxin sent a blurry photo of a roadside scene. The blurriness was because the object was moving so fast that the camera couldn't accurately capture the image, indicating that Zhong Yunxin was on a high-speed moving object.

Zhong Yunxin then sent another photo, a selfie of her sitting on the back seat of a speeding GT motorcycle. "Cool, huh!" Zhong Yunxin said proudly. "Not bad, who's in front of you?" Xia Yu looked at the figure driving the GT motorcycle in the photo. "It's the friend I told you about last time!" Zhong Yunxin replied.

Previously, Zhong Yunxin had sent a message to Xia Yu saying that she had made a friend and shared a photo of the friend. It was a girl with heavy makeup, scary enough to go out at night. "Be careful, don't get reported," Xia Yu tried to lure Zhong Yunxin into revealing the name of the street they were on, but she didn't say.

"Ah, we just overtook two yellow-haired guys, they won't retaliate, will they?" Zhong Yunxin said. Unable to find out the name of the street, Xia Yu enlarged the first photo, which had a blurry street sign. He cropped out the part with the street sign and sent it to the driver he had added on Penguin before. "What place is this? Do you know?"

After sending this message, Xia Yu was about to continue chatting with Zhong Yunxin when he received a reply from the driver: "It's Kagura Road, be careful, senior." Slightly puzzled by the driver's last words, Xia Yu replied, "Thanks."

Exiting the chat with the driver, Xia Yu opened the chat with Zhong Yunxin again. He replied to her, "Yeah, I heard those yellow-haired guys who like street racing are very narrow-minded. If they can't win, they call the police." After finishing, he took out his spare phone and dialed 110. "Hello, police? I want to report that two underage girls are racing on GT motorcycles on Kagura Road." The police said they would investigate quickly. Xia Yu waited.

Three minutes later, Xia Yu saw a new message from Zhong Yunxin: "The police are chasing us, so exciting." There was also a photo sent of the police GT motorcycle following them. Two minutes later, Xia Yu received a call from Zhong Yunxin's number. However, it was not Zhong Yunxin on the phone, but the police. "Are you Zhong Yunxin's guardian? Your child has been stopped by us for street racing. Please come to Kagura police station to pick her up." Xia Yu agreed with satisfaction.

Putting down the phone, Xia Yu was not in a hurry to go. The police would not indulge Zhong Yunxin, so it was just right for her to experience the harsh reality of society. After watching an episode of a TV series, Xia Yu leisurely got up and headed towards the police station. It took him another thirty minutes to reach the Kagura police station.

Upon entering, Xia Yu saw a dejected Zhong Yunxin with her head down. Beside her sat an ordinary girl wrapped in a blanket. The police were explaining the situation to Xia Yu according to the procedure, doing so in the next room so as not to affect Zhong Yunxin's emotions. The young policeman talked about the seriousness of the incident, the insecurity of GT motorcycles, and the consequences of falling off one.

It is said that those malicious women will pretend to be well-behaved ladies in front of the people they like, An Siyao must be one of them!

It's too frightening. It's bad enough to be malicious, but they can also put on an act.

Zhong Yunxin's fear of An Siyao deepened.

With An Siyao around, Zhong Yunxin felt very safe and didn't cause any trouble after An Siyao left at night, just playing games.

When it was time to sleep, Xia Yu lay in bed, thinking about Zhong Yunxin's situation.

This friend called Liangliang should not have too much contact with Zhong Yunxin; a way to separate them must be found.

If Liangliang could be won over, that would be even better. She seemed to be tough, so having her keep an eye on Zhong Yunxin would surely keep Zhong Yunxin from misbehaving.

A way to get in touch with her must be considered.