An, Xia, Hu

Xu Youxiang stopped Xia Yu from saying what he wanted to say, asking him to come over and accompany her next weekend. As for what she wanted to do, Xu Youxiang didn't reveal anything. Xia Yu didn't ask either. He calculated the date of next weekend and found that he had no other appointments, so he agreed.

Upon returning to his own body, Xia Yu glanced at the post he had sent that morning, which had started a new round of arguments. However, this time, both the northerners and southerners argued with each other while mocking the third-party forces. As soon as the third-party forces showed their heads, they would be caught by the excited people on both sides for a wild celebration. This post had become the hottest topic in the forum, and Xia Yu even saw many secondary accounts joining in the discussion. It seemed that someone had shared the link to other places and attracted a group of spectators.

Xia Yu guessed that the forum administrator must be very excited, as the number of users had increased greatly. He closed his laptop and went out to have dinner with Yuxue. "Where are we going for winter vacation?" the girl asked. "You're already thinking about winter vacation after only two months of school?" Xia Yu grabbed a chopstick full of beef. Recently, Yuxue's cooking skills had improved a lot, reaching the level of a highly skilled housewife.

If it had been an ordinary father-daughter pair, the daughter would have been a little scared after being teased by her father like this. But the Xia family couldn't be considered as an ordinary family, and Yuxue knew Xia Yu was just making a joke. She continued, "How about we go on a trip?" "Let's talk about it later," Xia Yu didn't take it seriously.

"But we can't wait until then. We need to get passports and visas," Yuxue explained the reason for bringing up the trip early. "You want to go abroad?" Xia Yu was surprised. "I want to go," Yuxue held Xia Yu's arm and said in a coquettish tone. Xia Yu thought for a moment; going abroad for a vacation wasn't a bad idea. He told Yuxue, "Give me a plan in a week. If it's well done and attractive enough, I'll take you there." "Okay!" Yuxue happily hugged Xia Yu, quickly finished her meal, and went back to her room to write the plan.

After Xia Yu finished eating, he sat on the sofa for a while. Seeing that Yuxue didn't come to lean on him as she had planned, he returned to his bedroom. Now it was November 9th night, and on the morning of the 10th, Xia Yu logged into An Siyao's body.

Hu Lianglu was still sleeping beside An Siyao, which was not a bad thing, in case there was any danger in the middle of the night, she could step in at any time. After An Siyao got up, Hu Lianglu got up as well. Xia Yu, as usual, washed up with her and then reviewed the previous day's teaching. Hu Lianglu basically had no resistance to Xia Yu's departure, although she was still unhappy. If she didn't have any unhappiness, Xia Yu would be on guard instead. Unhappiness is a manifestation of dependence, dependence is a manifestation of love, and love can make Hu Lianglu consciously and actively protect An Siyao.

In the afternoon, feeling that the first phase could be completed, Xia Yu entered the second phase. He took Hu Lianglu to An Siyao's room and called Yinwan. The next step was to get Hu Lianglu to stop rejecting An Siyao's closeness with others.

At this stage, half of it went smoothly, but the other half had a little problem.

Hu Lianglu didn't reject An Siyao and Yin Wan getting close, but only if she could join them as well.

Of course, Xia Yu couldn't agree.

Rejected, Hu Lianglu sat on the side, feeling sullen.

Xia Yu had no solution, so he could only try to make it up to Hu Lianglu by giving her extra attention afterward.

After a few days like this, by the 14th, Hu Lianglu had basically become a qualified bodyguard, and Xia Yu tried to meet with An Siyao using his real body without any particular resistance from Hu Lianglu.

In the afternoon of the 14th, Tina's adoptive father was supposed to come over, and Xia Yu logged into her body.

At this time, it was morning in the second area, and Tina was sitting on a bench in the waiting hall.

First, Xia Yu moved a little to get used to the girl's body, and then he looked at the adoptive father next to him.

The adoptive father's gaze was constantly moving between luggage and Xia Yu, looking somewhat nervous.

If people didn't know the situation, they would definitely mistake him for a pervert planning to do something terrible to Tina and the luggage.

Guessing what was going on with the adoptive father, Xia Yu said, "I'll watch the suitcase."

"Is it okay?" The adoptive father was delighted but also a bit worried.

"It's fine," Xia Yu replied.

"Then you just stay here, don't move, and I'll be right back," the adoptive father hurriedly stood up and went to the restroom.

Hooking the small suitcase under his foot, Xia Yu sighed.

He felt this adoptive father was a bit unreliable.

How could a man who could be easily held back by needing to pee seem reliable?

He was somewhat doubtful whether letting Tina follow the adoptive father was the right choice.

Well, anyway, he just had to keep a closer eye on Tina. Shaoguang was An Tianfeng's main base, so even if something went wrong, it should be easy to remedy, and nothing should happen.

Waiting for the adoptive father to return, Xia Yu handed back the suitcase to him. At this time, the boarding announcement also sounded.

Ordinarily getting on the plane, sitting in his seat, and fastening his seatbelt, Xia Yu lay down comfortably.

His seat was by the aisle, and a stewardess was on the side. She was attracted by Tina's skilled movements and couldn't help but observe.

The adoptive father, who was pinned down by Xia Yu at his seat, was fumbling with his seatbelt for a long time but still couldn't find it.

Xia Yu patted him on the back, told him to stand up, and pulled out the seatbelt from under him.

After fastening the seatbelt, the adoptive father encountered a new problem; his seatbelt was a bit tight.

Because it was tightly wrapped around his stomach and difficult to handle, he tried to loosen it twice but failed both times.

Xia Yu could only reach out again and help the adoptive father.

He was now certain that Tina's fate might be a bit bumpy this time.

But for Tina, who had grown up in a slum, that shouldn't be a problem.

The adoptive father, whose seatbelt was loosened, took a deep breath, and said to Xia Yu, "Thank you, Tina."

"You're welcome," Xia Yu replied, somewhat helpless.

The stewardess next to them, who had seen everything with her own eyes, couldn't help but laugh, finding the combination of an unreliable father and a helpless daughter to be quite comical.

"Pay attention to your image," another stewardess whispered to her.

Xia Yu, who had sharp ears, couldn't help but look at the two when he heard this.

The two were speaking in Chinese.

Through the porthole, seeing the Chinese characters on the wing outside, Xia Yu confirmed that this was a plane from District One.

He reached out to adjust the skirt on his body, feeling that his legs were a bit cold.

"Can you give me a blanket?" Xia Yu spoke in Chinese to the stewardess beside him.

"Please wait a moment." The stewardess replied in English before realizing something was wrong.

Did she just hear Chinese? Chinese spoken by a blonde, blue-eyed little girl?

Torn between continuing to walk away or going back to ask, she first fetched a blanket and handed it to Di Yu.

"Thank you." Xia Yu put the blanket on his legs.

"Your Chinese is very good." The stewardess also responded in Chinese with a puzzled look on her face before leaving.

She was a well-trained stewardess, and although curious, she knew it wasn't appropriate to ask questions in front of so many people.

At this time, the adoptive father, oblivious, finally noticed something was wrong, and turned to look at his daughter: "You can speak Chinese too?"

"I used to know a little bit," Xia Yu answered.

He had not gone to see Tina recently due to some matters, but before that, he had given her relatively lengthy guidance.

With his direct tutelage through her body, the girl learned fast, as if she had some sort of supernatural ability that allowed her to experience things firsthand.

First, let the muscles memorize, then learn on their own; this learning method had already been proven effective on An Siyao.

However, Tina could only speak some simple words now and hadn't learned to write characters.

Xia Yu planned to teach her more in the coming days.

Fortunately, Tina wasn't the biological daughter of the adoptive father, otherwise, it would be difficult to find an excuse.

The adoptive father was quite surprised, but after seeing how engrossed his daughter was in reading thick economics books, he had already envisioned that his daughter was different from ordinary people, so he could still accept it.

After he calmed down, he spoke to the passenger sitting across from him.

"Hey, do you live in District One?" The speaker was a college student-looking Asian, speaking Chinese with a northeastern dialect.

Although Xia Yu could understand, he felt Tina wouldn't be able to comprehend it in a short time, so to avoid inconsistency, he could only pretend not to understand and reply, "Can you please speak Putonghua (Mandarin)?"

The college student's mood became peculiar - he, a Chinese, surprisingly received a "please speak Putonghua" request from a white person.

I am speaking Putonghua, just not particularly standard.

Giving up on using Chinese, he switched to English to chat with Xia Yu.

Xia Yu was bored, so he casually chatted with him and got a handheld console out of it, becoming very happy playing.

Tina was also attracted by the game, occasionally letting out exclamations.

This girl might be a good choice for playing games together, Xia Yu judged.

The handheld console's power was running low, so Xia Yu returned it to the college student when it reached about 20% battery, pulled the blanket up, and went to sleep.

Eight hours later, he returned to his own body; it was already the early morning on the second day in the first district. Xia Yu played the game for more than an hour, logged into Tina's body again, and continued to sleep.

By the time he was awakened by his adoptive father, the plane was already taxiing.

After a while, the plane stopped, and they could disembark.

After collecting their checked luggage, the two of them left the airport and hailed a taxi outside.

This place wasn't like the world he used to live in, where English was spoken globally, and his adoptive father had a hard time communicating.

Seeing the bewildered driver, Xia Yu could only take matters into his own hands.

Xia Yu suspected that if it weren't for his foresight, Tina and his adoptive father would have experienced a miserable journey.

After getting in the car, Xia Yu asked his adoptive father, "Didn't the hospital arrange someone to pick you up?"

His adoptive father was here for an exchange in the first district, and by rights, there should have been someone from the hospital waiting at the airport.

"They said they would come tomorrow, but since I planned on arriving today, I declined," his adoptive father replied.

Xia Yu mentally added a stubborn label to him.

Upon arriving at the hotel, Xia Yu didn't let his adoptive father book a room. Instead, he took his adoptive father's phone and communicated with the hospital staff on the other side. They had already arranged accommodations and a nanny, waiting for his adoptive father to arrive.

After taking another taxi, the two arrived at the hospital's staff dormitory.

It was a well-furnished two-bedroom apartment, with a nanny coming daily to clean and do laundry.

The hospital staff gave a brief introduction in English, then excused themselves and left the two to rest.

With the fourteen-hour flight time and the effect of jet lag, it was not an easy journey.

His adoptive father soon fell asleep tiredly, but Xia Yu, who had slept the entire way on the plane, had no inkling of drowsiness. He left a note, took the key, and looked around the area.

It was an apartment building behind the hospital, quite close to the hospital, with no major shopping malls nearby, but many small shops.

Unfortunately, Tina had no money.

After instructing Tina for a while, telling her where she could and could not go, and what to do in case of danger, Xia Yu hurried back to the apartment.

His adoptive father hadn't woken up, so the note he left as insurance didn't do its job. He destroyed the note, turned on the TV for Tina to watch a foreign cartoon channel, and then eight hours passed before he returned to his own body.

At this point, it was ten in the morning, and entrusted Xia Yu was attending school classes.

After waiting for the morning classes to end, Xia Yu waited in the classroom for a while until An Siyao arrived.

An Siyao happily came over to Xia Yu's side and held his hand.

"This is for you, from Aunt Ning," the girl took a USB flash drive out of her pocket.

Holding the USB drive, Xia Yu recalled what An Siyao had just said.

From Yu Ningmeng?

In an instant, the words "private photos of Yu Ningmeng" flashed through Xia Yu's mind. Moments later, he realized that it should be the investigation he had asked her to conduct earlier.

Yu Ningmeng probably couldn't be bothered organizing the information and just passed all the data directly to him.

Holding the USB drive, Xia Yu suddenly wanted to tease An Siyao. He held the USB drive between two fingers and said to her, "Aren't you curious what's inside?"

"What is it?" An Siyao asked in cooperation.

"It's a little video I asked her to secretly film when you weren't paying attention," Xia Yu replied.

"You're lying!" This clumsy lie couldn't fool An Siyao.

Xia Yu deeply reflected on his prideful behavior, thinking that since it was An Siyao, he could say anything casually.

He continued to threaten An Siyao: "Now it's just a lie, but it might not be the same soon. When we get home, I'll lock you in your room to record a video!"

As the words were still in the air, he felt a draft behind his head and simultaneously received a warning of danger through his intuition.

Lowering his head, Xia Yu dodged Hu Lianglu's slap.

Missing her target, Hu Lianglu prepared to continue her attack, but An Siyao hurriedly stopped her.

Watching An Siyao, Hu Lianglu was full of confusion.

"Sit down," An Siyao pointed at a chair and said.

Hu Lianglu sat down.

With her hands on her hips, An Siyao imitated Xia Yu's expression and started explaining the rules to Hu Lianglu.