Not a Love Rival, But...

"Is this really okay?" Xia Yu hesitated, holding his clothes.

"Hurry up, it's almost time. We have to go." Xu Youxiang threw over a bag.

Opening the bag, Xia Yu saw a suit.

"Where are we going?" Xia Yu took out the suit and glanced at the size, which turned out to be just right.

Upon further inspection, it was even a famous brand.

"To attend a gathering." Xu Youxiang said.

"A work gathering?" Xia Yu asked as he put on his clothes.

"A gathering with friends." Xu Youxiang denied.

"You have friends?" Xia Yu was even more surprised.

"Why wouldn't I have friends? I'm amazing at making dresses!" Xu Youxiang said, staring at her amber eyes.

Xia Yu then understood that the so-called friends were just fellow enthusiasts who made dresses together.

"You're the one without any friends!" Having felt underestimated, Xu Youxiang began mocking Xia Yu, "Especially those with girlfriends, they all dare not approach you."

Xia Yu was full of question marks: "What kind of person do you think I am?"

Humphing, Xu Youxiang continued: "I didn't want to go to that gathering originally, but someone in the group is always bothering me. You can go and take care of him."

Upon hearing this, Xia Yu's expression became serious, and he asked, "What's the situation?"

"He's a fabric supply store owner. After getting to know him in the group, he always sends me awkward private messages. He gives me abnormal discounts when I buy fabric from his company. It's so scary that I haven't been to that store for ten days now." Xu Youxiang explained.

Xia Yu nodded, thinking that if it was just these two points, it would still be a normal pursuer, and the way to deal with it could be more gentle.

Xu Youxiang hadn't finished, she continued: "I told him I already have a boyfriend, and he actually inquired indirectly about how much my boyfriend's salary was and if he was short of money."

"Hmm?" Xia Yu frowned, unable to understand the operation.

Was he planning to give himself money and let himself leave?

No, wouldn't it be better to directly tempt the girl with money? Even if the man left, the girl wouldn't necessarily be his.

Could it be a kind of special hobby?

Xia Yu was a bit panicked.

He quickly put on his clothes and decided to meet the pervert.

After he finished changing, Xu Youxiang stretched out her hand and let him help her change her clothes as well.

With everything prepared, the two arrived at the gathering place.

It was a large room in a hotel.

The gathering used a banquet format, with food and drinks placed on long tables.

"Is he here?" Xia Yu asked Xu Youxiang, who was sitting in a wheelchair.

Xu Youxiang scanned the surrounding area and was about to point him out to Xia Yu when five women in dresses surrounded her.

The woman leading the group excitedly asked, "You're 'Cut down that Yu', right?"

Xia Yu quickly turned to look at Xu Youxiang.

He saw Xu Youxiang nod.

"It's really Yu Niang." The women exclaimed excitedly.

Question marks appeared in Xia Yu's mind again. What the hell was this strange title of Yu Niang?

Xu Youxiang also felt a little embarrassed, she said, "Just call me Chop Chop."

This nickname was also dangerous!

Why would you use such a risky nickname!

At this time, there were many people, so Xia Yu couldn't question Xu Youxiang.

He watched Xu Youxiang chatting with this group of women and marveled at how popular she was.

It made sense, with Xu Youxiang's talents in matching clothes and makeup, it would be abnormal if she didn't do well.

After answering the women's questions, Xu Youxiang introduced Xia Yu.

Xia Yu smiled and nodded to these women, and made a detailed explanation about the makeup problem mentioned by one of the women earlier.

He had gained makeup level 2 from Xu Youxiang, and had level 1 in clothing matching.

Level 2 was already at the level of an expert, making explanations was enough. Moreover, Xia Yu's level 2 was versatile in all styles.

He deliberately guided the explanation towards styles that ordinary people didn't know about or were somewhat obscure.

Two women started recording the conversation on their phones, with the other women asking Xia Yu to record a video explanation when they got home.

After one explanation, Xia Yu gained the respect of five women and was even invited into the Penguin group chat.

Feeling that they had stayed for too long, these women left consciously, leaving Xia Yu and Xu Youxiang some space.

At the dining table, Xia Yu casually picked up some food and fed Xu Youxiang.

The food was good, not top-notch, but definitely tasty.

This was mainly because the hotel chose dishes that did not require advanced techniques.

"The man who just came over is the one I told you about." Xu Youxiang, who was eating snacks, said, glancing at the man beside her.

Xia Yu looked to the right and saw the man Xu Youxiang was talking about.

He was skinny but still handsome. The man wore a very fitting suit, an unknown but seemingly expensive watch on his hand, and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on his nose.

When the man arrived in front of Xu Youxiang and Xia Yu, he didn't speak to Xu Youxiang, but instead looked at Xia Yu: "Are you Kankan's boyfriend?"

Feeling a chill on his neck when he heard this nickname, Xia Yu touched his neck and replied, "My name is Xia Yu, nice to meet you."

The two shook hands.

After releasing their grip, the skinny man asked, "Can we talk?"

Does he want to pay me off? Xia Yu wondered.

He wanted to see what the man was trying to do, so he nodded in agreement.

The two went to a secluded corner where no one was around, and the skinny man asked, "Mr. Xia Yu, do you need money?"

This direct?

Xia Yu shook his head, "No."

"Even if it starts at one hundred thousand?" said the skinny man.

You want to buy me off with one hundred thousand?

Xia Yu was a little disappointed and then relieved.

In reality, those with money wouldn't throw it around carelessly; scenarios like paying millions to get someone to leave their girlfriend wouldn't actually happen.

In the face of the skinny man's eager eyes, Xia Yu shook his head.

The skinny man's face became anxious, and he grabbed Xia Yu's arm, raising the price, "How about two hundred thousand?"

Looking at the suddenly agitated skinny man, Xia Yu was somewhat puzzled, and he first denied the added amount, "I don't need money, and two hundred thousand in my eyes is no different from twenty."

The skinny man's spirit immediately wilted.

"Sigh, it must be fate that's working against me," muttered the skinny man.

Xia Yu looked at him in astonishment: Is this the legendary love-struck mindset? No matter if the person they're after has a boyfriend, a child, or even if they aren't human, they don't care – if they can't have them, they'd rather die?

He felt that the situation might be different from what Xu Youxiang had told him. The previous explanation from Xu Youxiang and the words of the thin man now both revealed some strangeness.

"What do you want to do, tell me first," Xia Yu said to the man.