You Xue's Buddha Crisis

"What are you going to do?" Xu Youxiang felt a little scared, only realizing at this moment that her behavior just now had been so improper. She tried to use her hands to cover her feet, but Xia Yu had already taken a step ahead and held her feet in his hands. He caressed the sole of Xu Youxiang's foot and looked at her with anticipation. Xu Youxiang became even more frightened. No matter how you look at me with that expression, it's useless!

She was just about to reply when she saw Xia Yu's disappointed expression. "Only the toes can move, there's still no sense of touch." He put down Xu Youxiang's foot and looked very depressed. He had intended to tickle Xu Youxiang, making her laugh, but he failed. "Pervert!" Xu Youxiang, ashamed and angry, cursed at Xia Yu.

How did it become perverted just by tickling her feet?

After putting the socks on for Xu Youxiang, Xia Yu said, "The weather is cold, don't walk barefoot." Xu Youxiang turned her head away, ignoring him.

Xia Yu thought it was because he hadn't paid attention to whether her foot could move, which made her upset. He went to comfort her, but instead of receiving Xu Youxiang's forgiveness, he was driven out of the room. Sitting on the sofa outside, Xia Yu couldn't understand.

Never mind, anyway, she'll recover soon. Xia Yu, who knew Xu Youxiang's character, didn't worry. He took out his phone and looked at Penguin's messages.

Both Yuxue and An Siyao had sent messages, An Siyao sent Yuxue's photo, and Yuxue sent An Siyao's photo. After encouraging both of them, Xia Yu saved the photos.

At this time, Penguin had not yet launched the photo album function, otherwise, it would have been more convenient to store them in the cloud album. Speaking of the cloud, something like cloud storage might be worth working on as well.

First, relying on free service to unify the market and then limiting the speed for non-members, forcing users to purchase a membership. Although selling memberships would have to wait until mobile payment appeared, it would still take time to unify the market in the early stage. In that period, mobile payment could be developed—although it needed the government's endorsement first.

Xia Yu didn't consider An Tianfeng; An Tianfeng's fortune still had An Feixiong's share, and in the future, there might be An Feihu, An Feiniu, and An Feizhu. While Yu Liang only had An Siyao, his granddaughter, who couldn't possibly create any other heirs.

As he daydreamed, Xu Youxiang's embarrassment disappeared, and she called Xia Yu for some reason. They reminisced about childhood games together, and in the evening, Xia Yu went to Tina's place.

It was nine o'clock at night, and Tina's adoptive father had already gone to sleep. He was a model of self-discipline, going to bed at nine o'clock sharp every day, reading for half an hour before bed and then drinking a glass of milk.

Tina was in the living room watching cartoons. When Xia Yu arrived, he turned off the TV, went to the bedroom, closed the door, and continued teaching the girl Chinese. At eleven o'clock, he stopped teaching and lay down on the bed. "Meow." The white cat Meow jumped to his side and lay down to sleep. Xia Yu didn't fall asleep right away because Tina was talking to him.

"Dad said he'll take me to meet relatives tomorrow night," Tina told Xia Yu. Before coming here, her adoptive father had mentioned that he had a relative in Shaking Light and that he might leave Tina there.

Being sent to live with relatives was a very normal option, but since the two of them had no relatives in the second district other than the older generation, who were unreliable, Tina would surely have been sent to live with relatives in the second district instead of following them to the first district.

"I'll come visit you at that time," Xia Yu promised the girl. He knew that Tina was worried and wanted him to check on her family.

As expected, the girl was filled with joy after receiving Xia Yu's reply.

After turning off the light, Xia Yu went to sleep.

Eight hours later, he returned to his body.

It was now five o'clock in the morning of the second day.

After playing with his phone in bed for an hour, Xia Yu got up and washed, then woke up Xu Youxiang. The two ate breakfast together, went out for a walk, and ate lunch outside.

Returning to the villa, Xia Yu packed his things. Today was Sunday, and he would take the afternoon flight back.

As Xu Youxiang sent him to the door of the villa, she suddenly stopped him.

Xia Yu came back to Xu Youxiang and looked at her.

"Squat down," Xu Youxiang beckoned.

Xia Yu then squatted in front of her. Looking at Xu Youxiang's shy expression and wandering gaze, he already knew what was coming next. He cooperated and moved his face closer to her.

Feeling annoyed by the teasing look in his eyes, Xu Youxiang's anger drove away her shyness. She leaned in and kissed him.

After their lips parted, Xu Youxiang said with a flushed face, "Thank you for your gift."

Was this a thank-you for the uneasy feeling that she had about the scepter? Xia Yu wondered.

"But don't send these things next time," Xu Youxiang added.

Patting her face, Xia Yu stood up and said, "Then I'm leaving."

"Go be with your An Siyao!" Xu Youxiang became angry again.

Knowing that Xu Youxiang was just upset about him leaving, Xia Yu patted her head and left the villa, getting in the car.

In the car, he touched his lips. Xu Youxiang had been planning this, applying sweet lipstick, and now his lips still tasted sweet.

Thinking of Xu Youxiang's unhappy expression before he left, Xia Yu suddenly felt like he was a scumbag who was keeping a mistress on the side and sneaking around on the weekends.

He needed to find a way to solve this problem.

Both An Siyao and Xu Youxiang knew about each other. An Siyao never mentioned Xu Youxiang, while Xu Youxiang often talked about An Siyao, implicitly acknowledging An Siyao's first place.

The biggest problem was the system.

Why was this world a normal order world? A world where the strong had multiple wives would be much better, or even an ancient society would do.

Xia Yu was stumped by this problem, and he had no solution at the moment.

First, changing the law was impossible. However, this world was not just the first district; the laws were different between districts.

But changing one's district was not a very realistic option. Xu Youxiang's parents might not mind, but An Siyao's parents would definitely have strong opinions.

Yu Liang wanted An Siyao to inherit the family business, and this would not be possible if they changed their district.

Never mind, they could deal with it later.

Putting this matter aside for now, Xia Yu entered the airport and boarded the plane.

Three hours later, Xia Yu returned home.

"Welcome home." Yuxue, who had been waiting at home, took the luggage from Xia Yu's hand.

Having a diligent younger sister, Xia Yu only needed to sit on the sofa and rest.

While drinking Sprite, he watched Yuxue unpack his suitcase.

As he watched, he noticed a red string around the girl's neck, which was the cord of a necklace.

"What are you wearing?" Xia Yu casually asked.

"A Buddha statue." Yuxue replied.

"Cough, cough, cough." Xia Yu choked on his drink, recalling Yuxue's talent for Buddhist principles.

Could this be a sign of her joining the Buddhism sect?

It must be dealt with immediately!